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词汇 trust


    [uncountable] the belief that somebody/something is good, sincere, honest, etc. and will not try to harm or trick you相信;信任;信赖
    • Our partnership is based on trust.我们的伙伴关系建立在信任的基础上。
    • This is a relationship built on mutual trust.这是建立在相互信任基础上的关系。
    • It has taken years to earn their trust.花了好多年才赢得他们的信任。
    • We worked hard to gain the trust of local people.我们努力工作以赢得当地人的信任。
    • Talking openly with your team helps to build trust.与你的团队开诚布公地交谈有助于建立信任。
    • trust in somebody/something Her trust in him was unfounded.她对他的信任毫无道理。
    • If you put your trust in me, I will not let you down.你要是信赖我,我就不会让你失望。
    • I want to thank all those people who have placed their trust in me. 我要感谢所有信任我的人。
    • She will not betray your trust (= do something that you have asked her not to do).她不会辜负你对她的信任。
    • He was appointed to a position of trust (= a job involving a lot of responsibility, because people trust him).他被委以重任。
    • This is a serious breach of trust.这是对信任的严重违背。
    • The company has to earn the trust and confidence of consumers again.公司必须再次赢得消费者的信任和信心。
    • trust between somebody and somebody There is a lack of trust between the two countries.两国之间缺乏信任。
    • They had little trust for outsiders.他们对外人很不信任。
    • We need to restore public trust.我们需要恢复公众的信任。
    • I will do all I can do to deserve your trust.我会尽我所能,不辜负您的信任。
    • It's good that you kept her trust.你保持了她对你的信任,这很好。
    • The President needs to rebuild his personal trust with the electorate.总统需要重建选民对他个人的信任。
    • Does the plan have the trust and cooperation of the workers?这一计划是否得到工人的信任和配合?
    • They have placed great trust in him as a negotiator.他们完全信赖让他进行谈判。
    • This girl does not exactly inspire trust.这个女孩并不能激起人们对她的信任。
    • This requires a certain level of trust among the community's members.这要求社会成员之间要有一定程度的信任。
    • We have absolute trust in the teachers.我们对老师完全信任。
    • efforts to promote mutual trust between nations增进两国之间相互信任的努力
    • the fragile trust that existed between them他们之间不堪一击的信任
    Topics Personal qualitiesb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • great
    • absolute
    • complete
    verb + trust
    • have
    • place
    • put
    trust + verb
    • exist
    • trust among
    • trust between
    • trust for
    • a breach of trust
    • a lack of trust
    • a position of trust
    [uncountable] trust (in something) the belief that something is true or correct or that you can rely on it相信;认为可靠
    • We place so much trust in computers that it gets a little scary.我们如此信任计算机,以至于有点害怕。
    • Voters need to have trust in the voting system.选民需要对投票系统有信心。
    • Public trust in science is harmed by inaccurate journalism.不准确的新闻报道损害了公众对科学的信任。
    • If I were you, I would not place too much trust in their findings.如果我是你,我不会太相信他们的发现。
    • a campaign to build consumer trust in the quality of dairy products一项在乳制品质量方面建立消费者信任的运动
    • They followed the instructions in blind trust that all would turn out well.他们盲目地相信一切都不会有问题,于是执行了指令。
  3. [countable, uncountable] (law法律) an arrangement by which an organization or a group of people has legal control of money or property that has been given to somebody, usually until that person reaches a particular age; an amount of money or property that is controlled in this way委托;信托;信托财产
    • He set up a trust for his children.他为子女安排好了信托财产。
    • The money will be held in trust until she is 18.这笔钱将由人代管到她 18 岁为止。
    • Our fees depend on the value of the trust.我们的费用视信托金额而定。
    see also blind trust, unit trust
    • His father put the money in trust for him until he was 21.他爸爸将这笔钱委托他人代管,直到他 21 岁。
    • a publicly traded real estate investment trust一家公开上市的房地产投资信托公司
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • offshore
    • investment
    • unit
    verb + trust
    • hold something in
    • hold something on
    • keep something in
    trust + noun
    • account
    • assets
    • fund
    • in trust
    • trust for
  4. [countable] (law法律) an organization or a group of people that invests money that is given or lent to it and uses the profits to help a charity受托基金机构;受托团体
    • a charitable trust慈善基金机构
    see also hospital trust
    • They ran the trust as a non-profit making concern.他们对信托基金的运营不以营利为目的。
    • The trust owns the land and the buildings.土地和房产归信托基金所有。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • independent
    • charitable
    • non-profit
    verb + trust
    • manage
    • run
    trust + verb
    • own
    • manage
    • run
    • trust for
  5. [countable] (especially North American English, business商业) a group of companies that work together illegally to reduce competition, control prices, etc.托拉斯(为减少竞争、操纵价格等而非法联合的企业组织)
    • anti-trust laws反托拉斯法
  6. 词源Middle English: from Old Norse traust, from traustr ‘strong’; the verb from Old Norse treysta, assimilated to the noun.
