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词汇 worse


comparative of badbad 的比较级Idioms
    of poorer quality or lower standard; less good or more unpleasant更差的;更糟的;更坏的
    • The rooms were awful and the food was worse.房间很糟糕,吃的更差。
    • The weather got worse during the day.日间天气变得更恶劣了。
    • I've been to far worse places.我到过糟糕得多的地方。
    • worse than something The film was no worse than many others he made in the 1930s.这部电影不比他在20世纪30年代制作的许多其他电影差。
    • The interview was much worse than he had expected.这次面试比他预计的要糟得多。
    • The area seemed almost worse than the city he had left.这个地区似乎比他离开的那个城市还要糟。
    • worse than doing something There's nothing worse than going out in the cold with wet hair.没有比在大冷天头发湿着外出更糟糕的了。
    • worse for somebody/something It's much worse for the parents than it is for the child.这对父母的影响比对孩子更严重。
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • feel
    • look
    • considerably
    • dramatically
    • far
    • no
    • not any
    more serious or severe更严重的;更严厉的
    • They were trying to prevent an even worse tragedy.他们正在设法避免更大的悲剧发生。
    • The crisis was getting worse and worse.危机越来越严重了。
    • Don't tell her that—you'll only make things worse.别把这事告诉她,你只会火上浇油。
    • Could things get any worse?事情会变得更糟吗?
    • Never mind—it could be worse (= although the situation is bad, it is not as bad as it might have been).没关系,原本可能还要更糟。
    • worse than (doing) something The situation was worse than he had imagined.情况比他想象的还要糟糕。
    • It's not just the government's poor ratings in the opinion polls. It's worse than that.不仅仅是政府在民意调查中的糟糕评级。还不止这些。
    • Killing someone is considered morally worse than letting them die.杀人被认为在道德上比让他们去死更糟糕。
    • Ignoring the problem will make it worse.忽视这个问题会把情况弄得更糟。
    • The news got dramatically worse.消息变得越来越糟糕。
    • The problem became progressively worse.问题变得越来越严重。
    • The problem is getting worse all the time.问题一直在恶化。
    • Things could be a sight worse (= much worse) than they are.情况可能比现在糟糕得多。
    • Things were about to get very much worse.情况将变得糟糕得多。
    • We've run out of coffee. Worse still, we can't get any more until tomorrow.咖啡已经喝完了。更糟糕的是,我们必须等到明天才能有新的。
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • feel
    • look
    • considerably
    • dramatically
    • far
    • no
    • not any
    [not before noun] more ill or unhappy病情更重;健康恶化;更不愉快
    • If he gets any worse, we'll call the doctor.要是他的病情恶化,我们就请医生。
    • worse than… He told her she'd let them down and she felt worse than ever.他对她说,她让他们失望了,于是她难过极了。
    • She seems worse than she was yesterday.她似乎比昨天更糟了。
    • I feel even worse today!我今天感觉更差!
    • The pain grew worse.疼痛越来越厉害了。
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • feel
    • look
    • considerably
    • dramatically
    • far
    • no
    • not any
  4. 词源Old English wyrsa, wiersa (adjective), wiers (adverb), of Germanic origin; related to war.
somebody’s bark is worse than their bite
  1. (informal) used to say that somebody is not really as angry or as aggressive as they sound嘴硬心软;说话强硬,其实并不伤人;貌似凶狠
come off worse
  1. to lose a fight, competition, etc. or suffer more compared with others(战斗、比赛等)失败,输得更惨
a fate worse than death
  1. (often humorous) a terrible thing that could happen(可能发生的)极可怕的事
    • At the last minute the hero saves her from a fate worse than death.在最后一刻,英雄将她从比死亡更糟糕的命运中拯救出来。
    • Getting married seemed a fate worse than death.结婚似乎比死还要难受。
    • Obeying her parents' wishes for her life seemed a fate worse than death.她一辈子都听从父母的安排,真还不如死了呢。
go from bad to worse
  1. (of a bad condition, situation, etc.不好的情况、局势等) to get even worse每况愈下;越来越糟
worse luck!
  1. (British English, informal) used to show that you are disappointed about something(表示失望)倒霉,不幸,可惜
    • I shall have to miss the party, worse luck!我参加不了这次聚会了,真倒霉!


