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词汇 call


present simple I / you / we / they call
he / she / it calls
past simple called
past participle called
-ing form calling
Idioms Phrasal Verbs

    give name命名

    [transitive, often passive] to give somebody/something a particular name; to use a particular name or title when you are talking to somebody给…命名;称呼;把…叫作
    • call somebody/something + noun They decided to call the baby Mark.他们决定给婴儿取名马克。
    • His name's Hiroshi but everyone calls him Hiro.他名叫广志,但人人都称他广。
    • be called + noun What's their son called?他们的儿子叫什么名字?
    • I don't know anyone called Scott.我不认识叫斯科特的人。
    • I've forgotten what the firm he works for is called.我已经忘记他工作的公司名称。
    • What's it called again? Oh yes, a router.它叫什么来着?哦,是的,一个路由器。
    • to be commonly/often called something常被称为某物
    • This group of artists and poets is sometimes called the New York School. 这群艺术家和诗人有时被称为纽约学派。
    • call somebody/something after somebody/something They called their first daughter after her grandmother.他们给大女儿取了祖母的名字。
    • The cheese is called after the town of the same name.奶酪以同名城镇命名。
    • call somebody/something by something We call each other by our first names here.我们这儿彼此直呼其名。
    • The plant is called by different names in different parts of the country.这种植物在这个国家的不同地方有不同的叫法。
    see also so-called
    • His friends affectionately call him ‘Bear’.他的朋友亲切地叫他“大熊”。
    • We usually call him by his nickname.我们通常叫他的绰号。
    • What do they call that new fabric?他们把那种新织品叫作什么?
    • He is writing a novel, tentatively called ‘My Future’.他正在创作一部小说,暂定名为《我的未来》。
    • The area was formerly called West Meadow.该地区旧称西牧场。
    • The plant is variously called ‘cow parsley’ and ‘Queen Anne's lace’.这种植物被称为“欧芹”和“安妮女王的花边”。
    • The prison is euphemistically called a ‘rehabilitation centre’.监狱被委婉地称为“康复中心”。
    • The system is officially called the NPV System.该系统的正式名称为 NPV 系统。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • commonly
    • frequently
    • formerly
    • by
    • you could hardly call something…
    • you would hardly call something…
  2. phone

    [intransitive, transitive] to phone somebody(给…)打电话
    • I'll call again later.我过会儿再打电话来。
    • I got a message to call home immediately.我收到一条消息要马上打电话回家。
    • call somebody/something to do something I called the office to tell them I'd be late.我给办公室打电话说我可能晚到一会儿。
    • call to do something People called to ask how they could help.人们打电话来问他们能帮上什么忙。
    • call somebody/something My brother called me from Spain last night.我弟弟昨晚从西班牙给我打电话来了。
    • Call us toll-free on this number.用这个号码给我们打免费电话。
    • Call 0800 33344 for a free copy.拨打0800 33344获取免费拷贝。
    see also cold-callTopics Phones, email and the interneta1
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • back
    • ahead
    • free
    [transitive] to ask somebody/something to come quickly to a particular place by phoning打电话叫
    • call somebody/something Someone called the police.有人报了警。
    • to call an ambulance/a doctor叫救护车/医生
    • call something for somebody I'll call a taxi for you.我来打电话给你叫辆出租车。
    • call somebody something I'll call you a taxi.我来打电话给你叫辆出租车。
    • call somebody/something to something Fire crews were called to the building at 9 p.m.消防队员在晚上9点被叫到大楼。
    • The doctor has been called to an urgent case.医生接到电话去看急症。
    Topics Phones, email and the interneta1
  5. describe看作

