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词汇 wear


present simple I / you / we / they wear
he / she / it wears
past simple wore
past participle worn
-ing form wearing
Idioms Phrasal Verbs


    [transitive] wear something to have something on your body as a piece of clothing, a decoration, etc.穿;戴;佩戴
    • He was wearing a new suit.他穿着一套新西装。
    • to wear clothes/clothing穿衣服
    • to wear a shirt/hat/uniform穿着衬衫/帽子/制服
    • to wear shoes/glasses穿鞋/戴眼镜
    • Do I have to wear a tie?我得系领带吗?
    • Was she wearing a seat belt?她系着安全带吗?
    • She never wears make-up.她从来不化妆。
    • All delegates must wear a badge.所有代表都要佩戴徽章。
    • She always wears black (= black clothes).她总是穿黑色衣服。
    • I've got nothing to wear.我没什么可穿的。
    • One woman decided to wear flowers in her hair.一个女人决定在头发上戴花。
    Homophones ware | wear | whereware   wear   where
    • ware noun
      • The products include porcelain and ceramic ware.产品包括瓷器和陶瓷制品。
    • wear verb
      • Don't wear that jacket—it's far too big!别穿那件夹克——它太大了!
    • wear noun
      • Comfortable and smart, this jacket is suitable for office wear.这件夹克既舒适又时髦,适合办公室穿着。
    • where adverb
      • Where are you going on your next adventure?你下一次冒险去哪里?
    • where conjunction
      • He was free to go where he liked.他想去哪儿就去哪儿。
    Homophones war | worewar   wore
    • war noun
      • It's in memory of the soldiers who gave their lives during the war.这是为了纪念在战争中献出生命的士兵。
    • wore verb (past tense of wear)
      • He wore his raincoat all day, even though it was sunny.尽管天气晴朗,他还是整天穿着雨衣。
    Collocations Clothes and fashionClothes and fashion服装与时尚Clothes衣服
    • be wearing a new outfit/​bright colours/​fancy dress/​fur/​uniform穿着一身新衣裳/鲜艳的服装/化装舞会服/毛皮衣服/制服
    • be (dressed) in black/​red/​jeans and a T-shirt/​your best suit/​leather/​silk/​rags (= very old torn clothes)穿着黑色衣服/红色衣服/牛仔裤和 T 恤/最好的西服/皮衣/丝绸衣服/破衣烂衫
    • be dressed for work/​school/​dinner/​a special occasion穿好衣服准备上班/上学/赴晚宴/出席特殊场合
    • be dressed as a man/​woman/​clown/​pirate打扮成男人/女人/小丑/海盗
    • wear/​dress in casual/​designer/​second-hand clothes穿休闲服/名牌服装/二手衣服
    • wear jewellery/​accessories/​a watch/​glasses/​contact lenses/​perfume
    • have a cowboy hat/​red dress/​blue suit on戴着牛仔帽;穿着红色连衣裙/蓝色西服
    • put on/​take off your clothes/​coat/​shoes/​helmet穿上/脱下衣服/外套/鞋子;戴上/取下头盔
    • pull on/​pull off your coat/​gloves/​socks穿上/脱下外套;戴上/脱下手套;穿上/脱下袜子
    • change into/​get changed into a pair of jeans/​your pyjamas
    • change/​enhance/​improve your appearance改变/提升/改善形象
    • create/​get/​have/​give something a new/​contemporary/​retro look塑造/获得/拥有/给某物以新的/现代的/复古的外貌
    • brush/​comb/​shampoo/​wash/​blow-dry your hair梳/用洗发剂洗/洗/吹头发
    • have/​get a haircut/​your hair cut/​a new hairstyle理发;换一个新发型
    • have/​get a piercing/​your nose pierced穿孔;穿鼻孔
    • have/​get a tattoo/​a tattoo done (on your arm)/a tattoo removed有纹身;在(胳膊上)刺花纹;去除纹身
    • have/​get a makeover/​cosmetic surgery做整容手术
    • use/​wear/​apply/​put on make-up/​cosmetics使用化妆品;化妆
    • follow/​keep up with (the) fashion/​the latest fashions追求时尚;赶时髦
    • spend/​waste money on designer clothes把钱花在/浪费在名牌服装上
    • be fashionably/​stylishly/​well dressed衣着时尚/新潮/考究
    • have good/​great/​terrible/​awful taste in clothes着装很有品味/品味很差
    • update/​revamp your wardrobe更新服装
    • be in/​come into/​go out of fashion流行;开始流行;不再流行
    • be (back/​very much) in vogue(又开始/非常)流行
    • create a style/​trend/​vogue for something为…创造了一种风格/趋势/潮流
    • organize/​put on a fashion show策划/举办时装秀
    • show/​unveil a designer’s spring/​summer collection展示/首次推出一位设计师的春/夏装系列
    • sashay/​strut down the catwalk/(North American English also) runway走 T 型台
    • be on/​do a photo/​fashion shoot做专业摄影/时装摄影
    • She wears purple shoes with red polka dots.她穿着带有红色圆点的紫色鞋子。
    • He had forgotten to wear his gloves.他忘了戴手套。
    • He is entitled to wear the regimental tie.他有资格戴专用的英式斜纹领带。
    • I tend to wear a jacket to work.我喜欢穿夹克上班。
    • I will probably choose to wear jeans.我可能会选择穿牛仔裤。
    • She refused to wear prison clothes.她不肯穿囚服。
    • They came in, proudly wearing their uniforms.他们自豪地穿着制服进来了。
    • the first time that I had ever dared to wear something like this第一次我敢于穿这种衣服
    • Do you have to wear a suit for work?上班一定要穿西装吗?
    • He wasn't wearing his raincoat, he was carrying it over his arm.他没穿着雨衣而是把它搭在胳膊上。
    Topics Clothes and Fashiona1
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • proudly
    • comfortably
    verb + wear
    • tend to
    • prefer to
    • choose to
  2. hair须发

