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词汇 wall


    a long, solid structure that rises straight up from the ground, made of stone, brick or concrete, that surrounds, divides or protects an area of land城墙;围墙;隔墙
    • to build a wall筑围墙
    • a brick/concrete wall砖墙/混凝土墙
    • The fields were divided by stone walls.这些田地由石墙分隔。
    • He sat on the wall and watched the others playing.他坐在墙头上看别人玩耍。
    • The enemy set up camp just outside the city walls.敌人就在城墙外扎营。
    • a private garden hidden behind high walls隐藏在高墙后面的私人花园
    • They quickly climbed over the wall and ran off.他们迅速爬过墙跑了。
    see also drystone wall, green wall, living wall, sea wall
    • The Trojans brought the Wooden Horse within the walls.特洛伊人把木马带进了墙内。
    • His plan was to fortify the defensive walls around the city.他的计划是加固城市周围的防御墙。
    • Nobody can see behind the wall.没人能看到这面墙的后面。
    • The burglars must have scaled the side wall.这些入室窃贼一定是攀越边墙进来的。
    • There was a wall separating the two garages.一堵墙将两个车库隔开了。
    • They built a retaining wall around the pond.他们围着池塘建了一圈挡土墙。
    • high walls around the prison监狱周围的高墙
    • the wall along the seafront沿着海岸的防波堤
    Topics Buildingsa1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • high
    • low
    • long
    verb + wall
    • build
    • erect
    • put up
    wall + verb
    • stand
    • collapse
    • fall
    wall + noun
    • clock
    • light
    • plug
    • against a/​the wall
    • behind a/​the wall
    • on a/​the wall
    any of the sides of a building or room 墙;壁;墙壁
    • She leaned against the wall.她倚靠着墙。
    • on a wall Colourful abstract paintings hung on the walls.彩色抽象画挂在墙上。
    • He drilled a hole in the wall.他在墙上钻了一个洞。
    • Books lined the walls.图书靠墙排列着。
    • I'm going to paint the walls white and the ceiling pink.我打算把墙壁刷成白色,把天花板刷成粉红色。
    • the row of tables along the back wall 沿着后墙的那排桌子
    • Pictures covered the walls.墙上挂满了照片。
    • wall between A and B the wall between the living room and the dining room客厅和餐厅之间的墙
    Collocations Decorating and home improvementDecorating and home improvement装饰和改善房屋Houses房屋
    • refurbish/​renovate/ (British English) do up a building/​a house整修/翻新/修缮楼房/房屋
    • convert a building/​house/​room into homes/​offices/(especially North American English) apartments/(British English) flats把楼房/房子/房间/改建成住房/办公室/公寓
    • extend/​enlarge a house/​building/​room/​kitchen扩建/扩大房屋/楼房/房间/厨房
    • build (British English) an extension (to the back/​rear of a house)/(North American English) an addition (on/​to something)/(British English) a conservatory(在房子后面)扩建;(在某处)增建;建造暖房
    • knock down/​demolish a house/​home/​building/​wall推倒/拆除房子/住房/楼房/墙壁
    • knock out/​through the wall separating two rooms将两个房间的隔墙打通
    • furnish/​paint/ (especially British English) decorate a home/​a house/​an apartment/​a flat/​a room布置/油漆/装饰住房/房子/公寓/房间
    • be decorated in bright colours/​in a traditional style/​with flowers/​with paintings
    • paint/​plaster the walls/​ceiling给墙壁/天花板上刷油漆/抹灰
    • hang/​put up/​strip off/​remove the wallpaper贴/去除墙纸
    • install/​replace/​remove the bathroom fixtures/(British English) fittings安装/更换/拆除浴室的固定装置/附加设备
    • build/​put up shelves搭架子
    • lay wooden flooring/​timber decking/​floor tiles/​a carpet/​a patio铺设木地板/平台木板/地砖/地毯/露台
    • put up/​hang/​take down a picture/​painting/​poster/​curtain挂上/取下图画/绘画/海报/帘子
    DIY/​home improvement自己动手;房屋改造
    • do (British English) DIY/​carpentry/​the plumbing/​the wiring自己动手做;做木匠活;铺设管道;铺设线路
    • make home improvements改造房屋
    • add/​install central heating/​underfloor heating/​insulation添加/安装中央供暖系统/地暖系统/隔热材料
    • fit/​install double-glazing/​a smoke alarm安装双层玻璃/烟雾报警器
    • insulate your house/​your home/​the walls/​the pipes/​the tanks/(especially British English) the loft在房子/住房/墙壁/管道/热水箱/阁楼里加隔热装置
    • fix/​repair a roof/​a leak/​a pipe/​the plumbing/​a leaking (especially British English) tap/(North American English usually) faucet维修房顶/裂缝/管子/管道系统/漏水的水龙头
    • block/​clog (up)/unblock/​unclog a pipe/​sink堵住/疏通管道/洗涤池
    • make/​drill/​fill a hole开/钻/填一个洞
    • hammer (in)/pull out/​remove a nail锤进/拔出钉子
    • tighten/​untighten/​loosen/​remove a screw拧紧/拧松/拧开螺丝钉
    • saw/​cut/​treat/​stain/​varnish/​paint wood锯/切割/加工木料;给木料上色/上清漆/上油漆
    see also cavity wall, climbing wall, party wall
    • Photos were pinned to the wall behind her desk.照片被钉在她桌子后面的墙上。
    • A glass wall separates the foyer from the gallery.一堵玻璃墙把门厅和画廊隔开了。
    • He heard voices through the wall.他听到穿墙的声音。
    • Ivy grew along the outer walls of the building.常春藤沿着大楼的外墙生长。
    • Hang the picture on the wall opposite the window.把这张画挂在对着窗的墙上。
    • If a load-bearing wall is weakened, the building could fall down.如果承重墙坚固度降低的话,建筑就可能倒塌。
    • She covered her walls with pictures of film stars.她用电影明星的图片贴满了墙壁。
    • She hung the photos on the wall.她把照片挂在墙上。
    • She just sat there, staring at the wall.她就坐在那儿盯着墙看。
    • She turned and faced the wall.她转过身面对着墙。
