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词汇 watch


present simple I / you / we / they watch
he / she / it watches
past simple watched
past participle watched
-ing form watching
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
    [transitive, intransitive] to look at somebody/something for a time, paying attention to what happens看;注视;观看;观察
    • watch somebody/something I was in the living room, watching TV.我在客厅里,看电视。
    • A large crowd watched the game on Saturday. 一大群人观看了周六的比赛。
    • to watch a film/movie/video/show观看电影/电影/录像/表演
    • The film is well made and fun to watch—just don't expect a classic.这部电影制作精良,看起来很有趣——只是不要期待经典之作。
    • He sat on the ground and watched me with great interest.他坐在地上,饶有兴趣地看着我。
    • watch something for something He watched the house for signs of activity.他注视着那所房子里的动静。
    • watch (for something) He watched for signs of activity in the house.他注视着那所房子里的动静。
    • ‘Would you like to play?’ ‘No thanks—I'll just watch.’“你想玩吗?” “不啦,谢谢。我就看看好了。”
    • She stood and watched as the taxi drove off.她站在那里,看着出租车驶去。
    • We watched to see what would happen next.我们注视着下一步要发生的事情。
    • watch what, how, etc… Watch what I do, then you try.你注意看我的动作,然后试着做。
    • watch somebody/something doing something She watched the kids playing in the yard.她看着孩子们在院子里玩。
    • watch somebody/something do something They watched the bus disappear into the distance.他们注视着公共汽车消失在远方。
    Synonyms looklook
    • watch
    • see
    • view
    • observe
    These words all mean to turn your eyes in a particular direction.
    • look to turn your eyes in a particular direction:
      • If you look carefully you can just see our house from here.你要是仔细看,从这里就可以看见我们的房子。
      • She looked at me and smiled.她看了看我,笑了。
    • watch to look at somebody/​something for a time, paying attention to what happens:
      • to watch television看电视
      • Watch what I do, then you try.你注意看我的动作,然后试着做。
    • see to watch a game, television programme, performance, etc.:
      • In the evening we went to see a movie.晚上我们去看了一场电影。
    • view (formal) to look at something, especially when you look carefully; to watch television, a film, etc.:
      • People came from all over the world to view her work.观众从世界各地涌来欣赏她的作品。
    watch, see or view?用 watch、see 还是 view?You can see/​view a film/​programme but you cannot: see/​view television. View is more formal than see and is used especially in business contexts.
    • observe (formal) to watch somebody/​something carefully, especially to learn more about them or it:指观察、注视、监视:
      • The patients were observed over a period of several months.这些病人被观察了数月之久。
    • to look/​watch for somebody/​something
    • to watch/​observe what/​who/​how…
    • to look/​watch/​view/​observe (somebody/​something) with amazement/​surprise/​disapproval, etc.
    • to watch/​see/​view a film/​show/​programme
    • to watch/​see a match/​game/​fight
    • to look (at somebody/​something)/watch (somebody/​something)/observe somebody/​something carefully/​closely
    • He couldn't get in touch with her, so he would just have to watch and wait.因无法与她取得联系,他只好干等。
    • He leant in and kissed her as I watched enviously.他俯身亲吻她,我羡慕地看着这一切。
    • He let me watch while he assembled the model.他让我看着他组装模型。
    • He watched with great interest how she coaxed the animals inside.他饶有兴趣地看着她如何哄那些动物进到里面来。
    • I could see Robby watching curiously.我可以看到罗比在好奇地看着。
    • I spent hours patiently watching the eagles.我花了数小时耐心地观察鹰。
    • My father religiously watched the show every Friday night.我爸爸每个周五晚上都要认真地观看这个节目。
    • She stood and watched them walk off down the road.她站在那里看着他们沿着马路走远了。
    • She watched helplessly as her husband was dragged away.她眼睁睁地看着丈夫被拉走了。
    • She watched in astonishment as he smashed the machine to pieces.她吃惊地看着他把机器砸成碎片。
    • She watched the man closely to see where he would go.她紧盯着那个人,看他要去哪里。
    • The women were made to watch while their children were slaughtered.那些妇人被迫看着自己的孩子惨遭杀戮。
    • They could only watch in silence as their possessions were taken away.他们只能眼睁睁地看着自己的财物被拿走。
    • They stopped to watch the procession go by.他们停下来观看游行队伍走过。
    • They watched from an upstairs window.他们从楼上的窗口观望。
    • We watched for any sign of change in the weather.我们留意着天气变化的任何迹象。
    • the most widely watched national news bulletins in the country该国观众最多的全国性新闻节目
    • A capacity crowd watched the semi-final.观众观看了半决赛。
    • I only let my kids watch television at the weekends.我只允许孩子在周末看电视。
    • This initiative is being closely watched by government regulators.政府监管部门正在密切关注这项新方案。
    Topics TV, radio and newsa1
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • carefully
    • closely
    • attentively
    verb + watch
    • could only
    • continue to
    • pause to
    • for
    • from
    • in
    • sit and watch
    • stand and watch
    • watch and wait
    [transitive] to take care of somebody/something for a short time(短时间)照看,看护,照管
    • watch somebody/something for somebody Could you watch my bags for me while I buy a paper?我去买份报纸,你能替我照看一下我的包吗?