in somebody’s trust | in the trust of somebody
  1. being taken care of by somebody由某人保管(或照管)
    • The family pet was left in the trust of a neighbour.这家的宠物委托邻居代管。
take something on trust
  1. to believe what somebody says even though you do not have any proof or evidence to show that it is true听信;轻信;贸然相信


present simple I / you / we / they trust
he / she / it trusts
past simple trusted
past participle trusted
-ing form trusting
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
    to have confidence in somebody; to believe that somebody is good, sincere, honest, etc.信任;信赖;相信(某人的善良、真诚等)
    • trust somebody She trusts Alan implicitly.她绝对信任艾伦。
    • He has shown that he can't be trusted.他已经表明他不可信。
    • Never trust a man who will not look you in the eye.永远不要相信一个不会看你眼睛的人。
    • a trusted adviser/friend可信赖的顾问/朋友
    • trust somebody to do something You can trust me not to tell anyone.你可以相信我不会跟任何人讲。
    • She nodded, not trusting herself to speak.她点点头,不相信自己会说话。
    • Which party do you trust to run the economy?你信任哪个政党来管理经济?
    • I knew I could trust John.我知道我可以相信约翰。
    • I was afraid to trust anyone after that.从那以后我不敢再信任任何人。
    • In my position I cannot risk blindly trusting anyone.处在我的位置上,我不能冒险盲目地相信任何人。
    • You can never entirely trust even a ‘tame’ leopard.哪怕是一只“温顺”的豹子,你也绝不能完全相信。
    • It seems you can't trust anyone these days.看来这年月你不能相信任何人。
    • Can they be trusted to carry out the work properly?他们能被信任正确地执行工作吗?
    • She didn't trust herself to speak.她不相信自己会说话。
    Topics Personal qualitiesb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • implicitly
    • blindly
    • completely
    verb + trust
    • be able to
    • can
    • be unable to
    • in
    • to
    • with
    • not to be trusted
    • tried and trusted
    to believe that something is true or correct or that you can rely on it相信;认为可靠
    • trust something He trusted her judgement.他相信她的判断力。
    • Always trust your instincts.永远相信你的直觉。
    • a trusted source可靠的消息来源
    • trust what… Don't trust what the newspapers say!别相信报纸上的话!
    Synonyms trusttrust
    • depend on somebody/​something
    • rely on somebody/​something
    • count on somebody/​something
    • believe in somebody
    These words all mean to believe that somebody/​something will do what you hope or expect of them or that what they tell you is correct or true.
    • trust to believe that somebody is good, honest, sincere, etc. and that they will do what you expect of them or do the right thing; to believe that something is true or correct:
      • You can trust me not to tell anyone.你可以相信我不会跟任何人讲。
      • Don't trust what you read on the internet!不要相信你在网上读到的东西!
