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词汇 year


/jɪə(r)/, /jɜː(r)/
(abbreviation yr)
    (also calendar year)
    [countable] the period from 1 January to 31 December, that is 365 or 366 days, divided into 12 months年;日历年
    • Elections take place every year.每年都进行各项选举。
    • I lost my job earlier this year.今年早些时候,我失业了。
    • next/last year明年/去年
    • She died the following year.第二年她死了。
    • Three million tourists visit Yellowstone every year.每年有三百万游客参观黄石公园。
    • in the year… She was born in the year 1865.她出生于1865年。
    • in… years The crowd was much smaller than in previous years.人群比往年少多了。
    • In the past few years, she has become one of our top-selling authors.在过去的短短几年里,她成了我们最畅销的作家之一。
    • The museum is open all year round (= during the whole year).博物馆全年开放。
    see also leap year, new year
    Culture the calendarthe calendarBritain and the US follow the Gregorian calendar, which replaced the Roman Julian calendar in 1752. The year is divided into 12 months, with 30 or 31 days in each month, except February, which has 28 days. An extra day is added to February every fourth year, called a leap year, to keep the calendar in time with the moon. A well-known verse helps people remember how many days there are in each month:Thirty days hath September,April, June and November.All the rest have thirty-one,Excepting February alone,Which hath twenty-eight days clear,and twenty-nine in each leap year.The calendar year starts on 1 January, New Year’s Day. The number of each year (2003, 2004, etc.) represents the number of years that have passed since the birth of Jesus Christ. The year 2000 marked the end of the second millennium (= a period of 1 000 years) since Christ was born. The years before Christ are described as BC (= before Christ), for example, 55 BC, or BCE (= before the Common Era). AD (Latin Anno Domini, meaning ‘in the year of the Lord’) or CE (= Common Era) are put before or after the date for the years after Christ's birth, for example, AD 44 or 44 AD, but they are not used with years after about 200 AD. Some cultural and religious groups use different calendars: the year 2000 in the Gregorian calendar began during the year 5760 in the Jewish calendar, 1420 in the Islamic calendar and 1921 in the Hindu calendar.The academic year used by schools and colleges in Britain runs from September to July, with short holidays at Christmas and in the spring and a long summer vacation. In the US the academic year runs from August or September to May or June. Many business companies have a financial year (= a period of accounting) that runs from April to the following March. The tax year in the US is the same as the calendar year but the tax year in Britain begins on 5 April. The reason is that in the Middle Ages the calendar year began on 25 March, not 1 January. When the Gregorian Calendar was introduced, an adjustment was needed and 11 days were removed from September 1752. To avoid being accused of collecting a full year's taxes in a short year, the government made the end of the 1752-3 tax year 4 April.Many festivals are celebrated during the year. Christmas and Easter are the main Christian festivals. Jews remember Passover and Yom Kippur. Ramadan, a month of fasting (= not eating during the day), and Eid ul-Fitr are celebrated by Muslims. Diwali, the Hindu festival of light, takes place in October or November, and the Chinese celebrate their new year in January or February. Special occasions such as Bonfire Night in Britain and Thanksgiving in the US are enjoyed by almost everyone.
    • profit for the current year to 31 December到12 月 31 日为止的本年度利润
    • the boom years from 1993 to 2000从 1993 年到 2000 年的繁荣期
    • the early years of the 21st century21 世纪的头几年
    • a peak year for exports出口高峰年
    • This year marks the 10th anniversary of her death.今年是她逝世 10 周年纪念。
    • They had met once the previous year.他们在前一年曾经见过一次面。
    • The team has suffered a loss of form since the turn of the year.自进入今年以来,这支队伍一直不在状态。
    • The reforms will be fully implemented by the year 2007.这些改革措施到2007 年将全面实行。
    • The event has not proved popular in past years.在过去的几年里这项活动已证明不受欢迎。
    • The death rate in any given year.任何年份的死亡率
    • That year saw the explosion of the internet.那一年因特网发展迅猛。
    • That was in the year of the great flood.那是在大水灾之年。
    • Over 10 000 people per year are injured in this type of accident.每年有 1 万多人在这类事故中受伤。
    • I've been waiting for this moment all year long.整整一年我都在等这个时机。
    • He spent last year trying to get a new job.他去年一整年都在找新工作。
    • Britain was invaded in the year 1066.1066 年不列颠遭到入侵。
    • We're going skiing early in the new year.我们打算在新年之初去滑雪。
    • I paint the house every single year.我每年都把房子粉刷一遍。
    • It's usually much colder at this time of year.每年的这个时候天气通常冷多了。
    • She won the race for the third successive year.她连续三年赢得了这项比赛。
    • The city tour runs all the year round.市区游览全年都在进行。
    • The global economy means that all types of fruit and vegetables are available throughout the year.全球化的经济意味着全年都可买到各种水果和蔬菜。
    • We aim to do even better in future years.我们打算在未来的几年里做得更好。
    Topics Timea1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • last
    • past
    • past
    verb + year
    • spend
    • take
    • celebrate
    year + verb
    • begin
    • start
    • end
    • by the year…
    • during the year
    • over the year
    • after all these years
    • after all those years
    • all year long
    [countable] a period of twelve months, measured from any particular time一年时间
    • It's exactly a year since I started working here.我来这里工作已经整整一年了。
    • She gave up teaching three years ago.三年前,她放弃了教学工作。
    • They got married two years later.两年后他们结婚了。
    • The autobiography could only be published 100 years after his death.这本自传只能在他死后100年出版。
    • I hope to retire in two years' time.我希望两年后退休。
    • Where do you think you will be five years from now?你认为五年后你会在哪里?
