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词汇 track



    for train火车

    [countable, uncountable] rails (= metal bars) that a train moves along轨道
    • railway/railroad tracks铁路轨道
    • We crossed the rail/train track.我们穿过了铁轨/火车轨道。
    • India has thousands of miles of track.印度有数千英里的铁道。
    • Many branch lines were closed, and the tracks lifted.许多支线都被关闭,铁轨也都被拆除了。
    • aisle
    • buffet
    • carriage
    • connection
    • locomotive
    • luggage rack
    • platform
    • station
    • track
    • train
    Topics Transport by bus and traina2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • rail
    • railroad
    • railway
    verb + track
    • lay
    • cross
    • come off
    track + noun
    • layout
    [countable] (North American English) a track with a number at a train station that a train arrives at or leaves from(火车站有编号的)轨道,站台
    • The train for Chicago is on track 9.开往芝加哥的列车停靠在 9 号站台。
    British/American platform / trackplatform / track
    • In British stations the platforms, where passengers get on and off trains, have numbers:在英国火车站,旅客上下火车的站台 (platform) 有编号:
      • The Edinburgh train is waiting at platform 4.去爱丁堡的火车在 4 号站台等候。
    • In stations in the US, it is the track that the train travels along that has a number:
      • The train for Chicago is on track 9.开往芝加哥的列车停靠在 9 号站台。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • rail
    • railroad
    • railway
    verb + track
    • lay
    • cross
    • come off
    track + noun
    • layout
  3. for races赛跑

    [countable] a piece of ground with a special surface for people, cars, etc. to have races or to drive on(赛跑、赛车等的)跑道
    • a race track 赛跑跑道
    • a Formula One Grand Prix track (= for motor racing)一级方程式大奖赛赛道
    • a running track赛跑跑道
    see also dirt track (2)
    • The company already operates a greyhound track.这家公司业已运营一条赛狗跑道。
    • Yesterday I had track practice.昨天我练习跑步了。
    • A few planes were parked on the perimeter track of the airfield.几架飞机停在机场边缘的跑道上。
    • A sign marks where the cycle track (= a special route for cyclists) ends.标志标明自行车道的终点。
    • a single track road (= wide enough for only one vehicle) with passing places有通行路口的单行道
    Collocations Dictionarytrack + noun
    • championship
    • event
    • meet
  5. [uncountable] (North American English) the sport of running on a track径赛运动;田径运动
    • He loves sports and participates in track and basketball.他热爱运动,参加田径和篮球。
    Topics Sports: other sportsb1
  6. rough path崎岖不平的小路

  7. enlarge image
    [countable] a rough path or road, usually one that has not been built but that has been made by people walking there(人踩出的)小道,小径
    • a muddy track through the forest穿过森林的泥泞小径
    • a dirt track泥路
    see also cart track
    • We were bumping along the rough track that led to the lake.我们在通往湖边的崎岖小道上颠簸前行。
    • They had to drive up a dirt track.他们不得不开上一条土路。
    • The path joins a farm track near a barn.小路连着谷仓旁的拖拉机道。
    • The green hills were criss-crossed with sheep tracks.青山纵横交错着羊圈。
    • An ancient track crosses the moors.一条古老的小路穿过荒野。
    • A forest track leads up to the waterfall.一条森林小径通向瀑布。
    • A cart track led to the farm.一条马车道通向农场。
    • When the track forks, take the left fork.在小道分岔处走左边的岔路。
    Topics Transport by car or lorryb1, Hobbiesb1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • narrow
    • wide
    • steep
    verb + track
    • follow
    track + verb
    • lead
    • fork
    • along a/​the track
    • down a/​the track
    • up a/​the track
    • off the beaten track
    • on the right track
    • onto the right track
  8. marks on ground地面上的痕迹

    [countable, usually plural] marks left by a person, an animal or a moving vehicle(人、动物或车辆留下的)足迹,踪迹;车辙
    • We followed the bear's tracks in the snow.我们跟着熊在雪地上留下的足迹走。
    • Leading away into the bushes were fresh rabbit tracks. 新鲜的兔子脚印一直延伸到灌木丛中。
    • tyre tracks轮胎印迹
    • The beach is criss-crossed with animal tracks.海滩上留有纵横交错的动物的足迹。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • deep
    • fresh
    • animal
    verb + track
    • leave
    • make
    • cover
    track + noun
    • marks
    • on the track of
    • freeze in your tracks
    • halt in your tracks
    • stop in your tracks
  10. direction/course方向;路线