    • depend on/​upon somebody/​something (often used with can/​cannot/​could/​could not) to trust somebody/​something to do what you expect or want, to do the right thing, or to be true or correct:(常与 can/cannot/could/could not 连用)指相信、信赖、指望:
      • He was the sort of person you could depend on.他是你可以信赖的人。
      • Can you depend on her version of what happened?你相信她对所发生事情的描述吗?
    • rely on/​upon somebody/​something (used especially with can/​cannot/​could/​could not and should/​should not) to trust somebody/​something to do what you expect or want, or to be honest, correct or good enough:
      • Can I rely on you to keep this secret?我能相信你会保守这个秘密吗?
      • You can’t rely on any figures you get from them.你不能相信从他们那儿得到的任何数据。
    trust, depend or rely on/​upon somebody/​something?用 trust、depend 还是 rely on/upon sb/sth?You can trust a person but not a thing or system. You can trust somebody’s judgement or advice, but not their support. You can depend on somebody’s support, but not their judgement or advice. Rely on/​upon somebody/​something is used especially with you can/​could or you should to give advice or a promise: I don’t really rely on his judgement.You can’t really rely on his judgement.
    • count on somebody/​something (often used with can/​cannot/​could/​could not) to be sure that somebody will do what you need them to do, or that something will happen as you want it to happen:(常与 can/cannot/could/could not 连用)指可信赖、依靠、指望(某人做某事)、确信(某事会发生):
      • I’m counting on you to help me.我就靠你帮我啦。
      • We can’t count on the good weather lasting.我们不能指望这样好的天气会持久。
    • believe in somebody to feel that you can trust somebody and/​or that they will be successful:
      • They need a leader they can believe in.他们需要一个可以信赖的领导。
    • to trust/​depend on/​rely on/​count on somebody/​something to do something
    • to trust/​believe in somebody/​something
    • to trust/​rely on somebody’s advice/​judgement
    • to depend on/​rely on/​count on somebody’s support
    • to completely trust/​depend on/​rely on/​believe in somebody/​something
    • I was reluctant to trust the evidence of my senses.我不愿意相信我感觉到的迹象。
    • Such figures are not to be trusted.这些数字不可信。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • implicitly
    • blindly
    • completely
    verb + trust
    • be able to
    • can
    • be unable to
    • in
    • to
    • with
    • not to be trusted
    • tried and trusted
  3. trust (that)… (formal) to hope and expect that something is true想;希望;期望
    • I trust (that) you have no objections to our proposals?我想你不反对我们的建议吧?
  4. 词源Middle English: from Old Norse traust, from traustr ‘strong’; the verb from Old Norse treysta, assimilated to the noun.
not trust somebody an inch
  1. to not trust somebody at all对…根本不相信
    • He says he just wants to help you but I wouldn’t trust him an inch if I were you.他说他只是想帮帮你,可我要是你的话,绝对不会相信他。
tried and tested/trusted (British English)
(North American English tried and true)
  1. that you have used or relied on in the past successfully经过考验的;可靠的;可信赖的
    • a tried and trusted method for solving the problem解决这个问题的可靠方法
    • Some teachers prefer the tried and trusted methods of language learning.一些老师更喜欢经过实践检验的值得信赖的语言学习方法。
    Topics Successc2
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    • done and dusted
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    • in dribs and drabs
    • eat somebody out of house and home
    • facts and figures
    • fast and furious
    • first and foremost
    • forgive and forget
    • hale and hearty
    • hem and haw
    • kith and kin
    • mix and match
    • part and parcel
    • puff and pant
    • to rack and ruin
    • rant and rave
    • risk life and limb
    • short and sweet
    • signed and sealed
    • spic and span
    • through thick and thin
    • this and that
    • top and tail
    • tried and tested
    • wax and wane
trust you, him, her, etc. (to do something)
  1. (informal) used when somebody does or says something that you think is typical of them(认为某人言行一贯如此时说)管保,保证
    • Trust John to forget Sue's birthday!管保约翰会把休的生日忘了!




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