词汇 |
@topic_transport-by-water |
释义 |
- abaftadverb
c2 - aboardadverb
c1 - admiralnoun
c1 - adriftadjective
c2 - a following windidiom
c2 - aftadverb
c2 - aftermostadjective
c2 - agroundadverb
c2 - agroundadjective
c2 - aircraft carriernoun
c2 - amidshipsadverb
c2 - anchornoun
c1 - anchorverb
c1 - anchoragenoun
c2 - ashoreadverb
c2 - asternadverb
c2 - at seaidiom
b1 - at the helmidiom
c2 - automatic pilotnoun
c1 - autopilotnoun
c1 - backwashnoun
c2 - ballastnoun
c2 - bargenoun
c2 - battlecruisernoun
c2 - battleshipnoun
c2 - beaconnoun
c2 - becalmedadjective
c2 - berthnoun
c2 - bilgenoun
c2 - bill of ladingnoun
c2 - boardnoun
b1 - boarding cardnoun
b2 - boatnoun
a1 - boathousenoun
c1 - boatingnoun
b2 - boatswainnoun
c2 - boiler roomnoun
c2 - bollardnoun
c2 - boomnoun
c2 - bosunnoun
c2 - bottomnoun
b1 - bownoun
c2 - bowlinenoun
c2 - bowspritnoun
c2 - bridgenoun
c2 - brignoun
c2 - buccaneernoun
c2 - bulkheadnoun
c2 - bunknoun
c2 - bunkernoun
c2 - buoynoun
c2 - cabinnoun
b2 - cabin boynoun
c2 - cabin cruisernoun
c2 - cablenoun
c1 - canalnoun
b2 - canal boatnoun
b2 - canoenoun
b2 - canoeverb
b2 - canoeistnoun
c1 - capsizeverb
c2 - capstannoun
c2 - captainnoun
b1 - cargonoun
c1 - carriernoun
c2 - catamarannoun
c2 - caulkverb
c2 - channelnoun
b2 - chanteynoun
c2 - charternoun
c2 - charterverb
c2 - charteredadjective
c2 - circumnavigateverb
c2 - circumnavigationnoun
c2 - clippernoun
c2 - coasternoun
c2 - coastguardnoun
c2 - cockpitnoun
c1 - colornoun
c2 - colournoun
c2 - companionwaynoun
c2 - containernoun
c1 - convoynoun
c2 - coraclenoun
c2 - corvettenoun
c2 - craftnoun
c2 - crewnoun
b2 - crossingnoun
b2 - crow’s nestnoun
c2 - cruisenoun
b2 - cruisenoun
b2 - cruisernoun
c2 - currentnoun
b2 - cutternoun
c2 - decknoun
b2 - deckhandnoun
c2 - deckhousenoun
c2 - derricknoun
c2 - destroyernoun
c2 - dhownoun
c2 - dinghynoun
c2 - disembarkverb
c2 - disembarkationnoun
c2 - distressnoun
c1 - docknoun
c1 - dockverb
c1 - docklandnoun
c2 - docksidenoun
c2 - dockyardnoun
c2 - dragon boatnoun
c2 - dredgeverb
c2 - dredgernoun
c2 - driftnoun
c1 - dry docknoun
c2 - dry landnoun
b2 - dugoutnoun
c2 - embarkverb
c1 - embarkationnoun
c2 - engineernoun
b1 - engine roomnoun
b2 - ensignnoun
c2 - factory shipnoun
c2 - ferrynoun
b1 - ferryverb
c2 - ferry boatnoun
b1 - figureheadnoun
c2 - first matenoun
c2 - flagshipnoun
c2 - flight decknoun
c2 - floatverb
b2 - flotillanoun
c2 - flotsamnoun
c2 - foghornnoun
c2 - foreadjective
c2 - forecastlenoun
c2 - foresailnoun
c2 - forwardadverb
c1 - founderverb
c2 - fo’c’slenoun
c2 - free on boardadjective
c2 - freighternoun
c2 - frigatenoun
c2 - funnelnoun