  11. [countable] the path or direction that somebody/something is moving in(移动的)路径,路线,方向
    • He switched tracks and went back to college.他改换了人生轨道,又回到了大学。
    • on the track of somebody/something Police are on the track of (= searching for) the thieves.警察正在追踪窃贼。
    see also fast track, mommy track, one-track mind
    • Film comedy developed along a similar track to film drama.喜剧电影沿着与戏剧电影类似的路径发展。
    • She decided to change her career track.她决定改变她职业生涯的轨迹。
    • The ship was on a southerly track.船向南行驶。
    • a twin track approach to crime打击犯罪的双重手段
    • Students pursue one of three tracks: professional writing, film/​television/​video or new media.学生竞相参加以下三个班中的其中一个:专业写作、影视与录像,以及新媒体。
    • She felt the excitement of a journalist on the track of a good story.她感到了作为记者追踪报道一则好新闻的兴奋劲儿。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • fast
    • inside
    • parallel
    verb + track
    • switch
    • along a/​the track
    • on (a/​the) track
    • track for
    • keep track of something
    • lose track of something
  12. recording

    [countable] a recording of one song or piece of music(唱片、录音磁带或光盘的)一首乐曲,一首歌曲
    • a track from their latest album他们最新唱片专辑里的一首歌曲
    • The album kicks off with the title track (= a song with the same name as the album). 这张专辑以主打歌曲开始。
    • The opening track is sweet and sentimental.开场曲目甜美感伤。
    • There are thirteen tracks on the album.这张专辑收录了十三首歌。
    • This song is easily the disc's standout track.这首歌曲无疑是这张唱盘里最杰出的曲目。
    • She had already cut a couple of tracks as lead singer with her own group.她作为所属演唱组合的主唱已经灌录了几首歌。
    Topics Musicb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • album
    • live
    • pre-recorded
    verb + track
    • create
    • cut
    • lay down
    track + verb
    • feature somebody/​something
    • include something
    track + noun
    • title
    • list
    • listing
  14. [countable] part of a computer disk or tape that music or information can be recorded on(录音磁带、光盘或计算机磁盘的)音轨,声道
    • a sixteen track recording studio十六声道录音室
    • She sang on the backing track.她是唱和声的。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • album
    • live
    • pre-recorded
    verb + track
    • create
    • cut
    • lay down
    track + verb
    • feature somebody/​something
    • include something
    track + noun
    • title
    • list
    • listing
  15. (especially in compounds尤用于构成复合词) the soundtrack of a film or video音轨:电影或视频的音轨
    • The film is available with French and Spanish audio tracks.这部电影有法语和西班牙语的音轨。
    • There is a commentary track by the director.有导演的解说音轨。
    see also laugh track
  16. for curtain幕帘

  17. [countable] a long, thin, straight piece of metal, wood or plastic that a curtain hangs from and moves along(幕帘的)滑轨,滑道
  18. on large vehicle大型车辆