    [transitive] to describe somebody/something in a particular way; to consider somebody/something to be something认为…是;把…看作
    • call somebody/something + noun I wouldn't call German an easy language.我并不认为德语是一门容易学的语言。
    • Are you calling me a liar?你是说我撒谎?
    • She now calls Southern California home (= she lives there).她现在把南加州称为自己的家。
    • He was in the front room, or the lounge or whatever you want to call it.他当时在客厅,或者说是在起居室,随便你管它叫什么。
    • I make it ten pounds forty-three you owe me. Let's call it ten pounds.我算下来你欠我十英镑四十三便士。就算作十英镑吧。
    • call yourself + noun They call themselves ‘The Gang’.他们自称“帮派”。
    • call somebody/something + adj. Would you call it blue or green?你认为它是蓝色还是绿色?
    • You could hardly call the show perfect, but it was successful.这场演出称不上十全十美,但很成功。
    Synonyms regardregard
    • call
    • find
    • consider
    • see
    • view
    These words all mean to think about somebody/​something in a particular way.
    • regard to think of somebody/​something in a particular way: He seemed to regard the whole thing as a joke.他似乎是把整件事当成玩笑。
    • call to say that somebody/​something has particular qualities or characteristics: I wouldn’t call German an easy language.我并不认为德语是一门容易学的语言。
    • find to have a particular feeling or opinion about something: You may find your illness hard to accept.你可能觉得难以接受自己患病。
    • consider to think of somebody/​something in a particular way: Who do you consider (to be) responsible for the accident?你认为谁对这个事故负有责任?
    regard or consider?用 regard 还是 consider?These two words have the same meaning, but they are used in different patterns and structures. In this meaning consider must be used with a complement or clause: you can consider somebody/​something to be something or consider somebody/​something as something, although very often the to be or as is left out: He considers himself an expert.They are considered a high-risk group. You can also consider that somebody/​something is something and again, the that can be left out. Regard is used in a narrower range of structures. The most frequent structure is regard somebody/​something as something; the as cannot be left out: I regard him a close friend. You cannot regard somebody/​something to be something or regard that somebody/​something is something. However, regard (but not consider in this meaning) can also be used without a noun or adjective complement but with just an object and adverb (somebody/​something is highly regarded) or adverbial phrase (regard somebody/​something with suspicion/​jealousy/​admiration).
    • see to have an opinion of something: Try to see things from her point of view.设法从她那个角度去看问题。
    • view to think of somebody/​something in a particular way: How do you view your position within the company?你如何看待你自己在公司中的位置? View has the same meaning as regard and consider but is slightly less frequent and slightly less formal. The main structures are view somebody/​something as somebody/​something (you cannot leave out the as) and view somebody/​something with something.你如何看待自己在公司中的地位?视图与“关注”和“考虑”具有相同的含义,但频率稍低,形式稍不正式。主要结构是把某人/某物看做某人/某物(不能省略as)和用某物看某人/某物。
    • to regard/​consider/​see/​view somebody/​something as something
    • to regard/​consider/​see/​view somebody/​something from a particular point of view
    • to find/​consider somebody/​something to be something
    • generally/​usually regarded/​considered/​seen/​viewed as something
    • to regard/​consider/​view somebody/​something favourably/​unfavourably
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • commonly
    • frequently
    • formerly
    • by
    • you could hardly call something…
    • you would hardly call something…
    [transitive] call yourself + noun to claim that you are a particular type of person, especially when other people question whether this is true把自己称为;自诩
    • Call yourself a friend? So why won't you help me, then?你说你够朋友?够朋友怎么不肯帮我?
    • She's no right to call herself a feminist.她无权以女权主义者自居。
  8. shout喊叫

    [intransitive, transitive] to shout or say something loudly to attract somebody’s attention大声呼叫,大声说(以吸引注意力)
    • I thought I heard somebody calling.我仿佛听见有人在呼喊。
    • call (out) to somebody (for something) She called out to her father for help.她向父亲大声呼救。
    • call (out) to somebody to do something Someone called to him to wait.有人叫他等着。
    • call something Did somebody call my name?有人叫我的名字吗?
    • call out (something) People in the audience called out requests.观众中的人大声要求。
    • + speech ‘See you later!’ she called.“再见!” 她叫道。
    • He called for help, but no one could hear.他大声呼救,可是没人听见。
    • She called out in pain.她疼得叫出了声。
    • ‘Don't forget what I said!’ she called after him.“别忘了我说的话!”她在他身后喊道。
    • He called out a warning from the kitchen.他在厨房里大声发出警告。
    Synonyms callcall
    • cry out
    • exclaim
    • blurt
    • burst out
    These words all mean to shout or say something loudly or suddenly.
    • call to shout or say something loudly to attract somebody’s attention:
      • I thought I heard someone calling.我仿佛听见有人在呼喊。
    • cry out (something) to shout something loudly, especially when you need help or are in trouble:
      • She cried out for help.她大声呼救。
      • I cried out his name.我大声呼唤他的名字。
    • exclaim to say something suddenly and loudly, especially because of a strong emotion:
      • ‘It isn’t fair!’ he exclaimed angrily.“这不公平!” 他气愤地喊道。
    • blurt to say something suddenly and without thinking carefully enough:
      • He blurted out the answer without thinking.他不假思索脱口说出了答案。
    • burst out to say something suddenly and loudly, especially with a lot of emotion:
      • ‘He’s a bully!’ the little boy burst out.“他欺负人!” 小男孩突然大叫。
    • to call/​cry out/​exclaim/​blurt out (something) to somebody
    • to call/​cry out for something
    • to cry out/​exclaim in/​with something
    • to call/​cry out/​exclaim/​blurt out/​burst out suddenly
    • to call/​cry out/​exclaim/​burst out loudly
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • softly
    • loudly
    • out
    • for
    • to
    [transitive, intransitive] to ask somebody to come by shouting or speaking loudly召唤;呼唤
    • call somebody + adv./prep. Will you call the kids in for lunch?把孩子们叫进来吃午饭好吗?
    • call (somebody) He heard me call him and came to the door.他听到我叫他,来到门口。
    • Did you call?你叫我?
  11. order somebody to come召见

