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词汇 victory


[countable, uncountable]
(plural victories)
  1. success in a game, an election, a war, etc.胜利;成功
    • to win a narrow victory险胜
    • The outcome left both sides claiming victory.最后的结果使得双方都宣称自己获胜。
    • an election victory选举胜利
    • Neither side is strong enough to achieve a military victory.双方都不够强大,无法取得军事胜利。
    • victory in something a decisive/landslide victory in the election选举中决定性的/压倒性的胜利
    • She is confident of victory in Saturday's final.她对在星期六决赛中取得胜利充满信心。
    • victory over somebody/something The team are celebrating a 3–2 victory over Poland.这支队正在庆祝以3:2战胜波兰队。
    • victory against somebody/something He hopes to lead his side to victory against Australia.他希望带领自己的队伍战胜澳大利亚。
    • victory for somebody/something The case is being seen as a victory for freedom of speech.此案被视为言论自由的胜利。
    • a victory speech/celebration/parade胜利演说/庆典/游行
    see also moral victory, Pyrrhic victory
    • A goal in the final seconds of the game sealed their victory.他们在比赛还剩最后几秒时进了一球,锁定了胜局。
    • Any mistake by the Democrats could deliver a Republican victory.民主党人犯任何错误都有可能将胜利拱手交给共和党人。
    • Bush barely eked out a victory in 2000.布什在 2000 年勉强获胜。
    • He saw it as a small victory over the increasingly repressive policies.他把这看成是对那些日益残暴的政策的一场小小的胜利。
    • He surprised the nation with an upset victory over the incumbent leader.他意外地击败了现任领导人,震惊了全国。
    • His party won a landslide victory in the elections.他的政党在选举中获得了压倒性胜利。
    • Of their nine consecutive victories, five have been at home.他们连续获胜的 9 场比赛中,有 5 场是在主场进行的。
    • She made a victory sign with her two fingers.她用两个手指做了个胜利的手势。
    • The Dutch champions were denied victory in a tough 2–2 draw at Porto.荷兰冠军队在波尔图一番苦战,结果以 2 比 2 打成平局,与胜利无缘。
    • The England cricket team has tasted victory for the first time this season.英格兰板球队在本赛季第一次嚐到了胜利的滋味。
    • The Hungarians pulled off a surprise victory against the Italian champions.匈牙利队打败了意大利冠军队,取得了意料之外的胜利。
    • The army won the decisive victory that changed the course of the war.部队取得了决定性的胜利,改变了战争的进程。
    • The case was hailed as a victory for the common man.这一案子被誉为普通百姓的胜利。
    • The winners took a victory lap after the race.比赛后获胜者绕场一周。
    • They would do anything to ensure victory for themselves.他们会竭尽所能以确保胜利。
    • They would do whatever lay in their power to ensure victory for themselves.他们愿意竭尽所能以确保胜利。
    • This series of bloodless victories won him widespread domestic support.这一系列不流血的胜利为他在国内赢得了广泛的支持。
    • Union leaders hailed the socialists' victory as a huge step forward.工会领袖将社会党人的胜利称为一个巨大的进步。
    • a 98 000-vote victory margin以 98,000 票的优势取胜
    • a victory against Fascism反法西斯主义的胜利
    • their resounding victory over England他们大胜英格兰
    • Chelmsford finished 10 runs short of victory.切姆斯福德差10分就赢了。
    • It represented a significant political victory for Williamson.这对威廉森来说是一次重大的政治胜利。
    • Neither side has yet claimed outright victory.双方都没有宣称取得了彻底的胜利。
    • The team is aiming for a hat-trick of victories in Germany this weekend.该队的目标是本周末在德国上演帽子戏法般的胜利。
    Topics Successb2, War and conflictb2, Sports: other sportsb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • famous
    • glorious
    verb + victory
    • achieve
    • capture
    • clinch
    victory + noun
    • celebration
    • parade
    • party
    • victory against
    • victory for
    • victory over
    • snatch victory from the jaws of defeat
    词源Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French victorie, from Latin victoria.
roar, romp, sweep, etc. to victory
  1. to win something easily轻易取胜;大获全胜
    • He swept to victory in the final of the championship.他在锦标赛的决赛中轻而易举地获胜。
    • Labour swept to victory in the 1945 election.工党在1945年大选中大获全胜。
    Topics Sports: other sportsc2, War and conflictc2
snatch victory from the jaws of defeat
  1. to win something even though it seemed up until the last moment that you would lose 轻易取胜;大获全胜The idiom is often reversed for humorous effect to show that a person or team were expected to win, but then lost at the last moment, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.




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