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词汇 born


be born
used only in the passive, without by仅用于被动语态,不用 byIdioms
    (abbreviation b.)
    to come out of your mother’s body at the beginning of your life出生;出世
    • I was born in 1976.我生于 1976 年。
    • He was born in a small village in northern Spain.他出生在西班牙北部的一个小村庄。
    • She was born on 7 February 1874. 她出生于1874年2月7日。
    • The baby was born by Caesarean section on Friday. 孩子是周五剖腹产的。
    • born into something She was born into a very musical family.她生于音乐之家。
    • These children were born into poverty.这些孩子出生于贫困之中。
    • born of/to somebody He was born of/to German parents.他的生身父母是德国人。
    • born with something She was born with a rare heart condition.她生来就患有罕见的心脏病。
    • She was born with a weak heart.她生来就有一个衰弱的心脏。
    • + adj. Her brother was born blind (= was blind when he was born).她的哥哥先天性失明。
    • + noun John Wayne was born Marion Michael Morrison (= that was his name at birth).约翰 · 韦恩出生时取名马里恩 · 迈克尔 · 莫里森。
    Collocations The ages of lifeThe ages of life年龄段Childhood/​youth童年/青年时期
    • be born and raised/​bred in ; into a wealthy/​middle-class family
    • have a happy/​an unhappy/​a tough childhood有幸福/不幸/艰苦的童年
    • grow up in a musical family/​in an orphanage/​on a farm成长于音乐之家/孤儿院/农场
    • be/​grow up an only child (= with no brothers or sisters)是独生子
    • reach/​hit/​enter/​go through adolescence/​puberty进入/经历青春期
    • be in your teens/​early twenties/​mid-twenties/​late twenties十几岁;二十出头;二十五岁左右;将近三十岁
    • undergo/​experience physical/​psychological changes经历生理/心理变化
    • give in to/​succumb to/​resist peer pressure屈服于/顶住同辈的压力
    • assert your independence/​individuality维护独立/个性
    • leave school/​university/​home中学/大学毕业;离家
    • go out to work (at sixteen)(16 岁)投身工作
    • get/​find a job/​partner找到工作/伴侣
    • be/​get engaged/​married订婚;结婚
    • have/​get a wife/​husband/​mortgage/​steady job有妻子/丈夫/按揭贷款/稳定的工作
    • settle down and have kids/​children/​a family安定下来并生儿育女
    • begin/​start/​launch/​build a career (in politics/​science/​the music industry)开始(政治/科学/音乐)职业生涯
    • prove (to be)/represent/​mark/​reach a turning point in your life/​career最终成为/代表/标志/达到某人人生/某人职业生涯的转折点
    • reach/​be well into/​settle into middle age进入/安度中年
    • have/​suffer/​go through a midlife crisis经历中年危机
    • take/​consider early retirement提前退休;考虑提前退休
    • approach/​announce/​enjoy your retirement临近/宣布/享受退休
    Old age老年
    • have/​see/​spend time with your grandchildren有孙辈;与孙辈共度时光
    • take up/​pursue/​develop a hobby开始/追求/培养一种爱好
    • get/​receive/​draw/​collect/​live on a pension得到/提取/领取退休金;靠退休金生活
    • approach/​save for/​die from old age临近晚年;存钱养老;老死
    • live to a ripe old age高寿
    • reach the grand old age of 102/23 (often ironic)活到 102/23 岁高龄(常作反语)
    • be/​become/​be getting/​be going senile (often ironic)变得衰老(常作反语)
    • die (peacefully)/pass away in your sleep/​after a brief illness在睡梦中/患病不久(平静地)离开人世
    • She was born into a wealthy family.她生在有钱人家。
    • Their child was born with a serious medical problem.他们的孩子生来就有严重的疾病。
    • babies who are born to very young mothers非常年轻的妈妈生的孩子
    • to be born of noble parents生于贵族之家
    Topics Life stagesa1
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • prematurely
    • into
    • of
    • to
    • be born alive
    • be born dead
    • be born and bred
  2. (of an idea, an organization, a feeling, etc.思想、机构、感情等) to start to exist出现;形成;成立
