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词汇 to… extent
to… extent
used to show how far something is true or how great an effect it has到…程度;在…程度上
  • To a certain extent, we are all responsible for this tragic situation.我们都在一定程度上对这悲惨的局面负有责任。
  • He had changed to such an extent (= so much) that I no longer recognized him.他变得我简直认不出了。
  • To some extent what she argues is true.她的论证在某种程度上是符合事实的。
  • The pollution of the forest has seriously affected plant life and, to a lesser extent, wildlife.森林污染严重影响了植物的生存,其次也对野生动物造成了影响。
  • To what extent is this true of all schools?这在多大程度上符合所有学校的实际情况?
  • The book discusses the extent to which (= how much) family life has changed over the past 50 years.本书论述了近 50 年来家庭生活的变化程度。
Language Bank generallygenerallyWays of saying ‘in general’“通常” 的表达方式
    • Women generally earn less than men.女人通常比男人挣钱少。
    • Generally speaking, jobs traditionally done by women are paid at a lower rate than those traditionally done by men.一般来说,传统上由妇女干的工作比传统上由男人干的工作报酬低。
    • In general/By and large, women do not earn as much as men.总的说来,女人不如男人挣钱多。
    • Certain jobs, like nursing and cleaning, are still mainly carried out by women.有些工作仍然主要由女性做,比如护理和保洁。
    • Senior management posts are predominantly held by men.高层管理职位大多由男性担任。
    • Most senior management posts tend to be held by men.大多数高层管理职位通常由男性担任。
    • Women are, for the most part, still paid less than men.女人的薪水多半仍比男人低。
    • Economic and social factors are, to a large extent, responsible for women being concentrated in low-paid jobs.经济和社会因素在很大程度上导致女性集中于低报酬工作。
  • He had withdrawn from the company of his friends to an alarming extent.他大幅减少和朋友们的来往,已经到了令人担忧的程度。
  • I will answer your questions about this case to the extent possible.我将尽可能地回答你关于此案的问题。
  • People no longer live in small communities to the same extent as they used to.今天生活在小社区的人不像从前那样多。
  • The victory underlined the extent to which Prussia had become a major power.这场胜利凸显出普鲁士在很大程度上已成为一个大国。
  • To an extent East-West distrust continued throughout the war.从某种程度上来说,东西方之间在整个战争期间一直相互不 信任。
See also extent




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