    • the wall facing the door对着门的墙壁
    • to stare at a blank wall盯着空空的墙壁
    Topics Houses and homesa1, Buildingsa1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • high
    • low
    • long
    verb + wall
    • build
    • erect
    • put up
    wall + verb
    • stand
    • collapse
    • fall
    wall + noun
    • clock
    • light
    • plug
    • against a/​the wall
    • behind a/​the wall
    • on a/​the wall
  3. something that forms a barrier or stops you from making progress屏障;隔阂;壁垒
    • The boat struck a solid wall of water.船撞上一道水幕。
    • The investigators were confronted by a wall of silence.调查人员碰了壁,问谁谁都默不作声。
    • a solid wall of fog似墙的浓雾
    see also fourth wall
  4. the outer layer of something hollow such as an organ of the body or a cell of an animal or a plant(身体器官或动植物细胞等的)外壁
    • the abdominal wall腹壁
    • the wall of an artery动脉血管壁
    • Heating food breaks down plant cell walls so they can release more of their nutrients.加热食物会破坏植物细胞壁,因此它们可以释放更多的营养物质。
    Topics Biologyc2
  5. a space on a social media website where you can share messages, photos, etc. with other users墙:社交媒体网站上的空间,您可以在其中与其他用户共享消息,照片等
    • She posted a pink baby romper on her Facebook wall, announcing they were expecting a girl.她在自己的脸书墙上贴了一张粉色婴儿连身裤,宣布他们怀上了一个女孩。
  6. 词源Old English, from Latin vallum ‘rampart’, from vallus ‘stake’.
be banging, etc. your head against a brick wall
  1. (informal) to keep trying to do something that will never be successful用头撞墙;徒劳无益;枉费心机
    • Trying to reason with them was like banging my head against a brick wall.试图和他们讲道理只是白费口舌。
    Topics Difficulty and failurec2
be bouncing off the walls
  1. (informal) to be so full of energy or so excited that you cannot keep still精力充沛得待不住;激动得难以平静
    • The kids have been bouncing off the walls all day.孩子们一整天都在墙上蹦蹦跳跳。
be up against a brick wall
  1. to be unable to make any progress because there is a difficulty that stops you遇到难以逾越的障碍Topics Difficulty and failurec2
a fly on the wall
  1. a person who watches others without being noticed不为人觉察的观察者
    • I'd love to be a fly on the wall when he tells her the news.他把这消息告诉她时,我想悄悄在旁观看。
    • fly-on-the-wall documentaries (= in which people are filmed going about their normal lives as if the camera were not there)纪实影片
go to the wall
  1. (informal) (of a company or an organization公司或机构) to fail because of lack of money(因缺少资金)走投无路,失败,破产,陷于绝境
    • Many firms have gone to the wall in this recession.许多企业在本次经济衰退中倒闭了。
    Topics Businessc2
the handwriting on the wall (North American English)
(also the writing is on the wall, see the writing on the wall )
  1. (saying) used when you are describing a situation in which there are signs that something is going to have problems or that it is going to be a failure(看出)厄运临头的预兆,不祥之兆
    • It is amazing that not one of them saw the handwriting on the wall.令人惊讶的是,他们中没有一个人看到墙上的笔迹。
have your back to the wall
  1. (informal) to be in a difficult situation in which you are forced to do something but are unable to make the choices that you would like处于背水一战的境地;没有退路
    • We had our backs to the wall with no choice but to sell.我们别无选择,只能出售。
hit a/the wall
  1. to reach a point when you cannot continue or make any more progress筋疲力尽;陷入绝境;遇到不可逾越的障碍
    • We hit a wall and we weren't scoring.我们已经筋疲力尽,得不到分了。
    • I’ve hit a wall with my marathon training.我的马拉松训练碰壁了。
    • What do you do when you hit the wall at work?当你在工作中碰壁时,你会做什么?
off the wall
  1. (informal) unusual or slightly crazy奇妙的;有点儿出格的
    • Some of his ideas are really off the wall.他有些想法真是十分新奇。
    • off-the-wall ideas奇妙的想法
these four walls
  1. used when you are talking about keeping something secret(用于叮嘱保守秘密)到此为止
    • Don't let this go further than these four walls (= Don't tell anyone else who is not in the room now).走出屋外这事就不要再谈了。
up the wall
  1. (informal) crazy or angry发狂;愤怒
    • That noise is driving me up the wall.那噪音让我都快疯了。
    • I mustn't be late or Dad will go up the wall.我不能晚了,否则爸爸会发脾气的。
walls have ears
  1. (saying) used to warn people to be careful what they say because other people may be listening隔墙有耳
the writing is on the wall | see the writing on the wall
(North American English also the handwriting on the wall)
  1. (saying) used when you are describing a situation in which there are signs that something is going to have problems or that it is going to be a failure(看出)厄运临头的预兆,不祥之兆
    • It is amazing that not one of them saw the writing on the wall.令人吃惊的是他们就没有一个人看出大难临头的预兆。
    Topics Difficulty and failurec2


[usually passive]
present simple I / you / we / they wall
he / she / it walls
past simple walled
past participle walled
-ing form walling
Phrasal Verbs
  1. wall something to surround an area, a town, etc. with a wall or walls用墙把…围住
    • a walled city有城墙的城市
    词源Old English, from Latin vallum ‘rampart’, from vallus ‘stake’.




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