    [transitive, often passive] (formal) to order somebody to come to a place命令,召(至某处)
    • be called + adv./prep. Several candidates were called for a second interview.几个候选人被通知去参加第二次面试。
    • The ambassador was called back to London by the prime minister.大使被首相召回伦敦。
    • He felt called to the priesthood (= had a strong feeling that he must become a priest).他感受到要成为司铎的召唤。
    • be called to do something You may be called to give evidence.你可能会被传唤作证。
    • She was called to testify before a Senate subcommittee.她被传唤到参议院小组委员会作证。
    • call somebody The defence says it plans to call four witnesses.辩方称计划传唤四名证人。
  13. meeting/strike, etc.集会、罢工等

    [transitive] to order something to happen; to announce that something will happen下令举行;宣布进行
    • call something to call a meeting/strike召集会议/罢工
    • call something for… The prime minister has called an election for 8 June.首相已经要求在6月8日举行选举。
    Topics Working lifeb1
  15. visit拜访

  16. [intransitive] (especially British English) to make a short visit to a person or place(短暂地)访问
    • I'll call round and see you on my way home.我想在回家的路上去看看你。
    • call on somebody Let's call on John.咱们去看看约翰吧。
    • call to do something He was out when I called to see him.我去拜访时,他不在家。
    • We called but they were out.我们去拜访时他们不在家。
    • She said she was very lonely and it was kind of them to call on her.她说她很孤独,他们来看她真是太好了。
    • Could you call by later today?你今天晚些时候能过来吗?
    • I called round at the house to check how things were.我去家访了,想看看情况如何。
  17. of bird/animal禽;兽

  18. [intransitive] to make the noise that is typical for it啼;鸣叫
    • The cuckoo called across the trees to its mate.布谷鸟穿过树林向它的配偶呼唤。
    Topics Birdsb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • softly
    • loudly
    • out
    • for
    • to
  19. predict

  20. to predict what the result of something will be预测
    • call something It's a very open game that is very hard to call.这是一个非常开放的游戏,很难打电话。
    • to be difficult/impossible to call很难/不可能打电话
    • The result of this election is going to be too close to call.这次选举的结果很难预料。
    • call it for somebody Most media pundits called it for the Conservatives. 大多数媒体专家称之为保守党。
  21. in games比赛

  22. [transitive, intransitive] call (something) to say which side of a coin you think will face upwards after it is thrown抛硬币说正反面
    • to call heads/tails要硬币的正面/反面
  23. in dances

