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词汇 wit


Word Family
  • wit noun
  • witty adjective
  • witticism noun
  • outwit verb
    [uncountable, singular] the ability to say or write things that are both clever and humorous措辞巧妙的能力;风趣;才思
    • to have a quick/sharp/dry/ready wit才思敏捷;敏锐机智;假装正经的诙谐;头脑机敏
    • a woman of wit and intelligence才思敏捷、聪颖的女子
    • a book full of the wit and wisdom of his 30 years in politics一本有关他 30 年政治生涯中才思与智慧的书
    • He had a dry wit.他很会讽刺挖苦。
    • He has plenty of wit and imagination.他说话很风趣,也富于想象力。
    • He was blessed with great charm and a quick wit.他极富魅力,才思敏捷。
    • I wanted to bowl him over with my sparkling wit.我想用我的聪明才智把他打倒。
    • She had to use all her native wit to convince the police.她不得不绞尽脑汁去说服警察。
    Topics Personal qualitiesc1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • great
    • quick
    • ready
    verb + wit
    • have
    • wit and wisdom
  2. [countable] a person who has the ability to say or write things that are both clever and humorous才思敏捷说话诙谐的人;机智幽默的人
    • a well-known wit and raconteur一位闻名遐迩、妙语连珠的故事大王
    Topics Personal qualitiesc2
    [plural] your ability to think quickly and clearly and to make good decisions理解力;颖悟力;头脑;智力
    • He needed all his wits to find his way out.他需要绞尽脑汁找到出路。
    • The game was a long battle of wits.这场游戏是长时间的斗智。
    • Kate paused and gathered her wits.凯特停下来恢复一下理智。
    • a chance to pit your wits against (= compete with, using your intelligence) our quiz champion用你的智慧同我们的知识竞赛冠军进行较量的机会
    • She couldn't seem to gather her wits and tell us what had happened.她好像还没有恢复理智,还不能告诉我们发生了什么事情。
    • The game allows you to match wits with a computer criminal.这个游戏可以让你与计算机罪犯斗智斗勇。
    • The strike developed into a battle of wits between management and workers.这场罢工发展成为劳资双方智慧的较量。
    • Living alone in the country had dulled his wits.在乡下独自生活磨灭了他的才思。
    Collocations Dictionaryverb + wits
    • use
    • have
    • gather
    • a battle of wits
    • have your wits about you
    • keep your wits about you
  4. -witted
    (in adjectives构成形容词) having the type of intelligence mentioned有…智慧的;头脑…的
    • a quick-witted group of students一群头脑聪明的学生
  5. [uncountable] wit to do something the intelligence or good sense to know what is the right thing to do(正确判断的)能力,智力;明智
    • At least you had the wit to ask for help.你起码还能意识到要求救。
    • It should not be beyond the wit of man to resolve this dispute.解决这一纠纷应当是人力所能及的事。
    • I hope he has the wit to take the key with him.我希望他还知道带钥匙。
    • I hope you had the wits to apologize.我希望你能认识到错误去道歉。
    • You'd think they'd have the wit to ask for help.你会认为他们会机智地寻求帮助。
    • It shouldn't be beyond the wit of man to solve this issue.解决这个问题不应该超出人类的智慧。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • native
    verb + wit
    • have
    • use
    • beyond the wit of man
  6. see also witless
    词源Old English wit(t), gewit(t), denoting the mind as the seat of consciousness, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch weet and German Witz, also to wit in the archaic sense ‘have knowledge’.
be at your wits’ end
  1. (informal) to be so worried by a problem that you do not know what to do next智穷计尽;全然不知所措
    • She was at her wits’ end wondering how she’d manage it all in the time.她不知如何在这段时间里处理好这一切。
    • I'm at my wits' end trying to cope with his moods.我想让他平静下来,可完全不知道该怎么办。
    Topics Feelingsc2
be frightened/scared/terrified out of your wits
(also to frighten/scare the wits out of somebody)
  1. to be very frightened; to frighten somebody very much吓得魂不附体
    • I was scared out of my wits!我被吓得魂都没了!
    • The latest news has scared the wits out of investors.最新的消息把投资者吓坏了。
have/keep your wits about you
  1. to be aware of what is happening around you and ready to think and act quickly时刻保持头脑冷静;随机应变
    • They do tough interviews so you'll need to have your wits about you.他们的面试很难对付,所以你得保持头脑清醒。
live by your wits
  1. to earn money by clever or sometimes dishonest means靠耍小聪明赚钱;(有时)靠玩花招捞钱
to wit
  1. (old-fashioned, formal) you use to wit when you are about to be more exact about something that you have just referred to也就是说;即
    • Pilot error, to wit failure to follow procedures, was the cause of the accident.飞行员的失误,即没有遵守操作程序,是事故的原因。




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