c2 - galleonnoun
c2 - galleynoun
c2 - gangplanknoun
c2 - gangwaynoun
c2 - gondolanoun
c2 - groundverb
c1 - groundingnoun
c2 - guard railnoun
c2 - gunboatnoun
c2 - gunnelnoun
c2 - gunwalenoun
c2 - gyroscopenoun
c2 - handnoun
c2 - harbournoun
b2 - hatchnoun
c2 - hatchwaynoun
c2 - hawsernoun
c2 - heave into sight/viewidiom
c2 - heavyadjective
c1 - helmnoun
c2 - helmverb
c2 - helmsmannoun
c2 - high tidenoun
c1 - high waternoun
c2 - high-water marknoun
c2 - holdnoun
c1 - houseboatnoun
b2 - hovercraftnoun
c1 - hulknoun
c2 - hullnoun
c2 - hydrofoilnoun
c2 - icebreakernoun
c2 - in convoyidiom
c2 - inflatablenoun
c2 - inshoreadverb
c2 - inshoreadjective
c2 - jetfoilnoun
c2 - jetsamnoun
c2 - jettisonverb
c2 - jettynoun
c2 - jibnoun
c2 - jump shipidiom
c2 - junknoun
c2 - kayaknoun
c1 - keelnoun
c2 - landverb
a2 - landfallnoun
c2 - landing craftnoun
c2 - landlubbernoun
c2 - landwardadverb
c2 - landwardadjective
c2 - launchverb
b2 - launchnoun
c2 - lifebeltnoun
c2 - lifeboatnoun
c1 - life jacketnoun
b2 - life raftnoun
c2 - life vestnoun
b2 - lighternoun
c2 - lighthousenoun
c1 - lightshipnoun
c2 - linernoun
c2 - listnoun
c2 - load linenoun
c2 - lognoun
c1 - longboatnoun
c2 - longshipnoun
c2 - low tidenoun
c1 - low-water marknoun
c2 - mainsailnoun
c2 - maneuververb
c1 - manifestnoun
c2 - manoeuvreverb
c1 - marineadjective
c1 - marinernoun
c2 - maritimeadjective
c2 - maroonverb
c2 - mastnoun
c1 - mastheadnoun
c2 - matenoun
c2 - Maydaynoun
c2 - merchantmannoun
c2 - minehunternoun
c2 - minesweepernoun
c2 - mizzennoun
c2 - moorverb
c2 - mooringnoun
c2 - motorboatnoun
b2 - mutinynoun
c2 - narrowboatnoun
c2 - nauticaladjective
c2 - nautical milenoun
c2 - navigabilitynoun
c2 - navigableadjective
c2 - navigateverb
b2 - navigationnoun
b2 - navigatornoun
b2 - navynoun
b2 - oarnoun
c2 - oarlocknoun
c2 - oarsmannoun
c2 - oarswomannoun
c2 - ocean-goingadjective
c2 - offshoreadjective
c1 - oil tankernoun
c1 - on boardidiom
b2 - on-boardadjective
b2 - onshoreadjective
c2 - onshoreadverb
c2 - outboardadjective
c2 - outboard motornoun
c2 - outriggernoun
c2 - overboardadverb
c1 - overfishingnoun
c2 - paddlenoun
c1 - paddleverb
c1 - paddle steamernoun
c2 - passagenoun
c1 - passengernoun
a2 - pedalonoun
c2 - pennantnoun
c2 - periscopenoun
c2 - pilotnoun
c1 - piracynoun
c1 - piratenoun
c1 - pitchverb
c2 - pleasure boatnoun
c1 - Plimsoll linenoun
c2 - poopnoun
c2 - portnoun
b1 - portholenoun
c2 - port of callnoun
c2 - powerboatnoun
c1 - propellernoun
c2 - prownoun
c2 - puntnoun
c2 - puntverb
c2 - pursernoun
c2 - put (out) to seaidiom
c2 - quarterdecknoun
c2 - radarnoun
c1 - radionoun
a1 - raftnoun
