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词汇 turn over

turn over

phrasal verb
turn over
  1. to change position so that the other side is facing towards the outside or the top翻身;翻转
    • If you turn over you might find it easier to get to sleep.你若翻个身,也许入睡容易些。
    • The car skidded and turned over.汽车打滑向一侧翻倒了。
    • (figurative) The smell made my stomach turn over (= made me feel sick).这气味让我反胃。
  2. (of an engine发动机) to start or to continue to run发动;转动;继续运转
  3. to change to another channel when you are watching television变换(电视频道)
turn over something
  1. to do business worth a particular amount of money in a particular period of time营业额为…;做金额为…的生意
    • The company turns over £3.5 million a year.这家公司一年的营业额为 350 万英镑。
    related noun turnover
turn something over
  1. to make something change position so that the other side is facing towards the outside or the top使翻个儿;使翻转
    • Brown the meat on one side, then turn it over and brown the other side.把肉的一面烤黄,然后翻转过来,再烤另一面。
  2. to think about something carefully认真思考;深思熟虑
    • She kept turning over the events of the day in her mind.她脑子里不断琢磨当天发生的事。
  3. (of a shop) to sell goods and replace them周转;销货和进货
    • A supermarket will turn over its stock very rapidly.超市的货物周转得很快。
    related noun turnover
  4. (informal) to steal from a place从…偷窃
    • Burglars had turned the house over.盗贼把这所房子盗窃一空。
  5. to make an engine start running发动(引擎)




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