  24. [intransitive, transitive] call (something) to shout out the steps for people performing a square dance or country dance(方形舞或土风舞中)喊出舞步的指挥
  25. 词源late Old English ceallian, from Old Norse kalla ‘summon loudly’.
bring/call somebody/something to mind (formal)
  1. to remember somebody/something想起;记起 synonym recall
    • She couldn't call to mind where she had seen him before.她想不起来曾在哪里见过他。
  2. to remind you of somebody/something使想起;使记起 synonym recall
    • The painting brings to mind some of Picasso's early works.这幅油画使人想起了毕加索早期的一些作品。
British/American phone / call / ringphone / call / ringverbs
  • In British English, to phone, to ring and to call are the usual ways of saying to telephone. In North American English the most common word is call, but phone is also used. Speakers of North American English do not say ring. Telephone is very formal and is used mainly in British English.
  • You can use call or phone call (more formal) in both British English and North American English:
    • Were there any phone calls for me?有我的电话吗?
    • How do I make a local call?本地电话怎么打?
    The idiom give somebody a call is also common:习语 give sb a call 亦常用:
    • I’ll give you a call tonight.我今晚会给你打电话。
    In informal British English you could also say:
    • I’ll give you a ring tonight.我今晚会给你打电话。
call somebody’s bluff
  1. to tell somebody to do what they are threatening to do, because you believe that they will not be cruel or brave enough to do it要求…摊牌,要求…兑现其恫吓(因相信对方不至于或不敢这样做)
    • She was tempted to call his bluff, hardly able to believe he’d carry out his threat.她很想逼他亮出底牌,并不相信他会做他威胁要做的事。
call something into play
  1. (formal) to make use of something利用;使用
    • Chess is a game that calls into play all your powers of concentration.国际象棋是一项需要全神贯注的活动。
call something into question
  1. to doubt something or make others doubt something怀疑;引起怀疑 synonym question
    • His honesty has never been called into question.他的诚实从未受到过怀疑。
call it a day
  1. (informal) to decide or agree to stop doing something结束一天的工作;到此为止;停止
    • After forty years in politics I think it's time for me to call it a day (= to retire).从政四十年,我想现在也该退休了。
call it quits (informal)
  1. to agree to end a contest, argument, etc. because both sides seem equal(因势均力敌)同意停止比赛(或争论等)Topics Discussion and agreementc2
  2. to decide to stop doing something决定停止
call somebody names
  1. to use offensive words about somebody辱骂;谩骂
    • Stop calling me names!不要再骂我啦。
call the shots/tune
  1. (informal) to be the person who controls a situation控制;操纵
call a spade a spade
  1. to say exactly what you think without trying to hide your opinion是啥说啥;直言不讳
    • I believe in calling a spade a spade.我笃信直言不讳,实话实说。
    Topics Opinion and argumentc2
call time (on something)
  1. (British English) to say or decide that it is time for something to finish宣布结束;决定结束
call somebody to account (for/over something)
  1. to make somebody explain a mistake, etc. because they are responsible for it责成…作出解释;责问
call somebody/something to order
  1. to ask people in a meeting to be quiet so that the meeting can start or continue要求安静下来(以便开始或继续会议);要求遵守会议秩序
call/bring somebody/something to order
  1. to order somebody to obey the formal rules of a meeting; to start a formal meeting命令,召(至某处)
    • The argument continued until the chairman called them both to order.争论持续不休,直到主席要求双方遵守议事规则。
    • The president brought the meeting to order at 9.15 a.m. 主席于上午9时15分宣布开会。
    • As the meeting was brought to order, the councillor immediately stood and began to protest.会议开始后,议员立即站起来开始抗议。
he who pays the piper calls the tune
  1. (saying) the person who provides the money for something can also control how it is spent花钱的人说了算;财大者气粗
(be/get called) on the carpet
  1. (informal, especially North American English) called to see somebody in authority because you have done something wrong(因做错事)被上司叫去训斥
    • I got called on the carpet for being late.我因为迟到被叫去训了一顿。
the pot calling the kettle black
  1. (saying, informal) used to say that you should not criticize somebody for a fault that you have yourself锅笑壶黑;五十步笑百步;乌鸦说猪黑
what-d’you-call-him/-her/-it/-them | what’s-his/-her/-its/-their-name
  1. used instead of a name that you cannot remember(记不得名字时说)你叫他(或她、它、他们)什么来着
    • She's just gone out with old what-d'you-call-him.她刚和老…,你叫他什么来着,一块儿出去的。