    • watch something It's OK, I can watch the baby for a while.没事,我可以看一会儿宝宝。
    (British English also mind)
    [transitive] (informal) to be careful about something小心;当心;留意
    • watch yourself Watch yourself! (= be careful, because you're in a dangerous situation)当心!
    • watch something Watch your bag—there are thieves around.小心你的提包,这里有小偷。
    • Watch your head on the low ceiling.天花板很低,当心别碰着头。
    • I have to watch every penny (= be careful what I spend).我必须掂量着花每一分钱。
    • watch where, what, etc… Hey, watch where you're going!嘿,瞧着点路!
    [transitive, intransitive] to pay attention to a situation so that you notice any changes看;注视;观看;观察
    • watch something We're watching the situation very carefully.我们正在非常仔细地观察形势。
    • This election is being closely watched in the region.该地区正在密切关注这次选举。
    • The food retail sector is one to watch.食品零售行业值得关注。
    • watch for something We'll watch for any developments.我们会留意事态的发展。
  5. [often passive] (often in the progressive tenses) to observe somebody's activities without their knowledge, especially over a period of time小心;当心;留意
    • be (being) watched He didn't know he was being watched by the authorities.他不知道自己被当局监视着。
  6. 词源Old English wæcce ‘watchfulness’, wæccende ‘remaining awake’; related to the verb wake. The sense ‘small timepiece’ probably developed by way of a sense ‘alarm device attached to a clock’.
mind/watch your language
  1. to be careful about what you say in order not to upset or offend somebody谨慎措辞;留神言辞
    • Watch your language, young man!年轻人,注意你的措辞!
    • The referee told the players to mind their language.裁判让队员注意言辞。
mind/watch your step
  1. to walk carefully走路小心
  2. to behave in a careful and sensible way言行小心谨慎
    • You’d better watch your step with him if you don’t want trouble.如果你不想惹麻烦,你最好小心和他在一起。
watch your back
  1. to protect yourself against danger小心;当心;留意
    • She'd better watch her back if she wants to hold onto the top job.如果她想保住最高职位,最好小心点。
watch the clock
  1. (disapproving) to be careful not to work longer than the required time; to think more about when your work will finish than about the work itself盯着钟表(算计着不超过规定的工作时间,或只盼望下班而无心工作)
    • employees who are always watching the clock总是在不停地看表等着下班的员工
    see also clock-watcher
a watched pot never boils
  1. (saying) used to say that when you are impatient for something to happen, time seems to pass very slowly心急水不开(越心急,时间过得越慢)
watch it
  1. (informal) used as a warning to somebody to be careful当心;留神;注意
watch your mouth/tongue
  1. to be careful what you say in order not to offend somebody or make them angry说话当心;嘴上留个把门的
watch this space
  1. (informal) used in orders, to tell somebody to wait for more news about something to be announced(用于命令)等待下面发表的消息
    • I can't tell you any more right now, but watch this space.目前我不能跟你多说,等着听下面发表的消息吧。
watch the time
  1. to be sure that you know what the time is, so that you finish something at the correct time, or are not late for something注意时间(以便按时完成或到达)
    • I'll have to watch the time. I need to leave early today.我得看着点时间。今天我要早走。
watch the world go by
  1. to relax and watch people in a public place闲看人来人往;静观众生百态
    • We sat outside a cafe, watching the world go by.我们坐在一家小餐馆外面,望着眼前来来往往的人们。
    • I love just watching the world go by.我喜欢静观周围发生的事情。


  1. enlarge image
    [countable] a type of small clock that you wear on your wrist, or (in the past) carried in your pocket表;手表;(旧时的)怀表
    • She kept looking anxiously at her watch.她焦急不安地一个劲儿看表。
    • He paced nervously, checking his watch.他紧张地踱步,检查他的手表。
    • My watch is fast/slow.我的表快/慢了。
    • Sorry I'm late—my watch has stopped.对不起,我来晚了,我的手表停了。
    see also stopwatch, wristwatch