    • the city where the protest movement was born抗议运动发源的城市
    • born (out) of something She acted with a courage born (out) of desperation.绝望驱使她鼓起勇气,作出行动。
  3. -born
    (in compounds构成复合词) born in the order, way, place, etc. mentioned以…的顺序(或方式、地点等)出生的
    • firstborn第一个孩子
    • nobly born出身贵族
    • French-born法国出生的
    • The part is played by an American-born actress.这一角色由一个美国出生的女演员扮演。
    see also newborn
  4. 词源Old English boren, past participle of beran ‘to bear’, of Germanic origin; from an Indo-European root shared by Sanskrit bharati, Greek pherein, and Latin ferre.
be/be born/be made that way
  1. (of a person) to behave or do things in a particular manner because it is part of your character天性如此;生下就这样
    • It's not his fault he's so pompous—he was born that way.他如此自命不凡并不是他的错,他天生就是这种性格。
be born to be/do something
  1. to have something as your destiny (= what is certain to happen to you) from birth注定会成为;注定要做
    • He was born to be a great composer.他是个天生的伟大作曲家。
born and bred
  1. born and having grown up in a particular place with a particular background and education(在某地)出生长大;受过…熏陶
    • He was born and bred in Boston.他生于波士顿,长于波士顿。
    • I'm a Londoner, born and bred.我是个土生土长的伦敦人。
    • I was born and bred in Texas.我生于得克萨斯,长于得克萨斯。
    More Like This Alliteration in idiomsAlliteration in idioms
    • belt and braces
    • black and blue
    • born and bred
    • chalk and cheese
    • chop and change
    • done and dusted
    • down and dirty
    • in dribs and drabs
    • eat somebody out of house and home
    • facts and figures
    • fast and furious
    • first and foremost
    • forgive and forget
    • hale and hearty
    • hem and haw
    • kith and kin
    • mix and match
    • part and parcel
    • puff and pant
    • to rack and ruin
    • rant and rave
    • risk life and limb
    • short and sweet
    • signed and sealed
    • spic and span
    • through thick and thin
    • this and that
    • top and tail
    • tried and tested
    • wax and wane
born with a silver spoon in your mouth
  1. (saying) having rich parents生于富裕之家;出身富裕
in all my born days
  1. (old-fashioned, informal) used when you are very surprised at something you have never heard or seen before(表示惊讶)这辈子(未听说,未见)
    • I've never heard such nonsense in all my born days.我这辈子还从没听说过此等废话呢。
not be born yesterday
  1. (informal) used to say that you are not stupid enough to believe what somebody is telling you(表示自己并不傻,不会轻信别人的话)
    • Oh yeah? I wasn't born yesterday, you know.是吗?我可不是三岁的小孩子,你知道的。
not know you are born
  1. (British English, informal) to have an easy life without realizing how easy it is身在福中不知福
    • You people without kids don't know you're born.你们没孩子,真是身在福中不知福啊。
there’s one born every minute
  1. (saying) used to say that somebody is very stupid总有那种傻瓜
(as/as if) to the manner born
  1. (formal) as if something is natural for you and you have done it many times in the past仿佛天生的;生来就习惯的
    • She adapted to life on the estate as if to the manner born.她适应了庄园的生活,好像适应了生来的方式。


[only before noun]
  1. having a natural ability or skill for a particular activity or job天生(有某方面才能)的
    • a born athlete/writer/leader天生的运动员/作家/领袖
    • a born loser (= a person who always loses or is unsuccessful)永远的失败者
    词源Old English boren, past participle of beran ‘to bear’, of Germanic origin; from an Indo-European root shared by Sanskrit bharati, Greek pherein, and Latin ferre.




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