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词汇 trace


present simple I / you / we / they trace
he / she / it traces
past simple traced
past participle traced
-ing form tracing
    trace somebody/something (to something) to find or discover somebody/something by looking carefully for them/it查出;找到;发现;追踪 synonym track down
    • We finally traced him to an address in Chicago.我们终于追查到他在芝加哥的一个地址。
    • I have been unable to trace the letter you mentioned.我一直无法找到你提到的那封信。
    • The stolen paintings have been successfully traced to a London warehouse.失窃的画已成功地在伦敦的一个仓库中找到。
    • Police are anxious to trace the owners of a car parked near the scene.警方急于找到停在现场附近的一辆汽车的车主。
    Topics Crime and punishmentb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • successfully
    verb + trace
    • be able to
    • be unable to
    • can
    • to
    trace something (back) (to something) to find the origin or cause of something追溯;追究
    • She could trace her family tree back to the 16th century.她能把本族家谱追溯到 16 世纪。
    • The leak was eventually traced to a broken seal.最后查出泄漏是由于密封处破裂所致。
    • The police traced the call (= used special electronic equipment to find out who made the phone call) to her ex-husband's number.警方用追踪装置查出是她前夫的电话号码打出的电话。
    • The origins of the custom are difficult to trace.很难追溯这种风俗的起源。
    • Words have over the centuries acquired meanings not easily traced in dictionaries.经过了数百年,词语的有些含义在词典里已难以查到来源。
    Topics Phones, email and the internetb2, Family and relationshipsb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • carefully
    • easily
    • directly
    verb + trace
    • can
    • attempt to
    • try to
    • to
    trace something (from something) (to something) to describe a process or the development of something描绘(事物的过程或发展);追述;记述
    • Her book traces the town's history from Saxon times to the present day.她的书描述的是这个市镇从撒克逊时代到现在的历史。
    trace something (out) to draw a line or lines on a surface画(线)
    • She traced a line in the sand.她在沙地上画了一条线。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • gently
    • lightly
    • slowly
    • with
    trace something to follow the shape or outline of something绘出,勾画出(轮廓)
    • He traced the route on the map.他在地图上勾画出了路线。
    • A tear traced a path down her cheek.一滴眼泪沿着她的面颊流了下来。
    • She lightly traced the outline of his face with her finger.她轻轻地用手指去感觉他脸的轮廓。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • gently
    • lightly
    • slowly
    • with
  6. trace something to copy a map, drawing, etc. by drawing on tracing paper (= paper that you can see through) placed over it(用透明纸覆盖在地图、绘画等上)复制,描摹
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • gently
    • lightly
    • slowly
    • with
  7. 词源verb Middle English (first recorded as a noun in the sense ‘path that someone or something takes’): from Old French trace (noun), tracier (verb), based on Latin tractus ‘drawing, draught’, from trahere ‘draw, pull’.


    [countable, uncountable] a mark, an object or a sign that shows that somebody/something existed or was present痕迹;遗迹;踪迹
    • It's exciting to discover traces of earlier civilizations.发现早期文明的遗迹,真令人兴奋。
    • Police searched the area but found no trace of the escaped prisoners.警方搜索了那一地区,但未发现越狱逃犯的任何踪迹。
    • Years of living in England had eliminated all trace of her American accent.她多年居住在英国,美国口音已荡然无存。
    • without (a) trace The ship had vanished without (a) trace.那艘船消失得无影无踪。
    • Little trace is left of how Stone Age people lived.石器时代人类的生活状况几乎无迹可寻。
    • The burglar had left several traces of his presence.窃贼在现场留下了几处痕迹。
    • Traces still remain of the long-defunct Surrey Iron Railway.萨里铁路虽然已停运很久,但仍然有迹可寻。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • archaeological
    • historical
    • indelible
    verb + trace
    • leave
    • bear
    • reveal
    trace + verb
    • remain
    • with a trace of something
    • without a trace of something
    • without trace
    [countable] trace of something a very small amount of something微量;少许
    • The post-mortem revealed traces of poison in his stomach.验尸发现他胃中有微量毒物。
    • She spoke without a trace of bitterness.她说话时一点儿也不伤感。
    • The police found traces of blood in the bathroom.警方在洗手间发现些许血迹。
    • The water was found to contain traces of cocaine.发现水里含有微量可卡因。
    • Remove all traces of rust with a small wire brush.用小钢丝刷擦去所有锈迹。
    • There was no trace of humour in his expression.他的话里没有丝毫的幽默感。
    • There was not the faintest trace of irony in her voice.她的声音里没有一丁点儿的讽刺意味。
    • There was no trace of a smile on his face.他脸上没有一丝笑容。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • discernible
    • faint
    • minute
    verb + trace
    • contain
    • detect
    • find
    trace + noun
    • amount
    • element
    • gas
    • trace of
  3. [countable] (specialist) a line or pattern on paper or a screen that shows information that is found by a machine描记图;轨迹;迹线;扫描线
    • The trace showed a normal heart rhythm.描记图显示心率正常。
  4. [countable] trace on somebody/something a search to find out information about the identity of somebody/something, especially what number a phone call was made from(对信息的)跟踪,追踪
    • The police ran a trace on the call.警察对那次通话进行了追踪。
    • Detectives are doing a trace on the vehicle.侦探正在对车辆进行追踪。
  5. [countable, usually plural] one of the two long pieces of leather that fasten a carriage or cart to the horse that pulls it挽绳;套绳
  6. 词源noun senses 1 to 3 Middle English (first recorded as a noun in the sense ‘path that someone or something takes’): from Old French trace (noun), tracier (verb), based on Latin tractus ‘drawing, draught’, from trahere ‘draw, pull’. noun sense 4 Middle English (denoting a pair of traces): from Old French trais, plural of trait, from Latin tractus ‘drawing, draught’, from trahere ‘draw, pull’.
kick over the traces
  1. (British English, old-fashioned) to start to behave badly and refuse to accept any discipline or control(开始)不听话,不守规矩,不受管束




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