    • Don't forget to set your watch to local time.别忘了把手表调成当地时间。
    • Let's synchronize our watches.我们对一下表吧。
    • My watch is ten years old and it's still going.我的手表已用了 10 年,现在还在走。
    • My watch loses a minute each day.我的手表每天慢 1 分钟。
    • My watch says three o'clock.我的手表显示是 3 点钟。
    • Quartz watches don't need winding.石英表不需要上弦。
    • We put our watches forward eight hours before landing in Tokyo.飞抵东京之前,我们把手表拨快了8 个小时。
    Topics Clothes and Fashiona1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • digital
    • analogue/​analog
    • mechanical
    verb + watch
    • check
    • consult
    • glance at
    watch + verb
    • go
    • work
    • stop
    watch + noun
    • face
    • band
    • strap
  2. [singular, uncountable] the act of watching somebody/something carefully in case of possible danger or problems注意;注视;监视;观察
    • The police have mounted a watch outside the hotel.警方已在旅馆外面布置人监视。
    • I'll keep watch while you go through his papers (= watch and warn you if somebody is coming).你查阅他的文件,我来放哨。
    • The government is keeping a close watch on how the situation develops.政府正在密切注视着形势的发展。
    see also neighbourhood watch
    • I kept a close watch on my bag as I sat on the train.坐火车时我紧盯着我的包。
    • She keeps watch over the inmates.她监视囚犯。
    • The authorities maintained a careful watch over the establishment.当局密切监视该机构。
    • They kept a vigilant watch for the enemy.他们时刻警惕着敌人。
    • Go in and see if you can find it in his study. I'll keep watch for you.进去看看在他书房里能不能找到,我给你放哨。
    • Two soldiers were ordered to keep watch for enemy aircraft.两名士兵奉命监视敌机。
    • They're in charge of issuing the tornado watches.他们负责发布龙卷风警情。
    • We have tornado watches in effect for a lot of Florida.我们对佛罗里达州很多地区的龙卷风实施监控。
    • prisoners on suicide watch (= being carefully watched as they might try to kill themselves)受到防止自杀监视的囚犯
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • careful
    • close
    • vigilant
    verb + watch
    • keep
    • stand
    • put
    watch + noun
    • committee
    • tower
    • list
    • on watch
    • on the watch for
    • keep watch over somebody/​something
    • stand watch over somebody/​something
  3. [countable, uncountable] a fixed period of time, usually while other people are asleep, during which somebody watches for any danger so that they can warn others, for example on a ship; the person or people who do this值班(人);警戒(人);守夜(人)
    • on watch I go on watch in an hour.我一个小时后值班。
    • I'm on first watch.我值第一班。
    see also nightwatchman
    • Some of the crew were sleeping, while others were on watch.一些船员在睡觉,其他的在值班。
    • That night they posted watches.他们那天晚上站岗。
    • The garrison commander had put an extra watch on the prisoners.卫戍部队司令已经安排加强对囚犯的看守。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • careful
    • close
    • vigilant
    verb + watch
    • keep
    • stand
    • put
    watch + noun
    • committee
    • tower
    • list
    • on watch
    • on the watch for
    • keep watch over somebody/​something
    • stand watch over somebody/​something
  4. 词源Old English wæcce ‘watchfulness’, wæccende ‘remaining awake’; related to the verb wake. The sense ‘small timepiece’ probably developed by way of a sense ‘alarm device attached to a clock’.
be on the watch (for somebody/something)
  1. to be looking carefully for somebody/something that you expect to see, especially in order to avoid possible danger小心提防;警戒
    • Be on the watch for thieves.要提防小偷。
    Topics Dangerc2
keep a close eye/watch on somebody/something
  1. to watch somebody/something carefully密切注视;严密监视
    • Over the next few months we will keep a close watch on sales.在接下来的几个月里,我们将密切关注销售情况。




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