  3. [transitive] to have your hair in a particular style; to have a beard or moustache蓄,留(发、须等)
    • wear something + adj. She wears her hair long.她梳着长发。
    • Hannah preferred to wear her hair short.汉娜更喜欢留短发。
    • wear something to wear a beard留胡须
    Topics Appearancec1
  4. expression on face面部表情

  5. [transitive] wear something to have a particular expression on your face流露,面带,呈现(某种神态)
    • He wore a puzzled look on his face.他脸上流露出迷惑不解的神情。
    • His face wore a puzzled look.他脸上流露出迷惑不解的神情。
    • Both men wore confident smiles.两个人都带着自信的微笑。
    • She turned to us, wearing a blank expression.她转向我们,表情茫然。
  6. damage with use用坏

    [intransitive, transitive] to become, or make something become thinner, smoother or weaker through continuous use or rubbing磨损;消耗;用旧
    • The carpets are starting to wear.地毯渐渐磨坏了。
    • A racing car's rear end gets very loose as the tyres wear.随着轮胎的磨损,赛车的尾部会变得很松。
    • wear + adj. The sheets have worn thin.床单已经磨薄了。
    • wear something + adj. The stones have been worn smooth by the constant flow of water.不停的流水把这些石头冲刷得很光滑。
    [transitive] wear something + adv./prep. to make a hole, path, etc. in something by continuous use or rubbing穿破;磨出(洞);踩出(路);冲出(沟)
    • I've worn holes in all my socks.我把我所有的袜子都穿破了。
    • The water had worn a channel in the rock.水把岩石冲出了一条沟。
  9. stay in good condition保持良好状况

  10. [intransitive] wear well to stay in good condition after being used for a long time耐用;耐穿;耐磨;耐久
    • That carpet is wearing well, isn't it?这地毯很耐用,是不是?
    • (figurative, humorous) You're wearing well—only a few grey hairs!你一点儿都不显老,只有几根灰白头发!
    • Those curtains have worn very well.那些窗帘非常耐用。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • badly
    • well
  11. accept/allow接受;允许

  12. [transitive] (usually used in questions and negative sentences通常用于问句和否定句) wear something (British English, informal) to accept or allow something, especially something that you do not approve of接受,容许(尤指不赞成的事物)
    • It's an interesting proposal, but the rich countries are never going to wear it.这是一个有趣的提议,但富裕国家永远不会穿它。
  13. 词源Old English werian, of Germanic origin, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin vestis ‘clothing’.
if the shoe fits (, wear it) (North American English)
(British English if the cap fits (, wear it))
  1. if you feel that a remark applies to you, you should accept it and take it as a warning or criticism有则改之
wear your heart on your sleeve
  1. to allow your feelings to be seen by other people让感情外露;把心事挂在脸上
    • He’s not one to wear his heart on his sleeve.他不是那种把心放在袖子上的人。
wear thin
  1. to begin to become weaker or less acceptable开始变弱;变得不受欢迎;变得兴趣索然
    • These excuses are wearing a little thin (= because we've heard them so many times before).这些托辞让人听得有点儿腻烦。
    • My patience is beginning to wear very thin.我有些不耐烦了。
wear the trousers (British English)
(North American English wear the pants)
  1. (often disapproving) (especially of a woman尤指女人) to be the person in a marriage or other relationship who makes most of the decisions(在婚姻等关系中)处于支配的位置,起指挥的作用
    • It’s obvious who wears the trousers in that family!那家谁当家显而易见!