  19. [countable] a continuous belt of metal plates around the wheels of a large vehicle such as a bulldozer that allows it to move over the ground(推土机等的)履带 see also Caterpillar track™
  20. see also inside track
    词源late 15th cent. (in the sense ‘trail, marks left behind’): the noun from Old French trac, perhaps from Low German or Dutch trek ‘draught, drawing’; the verb (current senses dating from the mid 16th cent.) from French traquer or directly from the noun.
back on track
  1. going in the right direction again after a mistake, failure, etc.重新步入正确轨道;恢复正常
    • I tried to get my life back on track after my divorce.离婚之后我力图使生活恢复正常。
    Topics Successc2
be on track
  1. to be doing the right thing in order to achieve a particular result步入正轨;做法对头
    • Curtis is on track for the gold medal.柯蒂斯正踏上夺取金牌之途。
    Topics Successc2
cover your tracks
  1. to try and hide what you have done, because you do not want other people to find out about it掩盖自己的行径
    • He had attempted to cover his tracks by making her death appear like suicide.他使她的死亡看起来像是自杀,企图以此掩盖自己的罪行。
from/on the wrong side of the tracks
  1. from or living in a poor area or part of town来自(城里的)贫民区;住在贫穷的地区(或城区)
hot on somebody’s/something’s tracks/trail
  1. (informal) close to catching or finding the person or thing that you have been running after or searching for快要抓到,即将找到(某人或物)
keep/lose track of somebody/something
  1. to have/not have information about what is happening or where somebody/something is了解/不了解…的动态;与…保持/失去联系
    • Bank statements help you keep track of where your money is going.银行账单有助于你了解你的资金使用情况。
    • I lost all track of time (= forgot what time it was).我完全忘了时间。
make tracks
  1. (informal) to leave a place, especially to go home离去(尤指回家)
    • It’s getting late—I’d better make tracks.天不早了,我得走了。
off the beaten track
  1. far away from other people, houses, etc.远离闹市;偏远
    • They live miles off the beaten track.他们住在偏远地带。
on the right/wrong track
  1. thinking or behaving in the right/wrong way思路对头/不对头;做法对路/不对路
    • We haven’t found a cure yet—but we are on the right track.我们还没有找到治愈的方法——但是我们走在正确的道路上。
    • The new manager successfully got the team back onto the right track.新教练成功地将球队又带上正轨。
    • The police were on the wrong track when they treated the case as a revenge killing.警方将案件当作仇杀案来办理是搞错了方向。
stop/halt somebody in their tracks | stop/halt/freeze in your tracks
  1. to suddenly make somebody stop by frightening or surprising them; to suddenly stop because something has frightened or surprised you(使由于恐惧或吃惊)突然止步;(使)怔住
    • The question stopped Alice in her tracks.这个问题问得艾丽斯张口结舌无以答对。
    • Suddenly he stopped dead in his tracks: what was he doing?突然,他突然停下脚步:他在干什么?
    • (figurative) The disease was stopped in its tracks by immunization programmes.免疫方案阻止了这种疾病的曼延。
    Topics Feelingsc2


present simple I / you / we / they track
he / she / it tracks
past simple tracked
past participle tracked
-ing form tracking
Phrasal Verbs


    [transitive, intransitive] to find somebody/something by following the marks, signs, information, etc., that they have left behind them跟踪;追踪
    • track somebody/something hunters tracking and shooting bears追踪射猎熊的猎人
    • They tracked the herd for miles.他们追踪牛群数英里。
    • The suspect was tracked to the flat by undercover police from Scotland Yard. 嫌疑犯被伦敦警察厅的秘密警察追踪到公寓。
    [transitive] to follow the movements of somebody/something, especially by using special electronic equipment(尤指用特殊电子设备)跟踪,追踪
    • track somebody/something We continued tracking the plane on our radar.我们继续用雷达追踪那架飞机。
    • Media consultants can track the eye movements of people who are watching TV commercials.媒体顾问可以跟踪观看电视广告的人的眼球运动。
    • We are tracking severe weather tonight in parts of Texas. 我们正在追踪德克萨斯州部分地区今晚的恶劣天气。
    • track where, how, etc… The GPS units track where the cattle roam. 全球定位系统跟踪牛群漫游的地方。
    Topics Crime and punishmentb2
    [transitive] to follow the progress or development of somebody/something跟踪(进展情况)
    • track somebody/something The research project involves tracking the careers of 400 graduates.这个研究项目对 400 名毕业生的事业发展情况进行跟踪调查。
    • Setting goals means you can track your progress.设定目标意味着你可以跟踪自己的进步。
    • We utilize a software package to track project results.我们利用软件包来跟踪项目结果。
    • track where, how, etc… The software helps educators track how students perform.该软件帮助教育者跟踪学生的表现。
    see also fast-track
  4. of camera摄影机

  5. [intransitive] + adv./prep. to move in relation to the thing that is being filmed跟踪摄影;移动摄影
    • The camera eventually tracked away.摄影机最终将镜头推远。
  6. school students学校学生

  7. (North American English)
    (also stream especially in British English)
    [transitive] (in schools学校) to put school students into groups according to their ability按能力分班(或分组)
  8. leave marks留下痕迹

  9. [transitive] track something (+ adv./prep.) (especially North American English) to leave dirty marks behind you as you walk留下(脏)足迹
    • Don't track mud on my clean floor.别在我干净的地板上踩上泥脚印。
  10. of a statistic, number, etc.

  11. [intransitive] to stay at the same level for a period of time离去(尤指回家)
    • Annual employment growth is tracking at 2%.就业年增长率为2%。
  12. 词源late 15th cent. (in the sense ‘trail, marks left behind’): the noun from Old French trac, perhaps from Low German or Dutch trek ‘draught, drawing’; the verb (current senses dating from the mid 16th cent.) from French traquer or directly from the noun.




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