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词汇 turbulence


  1. a situation in which there is a lot of sudden change, trouble, argument and sometimes violence骚乱;动乱;动荡;混乱 synonym upheaval
    • a period of turbulence in the country’s history该国历史上的一段动荡时期
    • The country is facing a summer of political turbulence.这个国家正面临着一个政治动荡的夏季。
    Topics Opinion and argumentc2
  2. a series of sudden and violent changes in the direction that air or water is moving in(空气和水的)湍流,涡流,紊流
    • We experienced severe turbulence during the flight.我们在飞行中遇到了强烈的气流。
    Collocations Travel and tourismTravel and tourism旅游和旅游业Holidays/​vacations假期
    • have/​take (British English) a holiday/(North American English) a vacation/​a break/​a day off/(British English) a gap year休假;短期休假;休一天假;休空缺年假
    • go on/​be on holiday/​vacation/​leave/​honeymoon/​safari/​a trip/​a tour/​a cruise/​a pilgrimage去/在度假/休假/度蜜月/游猎/旅游/观光/乘船游览/朝圣
    • go backpacking/​camping/​hitchhiking/​sightseeing去背包旅行/露营/搭顺风车旅行/观光游览
    • plan a trip/​a holiday/​a vacation/​your itinerary计划旅行/假期/行程
    • book accommodation/​a hotel room/​a flight/​tickets预订住宿/酒店房间/航班/票
    • have/​make/​cancel a reservation/(especially British English) booking预订;取消预订
    • rent a villa/(both British English) a holiday home/​a holiday cottage租一座度假别墅/一个度假住所/一座度假小别墅
    • (especially British English) hire/ (especially North American English) rent a car/​bicycle/​moped租借一辆汽车/自行车/摩托自行车
    • stay in a hotel/​a bed and breakfast/​a youth hostel/​a villa/(both British English) a holiday home/​a caravan住在酒店/提供住宿和早餐的旅馆/青年旅舍/度假别墅/度假住所/旅行拖车里
    • cost/​charge $100 a/​per night for a single/​double/​twin/​standard/(British English) en suite room单人房/双人房/标间/套房一晚花费/要价 100 美元
    • check into/​out of a hotel/​a motel/​your room入住/结账离开酒店/汽车旅馆/房间
    • pack/​unpack your suitcase/​bags把东西装进手提箱/旅行包;取出手提箱/旅行包里的东西
    • call/​order room service打电话叫/叫客房服务
    • cancel/​cut short a trip/​holiday/​vacation取消/缩短旅程/假期
    Foreign travel出国旅行
    • apply for/​get/​renew a/​your passport申请/拿到/续签护照
    • take out/​buy/​get travel insurance获得/购买/取得旅游保险
    • catch/​miss your plane/​train/​ferry/​connecting flight赶上/错过飞机/火车/渡船/转乘航班
    • fly (in)/travel in business/​economy class乘坐商务/经济舱飞行/旅行
    • make/​have a brief/​two-day/​twelve-hour stopover/(North American English also) layover in Hong Kong在香港作短暂的/两天的/十二小时的中途停留
    • experience/​cause/​lead to delays遇上/引起/导致延误
    • check (in)/collect/​get/​lose (your) (especially British English) luggage/(especially North American English) baggage托运/取/弄丢行李
    • be charged for/​pay excess baggage被收取/支付超重行李费
    • board/​get on/​leave/​get off the aircraft/​plane/​ship/​ferry上/下飞机/船/渡船
    • taxi down/​leave/​approach/​hit/​overshoot the runway在跑道上滑行;离开/接近/降落在/冲出跑道
    • experience/​hit/​encounter severe turbulence遇到强烈的气流
    • suffer from/​recover from/​get over your jet lag/​travel sickness遭受时差反应/晕车;从时差反应/晕车恢复过来;克服时差反应/晕车
    The tourist industry旅游业
    • attract/​draw/​bring tourists/​visitors吸引游客
    • encourage/​promote/​hurt tourism鼓励/促进/损害旅游业
    • promote/​develop ecotourism促进/发展生态旅游
    • build/​develop/​visit a tourist/​holiday/(especially British English) seaside/​beach/​ski resort建立/开发/参观旅游/假日/海滨/海滩/滑雪胜地
    • work for/​be operated by a major hotel chain就职于一家大型连锁酒店;由一家大型连锁酒店经营
    • be served by/​compete with low-cost/(especially North American English) low-fare/​budget airlines由廉价航空公司提供服务;与廉价航空公司竞争
    • book something through/​make a booking through/​use a travel agent通过旅行社预订;经旅行社代办
    • contact/​check with your travel agent/​tour operator联系旅行社;向旅行社咨询
    • book/​be on/​go on a package deal/​holiday/​tour预订/进行/去包价旅游
    • buy/​bring back (tacky/​overpriced) souvenirs购买/带回(低劣的/定价过高的)纪念品
    Topics Transport by airc1
  3. 词源late Middle English: from Old French, or from late Latin turbulentia, from turbulentus ‘full of commotion’, from turba ‘crowd’.




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