  1. (usually in compounds通常构成复合词) used especially in shops to describe clothes for a particular purpose or occasion(尤用于商店)…时穿的衣服,…装
    • casual/evening wear便装;晚装
    • children’s/ladies’ wear童装;女装
    see also footwear, menswear, sportswear, streetwear, underwear
    Homophones ware | wear | whereware   wear   where
    • ware noun
      • The products include porcelain and ceramic ware.产品包括瓷器和陶瓷制品。
    • wear verb
      • Don't wear that jacket—it's far too big!别穿那件夹克——它太大了!
    • wear noun
      • Comfortable and smart, this jacket is suitable for office wear.这件夹克既舒适又时髦,适合办公室穿着。
    • where adverb
      • Where are you going on your next adventure?你下一次冒险去哪里?
    • where conjunction
      • He was free to go where he liked.他想去哪儿就去哪儿。
    • The fashion show was split into two sections, displaying formal and casual wear.时装表演分为两个部分,展示正装和休闲装。
    • We headed straight for the children's wear department.我们直奔童装部。
    Topics Clothes and Fashionb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • day
    • evening
    • designer
  2. the fact of wearing something衣着;穿着;穿戴;佩戴
    • casual clothes for everyday wear平时穿的休闲服
    • These woollen suits are not designed for wear in hot climates.这些毛料西服不是为炎热气候下穿着设计的。
    Synonyms clothesclothes衣服
    • clothing
    • garment
    • dress
    • wear
    • gear
    These are all words for the things that you wear, such as shirts, jackets, dresses and trousers.
    • clothes [pl.] the things that you wear, such as shirts, jackets, dresses and trousers.
    • clothing [U] (rather formal) clothes, especially a particular type of clothes:
      • warm clothing保暖服
    clothes or clothing?用 clothes 还是 clothing?Clothing is more formal than clothes and is used especially to mean ‘a particular type of clothes’. There is no singular form of clothes or clothing: a piece/​an item/​an article of clothing is used to talk about one thing that you wear such as a dress or shirt.
    • garment (formal) a piece of clothing:指一件衣服:
      • He was wearing a strange shapeless garment.他穿着一件不成形的奇怪衣服。
      Garment should only be used in formal or literary contexts; in everyday contexts use a piece of clothing.
    • dress [U] clothes, especially when worn in a particular style or for a particular occasion:
      • We were allowed to wear casual dress on Fridays.我们在星期五可以穿便服。
    • wear [U] (usually in compounds) clothes for a particular purpose or occasion, especially when they are being sold in shops:
      • the children’s wear department童装部
    • gear [U] (informal) clothes:
      • Her friends were all wearing the latest designer gear.她的朋友都穿着最新的名牌服装。
    • casual clothes/​clothing/​dress/​wear/​gear
    • evening/​formal clothes/​dress/​wear
    • designer/​sports clothes/​clothing/​garments/​wear/​gear
    • children’s/​men’s/​women’s clothes/​clothing/​garments/​wear
    • to have on/​be in/​wear …clothes/​garments/​dress/​gear
    • New shoes usually get more comfortable with wear.通常新鞋越穿越舒服。
    • Silk shirts always feel soft and light in wear.丝绸衬衣穿起来都柔软轻便。
    Topics Clothes and Fashionb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • daily
    • everyday
    • weekend
    • with wear
    • years of wear
  3. use使用

  4. the amount or type of use that something has over a period of time使用量(或形式);耐用性;经久性
    • You should get years of wear out of that carpet.那条地毯你可使用很多年。
    • This flooring can withstand years of hard wear.这种地板经得起多年的高强度使用。
    • The stairs had become slippery with wear.楼梯已经磨损得发滑了。
    • The cathedral steps were polished smooth by centuries of wear.大教堂的台阶经过几个世纪的使用已磨得平滑了。
    • This is a quality garment which should give years of wear.这件衣服质量好,应该能穿好几年。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • hard
    • heavy
    verb + wear
    • withstand
    • with wear
    • centuries, years, etc. of wear
  5. damage损坏

  6. the damage or loss of quality that is caused when something has been used a lot磨损;用坏;耗损
    • His shoes were beginning to show signs of wear.他那双鞋看样子快穿坏了。
    • The machines have to be checked regularly for wear.必须定期检查机器的磨损情况。
    • the analysis of wear patterns on prehistoric stone tools史前石器磨损模式的分析
    • This new oil reduces wear on the engine.这种新机油可以减少对发动机的磨损。
    • The flooring comes with a 20-year wear guarantee.这种地板附有20 年的耐磨保用期。
    • The cushions were beginning to show wear.垫子已开始显出磨损痕迹。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • excessive
    • brake
    • engine
    verb + wear
    • show
    • cause
    • minimize
    • wear on
    • signs of wear
    • wear and tear
  7. 词源Old English werian, of Germanic origin, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin vestis ‘clothing’.
wear and tear
  1. the damage to objects, furniture, property, etc. that is the result of normal use(正常使用造成的)磨损,损耗,损坏
    • The insurance policy does not cover damage caused by normal wear and tear.保险单不保正常使用所造成的坏损。
    • The living-room carpet has to stand up to the combined wear and tear of two dogs and three children.客厅的地毯必须经得起两只狗和三个孩子的磨损。
    More Like This Rhyming pairs in idiomsRhyming pairs in idioms
    • doom and gloom
    • fair and square
    • high and dry
    • huff and puff
    • name and shame
    • slice and dice
    • thrills and spills
    • wear and tear
    • wheel and deal
    • wine and dine
the worse for wear (informal)
  1. in a poor condition because of being used a lot用旧的;用坏的
  2. drunk喝醉的
    • He arrived home at two in the morning, much the worse for wear.他凌晨两点才到家,更糟的是他已经筋疲力尽了。




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