b2 - ratingnoun
c2 - refloatverb
c2 - rigverb
c2 - rignoun
c2 - riggingnoun
c2 - rollverb
c1 - roll-on roll-offadjective
c2 - roughadjective
b2 - rowverb
b2 - rowboatnoun
b2 - rowernoun
b2 - rowingnoun
b2 - rowing boatnoun
b2 - rubber dinghynoun
c2 - runnoun
c2 - sailverb
a2 - sailverb
b1 - sailboatnoun
b2 - sailingnoun
a2 - sailing boatnoun
b2 - sailing shipnoun
b2 - sailornoun
b1 - sampannoun
c2 - schoonernoun
c2 - screwnoun
c2 - scullnoun
c2 - scuttleverb
c2 - seanoun
a1 - seaborneadjective
c2 - SeaCat™noun
c2 - sea dognoun
c2 - seafarernoun
c2 - seagoingadjective
c2 - sea lanenoun
c2 - sea legsnoun
c2 - sealiftnoun
c2 - seamannoun
c1 - seamanshipnoun
c2 - sea milenoun
c2 - seaportnoun
c2 - seasickadjective
b1 - seasicknessnoun
b2 - seawaynoun
c2 - seaworthinessnoun
c2 - seaworthyadjective
c2 - second-classadjective
b1 - shellnoun
c2 - shipnoun
a2 - shipboardadjective
c2 - shiploadnoun
c2 - shipmatenoun
c2 - shipownernoun
c1 - shippernoun
c2 - shippingnoun
c1 - shipping forecastnoun
c2 - ship-to-shoreadjective
c2 - shipwrecknoun
c1 - shipwreckverb
c1 - shipyardnoun
c2 - shoot the rapidsidiom
c2 - shorelinenoun
c1 - showboatnoun
c2 - sickbaynoun
c2 - skiffnoun
c2 - skippernoun
c2 - skipperverb
c2 - slipwaynoun
c2 - sloopnoun
c2 - smacknoun
c2 - smokestacknoun
c2 - SOSnoun
c2 - sparnoun
c2 - speedboatnoun
c1 - stabilizernoun
c2 - starboardnoun
c2 - stateroomnoun
c2 - the waterlinenoun
c2 - the high seasnoun
c2 - steamboatnoun
c2 - steamernoun
c2 - steamshipnoun
c2 - steerverb
c1 - steeragenoun
c2 - sternnoun
c2 - stewardnoun
c1 - stowagenoun
c2 - stowawaynoun
c2 - strandverb
c1 - strokenoun
c1 - submarinenoun
c1 - submarinernoun
c2 - submersiblenoun
c2 - sun decknoun
c2 - supertankernoun
c2 - swing bridgenoun
c2 - tacknoun
c2 - take (over) the helmidiom
c2 - tankernoun
c1 - tendernoun
c2 - terminalnoun
b2 - third classnoun
b1 - third-classadjective
b1 - tidaladjective
c1 - tidenoun
c1 - tidelinenoun
c2 - tidemarknoun
c2 - tillernoun
c2 - timbernoun
c2 - tonnagenoun
c2 - topsailnoun
c2 - towverb
c2 - trade routenoun
c1 - transportnoun
c2 - trawlnoun
c2 - trawlernoun
c2 - trimarannoun
c2 - trim your sailsidiom
c2 - troopshipnoun
c2 - tugnoun
c2 - turnaroundnoun
c2 - turnroundnoun
c2 - U-boatnoun
c2 - unloadverb
b2 - up-anchorverb
c2 - vesselnoun
c1 - voyagenoun
b2 - voyagernoun
c2 - wakenoun
c2 - wardroomnoun
c2 - warshipnoun
b2 - washnoun
c2 - waternoun
a1 - wet docknoun
c2 - whalernoun
c2 - wharfnoun
c2 - wheelnoun
b1 - wheelhousenoun
c2 - wrecknoun
c1 - yachtnoun
b2 - yardnoun
c2 - yawnoun
c2 - yawverb
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