    on phone

    (also phone call, formal telephone call)
    the act of speaking to somebody on the phone打电话;通话
    • to get/receive a call from somebody接到某人的电话
    • to give somebody/make a call给某人打电话/打电话
    • I'll take (= answer) the call upstairs.我要上楼接电话。
    • I left a message but he didn't return my call.我留了口信,但他没有回电话。
    • a local/long-distance call本地/长途电话
    • An emergency call was made at 9 p.m.晚上9点打了一个紧急电话。
    • They put out a distress call and were towed into harbour 他们发出求救信号,被拖进港口
    British/American phone / call / ringphone / call / ringverbs
    • In British English, to phone, to ring and to call are the usual ways of saying to telephone. In North American English the most common word is call, but phone is also used. Speakers of North American English do not say ring. Telephone is very formal and is used mainly in British English.
    • You can use call or phone call (more formal) in both British English and North American English:
      • Were there any phone calls for me?有我的电话吗?
      • How do I make a local call?本地电话怎么打?
      The idiom give somebody a call is also common:习语 give sb a call 亦常用:
      • I’ll give you a call tonight.我今晚会给你打电话。
      In informal British English you could also say:
      • I’ll give you a ring tonight.我今晚会给你打电话。
    see also alarm call, blank call, cold call, conference call, courtesy call, nuisance call, wake-up call
    • area code
    • call
    • dial
    • engaged
    • hold
    • line
    • message
    • phone
    • ring off
    • voicemail
    • Give us a call to say when you have arrived.你到了就给我们打个电话。
    • I'll just make a quick phone call.我就打一个很短的电话。
    • I made a call to a friend in London.我给伦敦的一个朋友打了电话。
    • Could you get off the phone? I'm expecting a call.你把电话挂了好吗?我在等一个电话。
    • Ask the receptionist to put your call through to my room.让接待员把你的电话接到我房间。
    • He received an urgent call and had to leave.他接到一个紧急电话,不得不离开了。
    • He spent the whole day fielding calls from concerned parents.他一整天都在处理焦虑的家长们打来的电话。
    • I ended the call as quickly as possible.我尽快地结束了通话。
    • She placed an anonymous call to the Dutch Embassy in Dublin.她给在都柏林的荷兰大使馆打了一个匿名电话。
    • She was out and missed an important call.她在外面,错过了一个重要电话。
    • The police managed to trace the call.警方设法追查到了这个电话。
    • The screen display said ‘8 missed calls’.屏幕上显示有“ 8 个未接来电”。
    • We always make follow-up calls to ensure customer satisfaction.我们总会打跟进电话以确保顾客满意。
    • We're not supposed to make personal calls from work.我们不应该在工作时间打私人电话。
    • You had a call from Fred.弗雷德给你打过一个电话。
    • I received an unexpected call from the police yesterday.昨天我接到了警方的意外电话。
    • Were there any calls for me while I was out?我不在时有电话找我吗?
    Topics Phones, email and the interneta1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • phone
    • telephone
    • long
    verb + call
    • give somebody
    • make
    • place
    call + noun
    • box
    • centre/​center
    • call for
    • call from
    • call to
  2. shout喊叫

    call (for something) a shout or loud sound made to attract attention大声呼叫,大声说(以吸引注意力)
    • a call for help呼救声
  4. of bird/animal禽;兽

  5. [countable] a loud sound made by a bird or an animal(禽、兽的)叫声;(唤起注意的)喊声
    • the distinctive call of the cuckoo布谷鸟独特的叫声
    • The call of the barn owl is often described as a screech or scream.谷仓猫头鹰的叫声通常被描述为尖叫或尖叫。
    Topics Birdsb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • loud
    • distinctive
    • alarm
    verb + call
    • let out
    • make
    • sound
    • call for
    • call to
  6. request/demand请求;要求

    [countable] a request, an order or a demand for somebody to do something or to go somewhere要求;请求;呼吁
    • The government has resisted the calls of the international community.政府拒绝了国际社会的要求。
    • call for something calls for national unity国家统一的呼声
    • This is the last call for passengers travelling on British Airways flight 199 to Rome.乘坐英国航空公司 199 次班机飞往罗马的乘客,这是最后一次通知登机。
    • call for somebody to do something calls for the minister to resign要部长辞职的要求
    • call to something (formal) The book is a call to action.这本书是行动的号召。
    • The mosque was sounding the call to prayer.清真寺里传来钟声,召唤人们去祈祷。
    • Campaigners have renewed their call for an independent inquiry.倡议者再次呼吁进行独立调查。
    • The charity issued a call for donations to assist victims of the earthquake.慈善团体发出了为地震灾民募捐的号召。
    • It is unlikely that they will heed calls for a crackdown.他们不大可能听从严打的号召。
    • This election is a clarion call for our country to face the challenges of the new era.这次选举吹响了号角,号召我国去面对新时代的挑战。
    see also cattle call, clarion call, curtain call, roll call
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • renewed
    • repeated
    • last
    verb + call
    • issue
    • renew
    • repeat
    call + noun
    • button
    • call for
    • a call to action
    • a call to arms
  8. [uncountable] no demand for something; no reason for somebody’s behaviour没有需要;没有理由(做…)
    • no call for something There isn't a lot of call for small specialist shops nowadays.如今对小型专卖店已没有多大需求了。
    • no call (for somebody) to do something There was no call for you to go upsetting everyone like that.没有必要让你去惹所有人生气。
  9. [countable] call on somebody/something a demand or pressure placed on somebody/something(对某人或某事物的)需求,压力
    • She is a busy woman with many calls on her time.她是个大忙人,有很多事等着她去办。
  10. visit拜访