    • Seeds can live in the soil for many years.种子可以在土壤中存活许多年。
    • in the… year (of something) in the first year of their marriage在他们婚后第一年里
    • in… years Production has declined in recent years.近年来产量下降了。
    • His early years were spent in San Francisco.他早年是在旧金山度过的。
    • We have high hopes for the coming year (= the next twelve months).我们对即将到来的一年寄以厚望。
    • the pre-war/war/post-war years (= the period before/during/after the war)战前的/战争的/战后的年代
    • I have happy memories of my years in Poland (= the time I spent there).在波兰的岁月给我留下了美好的回忆。
    see also gap year, light year, off year
    • He soon realized that a lot had changed in the intervening years.他很快就意识到,这几年间发生了许多变化。
    • I visited Morocco 20-odd years ago.我 20 多年前去过摩洛哥。
    • It happened during the Clinton years.这件事发生在克林顿执政时期。
    • It took him ten years to qualify as a vet.他用了 10 年的时间才获得兽医资格。
    • Next month, they celebrate fifty years of marriage.下个月,他们庆祝结婚五十周年。
    • Over the past few years, we've made significant changes.在过去的短短几年里,我们进行了一些重大变革。
    • The book represents three years of hard work.这本书是 3 年苦干的成果。
    • The chart shows our performance over the past year.这张图显示出我们在过去一年里的表现。
    • The children spent the war years abroad.战争时期孩子们在国外。
    • The last year went by in flash.过去的一年转瞬即逝。
    • We lived there for ten years.我们在那儿住了 10 年。
    • We worked for five long years on this project.我们这个项目干了 5 年之久。
    • We've been friends for over twenty years.我们已经是 20 多年的朋友了。
    • They're still friends after all these years.多年之后他们仍然是朋友。
    • the golden years of motoring驾车旅行的黄金年份
    • In his later years, he drifted away from politics.他晚年逐渐远离了政治。
    • She was born in Spain but spent her formative years in Italy.她在西班牙出生,但性格形成时期是在意大利度过的。
    Topics Timea1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • intervening
    • early
    • later
    verb + years
    • spend
    • during the… years
    [countable, usually plural] age; time of life年岁;年纪;年龄
    • He was 14 years old when it happened.这件事情发生的时候,他 14 岁。
    • She looks young for her years.她看上去比她的年龄小。
    • They were both only 20 years of age.他们两人都只有 20 岁。
    • a twenty-year-old man一名二十岁的男子
    • He died in his sixtieth year.他是六十岁时去世的。
    • She's getting on in years (= is no longer young).她已经上年纪了。
    • She's only ten years old.她只有 10 岁。
    • children of tender years年幼的孩子
    [countable] a period of twelve months connected with a particular activity与某事相关的一年;年度
    • the tax/fiscal year税收/财政年度
    • the school year学年。
    see also academic year, financial year
    • in the next tax year在下一个纳税年度
    • during the next academic year在下一个学年期间
    • The academic year runs from October to June.从 10 月份到 6 月份为一学年。
    • He spent his sabbatical year doing research in Moscow.他把自己的学术年假用于在莫斯科做研究。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • last
    • past
    • past
    verb + year
    • spend
    • take
    • celebrate
    year + verb
    • begin
    • start
    • end
    • by the year…
    • during the year
    • over the year
    • after all these years
    • after all those years
    • all year long
    [countable] (especially British English) (at a school, etc.学校等) a level that you stay in for one year; a student at a particular level年级;某年级的学生
    • in year… We started German in year seven.我们在七年级开始学习德语。
    • in somebody's year She was in my year at school.她上学时跟我同级。
    • The project is the work of a group of year-seven pupils.这个专题研究是一群七年级学生的努力成果。
    • The first years do French.一年级学生学习法语。
    • We didn't start Latin until year nine.我们直到九年级才开始学习拉丁语。
    • Year seven is the first year of secondary school.七年级是中学第一年。
    • First and second years usually live in college.一二年级学生通常住在学院里。