comparative of badlybadly 的比较级Idioms
    less well更坏;更差;更糟
    • Working-class children fared rather worse.工人阶级的孩子情况更糟。
    • worse than somebody/something They are performing much worse than their counterparts at competitor firms.他们的表现比竞争对手的同行差得多。
    • I didn't do it very well, but, if anything, he did it worse than I did.我干得不太好,但其实他干得比我还糟。
    more seriously or severely更严重;更厉害
    • worse than somebody/something It's raining worse than ever.雨下得比以往都大。
    • He maintains that many dementia patients are treated worse than animals.他坚持认为许多痴呆症患者受到的治疗比动物更糟糕。
    used to introduce a statement about something that is more serious or unpleasant than things already mentioned更糟的是;更倒霉的是
    • She'd lost her job. Even worse, she'd lost her house and her children, too.她丢了工作。更倒霉的是,她还失去了房子和孩子。
    • worse than something The defeat in Parliament has undermined his authority. Worse than that, everybody's now questioning his judgement.议会的失败削弱了他的权威。更糟糕的是,每个人都在质疑他的判断。
  4. 词源Old English wyrsa, wiersa (adjective), wiers (adverb), of Germanic origin; related to war.
be worse off (than somebody/something)
  1. to be poorer, unhappier, etc. than before or than somebody else(比以前或其他人)更穷,更不愉快,更差
    • The increase in taxes means that we'll be £30 a month worse off than before.税收的增加意味着我们将比以前每月少挣 30 英镑。
    • I've only broken my arm; other people are far worse off than me.我只摔断了胳膊;其他人的情况比我差得多。
you can/could do worse than do something
  1. used to say that you think something is a good idea倒不如试做某事;你做某事倒不失可取
    • If you want a safe investment, you could do a lot worse than put your money in a building society.你要想投资而不冒风险,倒不如把钱存到房屋互助协会。


  1. more problems or bad news更多的问题;更坏的消息
    • I'm afraid there is worse to come.恐怕更糟的还在后头呢。
    • McPherson was sent off for a tackle on Mendes. Worse followed when Yardley gave Saints the lead.麦弗逊因对门德斯的铲球而被罚下。更糟糕的是,亚德利让圣徒队领先。
    词源Old English wyrsa, wiersa (adjective), wiers (adverb), of Germanic origin; related to war.
be none the worse (for something)
  1. to not be harmed by something没有受到(…的)不良影响
    • The kids were none the worse for their adventure.孩子们没有因历险而受伤。
a change for the better/worse
  1. a person, thing, situation, etc. that is better/worse than the previous or present one变好(或坏)
    • Voters see the new leader as a change for the better.选民们认为新领导人是一种好转。
    • I reckon we've all made a big change for the better.我认为我们大家都向好的方面大大转变了。
    • His family had detected a change for the worse in his behaviour.他的家人发现他的行为变得更糟了。
for better or (for) worse
  1. used to say that something cannot be changed, whether the result is good or bad不论好坏;不管是福是祸;不管怎样
so much the better/worse
  1. used to say that something is even better/worse那就更好了/更糟了
    • We don't actually need it on Tuesday, but if it arrives by then, so much the better.实际上我们星期二并不需要它,但如果那时能到就更好。
    • If hurricanes become more powerful, as current research suggests, so much the worse.如果飓风变得更强大,就像目前的研究表明的那样,那就更糟糕了。
the worse for wear (informal)
  1. in a poor condition because of being used a lot用旧的;用坏的
  2. drunk喝醉的
    • He arrived home at two in the morning, much the worse for wear.他凌晨两点才到家,更糟的是他已经筋疲力尽了。




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