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词汇 Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill

/ˌwɪnstən ˈtʃɜːtʃɪl/
/ˌwɪnstən ˈtʃɜːrtʃɪl/
  1. (1874-1965) a politician who is remembered as one of Britain's greatest statesmen. He was the son of the conservative politician Lord Randolph Churchill and his American wife Jennie. As a young man he served as a soldier in India and Egypt, and as a journalist in South Africa. He was a Member of Parliament from 1900 to 1965, for five different constituencies. He started as a conservative, changed to the Liberal Party in 1904 and back to the Conservative Party in 1925. Between 1906 and 1929 he held many important positions in government, but went against the general feeling of his day in opposing Hitler's moves to increase Germany's supplies of weapons. When Neville Chamberlain was forced to resign in 1940, Churchill became Prime Minister and Minister of Defence. His radio speeches during the Second World War gave the British people a strong determination to win the war, especially at times of great crisis. The Conservative Party, led by Churchill, lost the election of 1945, but he became Prime Minister again from 1951 to 1955 when he retired, aged 80. He was made a knight in 1953, the same year in which he won the Nobel Prize for literature. Churchill was also a skilled painter. He was famous for smoking a large cigar, and making a V-sign for 'victory'. He was often referred to simply as 'Winnie' and is remembered with great affection in both Britain and the US. In 1963 Congress made him an honorary US citizen. 温斯顿·丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)(1874-1965)是一位政治家,被公认为是英国最伟大的政治家之一。他是保守派政治家兰道夫·丘吉尔勋爵和他的美国妻子珍妮的儿子。他年轻时曾在印度和埃及当过兵,并在南非当过新闻记者。从1900年到1965年,他是五个不同选区的国会议员。他起初是一个保守派,1904年改为自由党,1925年回到保守党。1906年至1929年间,他在政府中担任许多重要职务,但与当时的一般感觉背道而驰,反对希特勒提高德国政权的举动。武器供应。当内维尔·张伯伦(Neville Chamberlain)在1940年被迫辞职时,丘吉尔成为总理和国防部长。他在第二次世界大战期间的广播讲话使英国人民有坚强的决心赢得这场战争,特别是在严重危机时期。由丘吉尔领导的保守党在1945年大选中失败,但他于1951年至1955年再次退休,享年80岁。他于1953年被授予骑士勋章,同年他获得诺贝尔奖。文献。丘吉尔也是一位熟练的画家。他以抽大雪茄和为“胜利”制作V形手势而闻名。他经常被简单地称为“温妮”,在英国和美国都被深深地怀念。1963年,国会授予他名誉美国公民。但他在1951年至1955年退休时再次出任总理,享年80岁。他于1953年获封为骑士,同年获得诺贝尔文学奖。丘吉尔也是一位熟练的画家。他以抽大雪茄和为“胜利”制作V形手势而闻名。他经常被简单地称为“温妮”,在英国和美国都被深深地怀念。1963年,国会授予他名誉美国公民。但他在1951年至1955年退休时再次出任总理,享年80岁。他于1953年获封为骑士,同年获得诺贝尔文学奖。丘吉尔也是一位熟练的画家。他以抽大雪茄和为“胜利”制作V形手势而闻名。他经常被简单地称为“温妮”,在英国和美国都被深深地怀念。1963年,国会授予他名誉美国公民。see also Battle of Britain I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweatWinston Churchill on becoming Prime Minister




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