  11. [countable] a short visit to somebody’s house短暂拜访
    • The doctor has five calls to make this morning.医生今天上午要出诊五次。
    • I'm afraid this isn't a social call.恐怕这不是一次社交拜访。
    • call on somebody (old-fashioned) to pay a call on an old friend拜访一位老朋友
    • on a call The doctor is out on a call.医生出诊看病人去了。
    see also courtesy call, house call, port of call, will-call
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • business
    • courtesy
    • sales
    verb + call
    • make
    • pay (somebody)
    • on a call
    • call on
    • first port of call
    • last port of call
    • next port of call
  12. of a place地方

  13. [singular] call (of something) (literary) a strong feeling of attraction that a particular place has for you(某地的)吸引力,诱惑力
    • the call of the sea/your homeland大海的/家乡的魅力
  14. to a particular job职业

  15. [singular] call (to something) a strong feeling that you want to do something, especially a particular job召唤;呼唤;使命感
    • He felt the call to the priesthood early on in his life.他早年就感受到了对圣职的召唤。
  16. decision决定

  17. [countable] (informal) a decision决定
    • It's your call!那是你的决定!
    • a good/bad call正确的/不恰当的决定
    • That's a tough call.那是个艰难的决定。
    see also judgement callTopics Preferences and decisionsc2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • tough
    • close
    • judgement/​judgment
  18. in tennis网球

  19. [countable] a decision made by the umpire(裁判员的)判决
    • There was a disputed call in the second set.第二盘比赛有一个有争议的判决。
    Topics Preferences and decisionsc2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • tough
    • close
    • judgement/​judgment
  20. in card games纸牌游戏

  21. [countable] a player’s bid or turn to bid叫牌;吊牌
  22. 词源late Old English ceallian, from Old Norse kalla ‘summon loudly’.
at somebody’s beck and call
  1. always ready to obey somebody’s orders随时待命
    • She is constantly at the beck and call of her invalid father.她总是听从她病弱的父亲的吩咐。
    • Don't expect to have me at your beck and call.休想随意摆布我。
(above and) beyond the call of duty
  1. to a higher standard or level than is required for a job or task致电:达到高于工作或任务要求的标准或水平
    • She went above and beyond the call of duty in her efforts to save his life.她竭尽全力去救他的命。
the call of nature
  1. (humorous) the need to go to the toilet生理需要(指上厕所)
a call to arms
  1. a strong request to fight in the army; a strong request to defend something or get ready for a fight about something决定
    • A leading environmentalist has issued a call to arms to companies and the public to do more about plastic waste.一位著名的环保主义者呼吁公司和公众对塑料垃圾采取更多措施。
    • The president's speech was a call to arms to restore the vitality of the American dream.总统的演讲是为了重振美国梦而发出的入伍参战号召。
a close call/shave
  1. (informal) a situation in which you only just manage to avoid an accident, etc.侥幸避免事故;侥幸脱险;幸免于难
    • He had a close shave when his brakes failed on the mountain road.他在山路上刹车失灵,险些丧命。
have first call (on somebody/something)
  1. to be the most important person or thing competing for somebody’s time, money, etc. and to be dealt with or paid for before other people or things优先占用(时间、金钱等);优先得到照顾(或支付)
    • The children always have first call on her time.她的时间总是先花在孩子们身上。
(be) on call
  1. (of a doctor, police officer, etc.医生、警察等) available for work if necessary, especially in an emergency(尤指紧急情况下)随叫随到
    • I'll be on call the night of the party.在聚会的晚上我将随时听凭召唤。
    • The doctor had been on call for 48 hours and was exhausted.医生已经值班48小时了,已经筋疲力尽了。
    see also on-call


  1. computer assisted language learning
    compare CAL




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