    • final-year university students毕业班的大学生
    • The language students go abroad in their third year.学习语言的学生在第三年到国外去。
    Topics Educationa1
    [plural] (informal) a long time很久;好长时间
    • It's years since we last met.我们多年没有见面了。
    • for years They haven't seen each other for years and years.他们多年不见了。
    • in years That's the best movie I've seen in years.那是我多年来看过的最好的电影。
    • It's the first time we've met in years.这是我们多年来第一次见面。
    • over the years We've had a lot of fun over the years.这些年来我们过得很开心。
  7. 词源Old English gē(a)r, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch jaar and German Jahr, from an Indo-European root shared by Greek hōra ‘season’.
(further) along/down the road | years down the road
  1. at some time in the future很久;好长时间
    • There are certain to be more job losses further down the road.往后肯定会有更多人失业。
    • Will this movie still be funny a few years down the road?这部电影几年后还会搞笑吗?
somebody’s declining years
  1. (literary) the last years of somebody’s life暮年;晚年
donkey’s (years)
  1. (British English, informal) a very long time很长时间
    • We've known each other for donkey's years.我们已认识多年。
    • I met him once, but that was donkey’s years ago.我见过他一次,但那是多年前的事了。
    • This technology has been around for donkey's.这项技术已经存在了很长时间。
man, woman, car, etc. of the year
  1. a person or thing that people decide is the best in a particular field in a particular year某年度最优秀人物(或事物)
    • He was chosen as TV personality of the year.他被选为年度电视名人。
not/never in a hundred, etc. years
  1. (informal) used to emphasize that you will/would never do something永远不;绝对不
    • I'd never have thought of that in a million years.我永远也想不出这个主意。
of advanced years | somebody’s advanced age
  1. used in polite expressions to describe somebody as ‘very old’高龄;年事已高
    • He was a man of advanced years.他年事已高。
    • (humorous) Even at my advanced age I still know how to enjoy myself!我虽说是黄昏暮年,也还懂得如何找乐儿!
put years on somebody
  1. to make somebody feel or look older使感到老迈;使显得年老
    • The illness put years on him.疾病使他变老了。
    • His wife's death has put years on him.妻子的去世使他见老了。
the seven-year itch
  1. (informal, humorous) the desire for new sexual experience that is thought to be felt after seven years of marriage七年之痒(婚后七年另觅新欢的欲望)
since/from the year dot (British English)
(North American English since/from the year one)
  1. (informal) since a very long time ago很久以前
    • I've been going there every summer since the year dot.我从很久以前就每年夏天都去那里。
take years off somebody
  1. to make somebody feel or look younger使觉得(或显得)年轻
    • That haircut takes years off her.那发型使她年轻了许多。
    • Careful make-up and styling can take years off you.精心的化妆和头发造型能使人显得年轻。
the turn of the century/year
  1. the time when a new century/year starts世纪之交;新年伊始;辞旧迎新之际
    • It was built at the turn of the century.这是在世纪之交修建的。
    • The team are unbeaten since the turn of the year.该队自年初以来一直保持不败。
year after year
  1. every year for many years年年;每年
    • People return year after year.人年年归。
    Topics Timeb2
year by year
  1. as the years pass; each year一年一年地;每年;年复一年
    • Year by year their affection for each other grew stronger.年复一年,他们对彼此的爱愈加强烈。
    Topics Timec2
year in, year out
  1. every year年复一年;年年Topics Timec2
year of grace | year of our Lord
  1. (formal) any particular year after the birth of Christ纪元某年;公元某年
year on year
  1. (used especially when talking about figures, prices, etc.尤用于统计数字、价格等) each year, compared with the last year与前一年同期比较
    • Spending has increased year on year.与去年同期比较,开销增加了。
    • a year-on-year increase in spending开销的年度增长




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