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词汇 Camelot


  1. according to tradition, the wonderful and magic place where King Arthur lived with his family and the Knights of the Round Table. Some people believe Camelot was in what is now Winchester. Others think it was in Somerset, Cornwall or Caerleon in south-east Wales.卡米洛特(Camelot):按照传统,亚瑟王与家人和圆桌骑士住在一起是一个奇妙而神奇的地方。有些人认为卡米洛特就在现在的温彻斯特。其他人则认为这是在威尔士东南部的萨默塞特郡,康沃尔郡或凯利恩郡。
  2. the name of the company that runs Britain's National Lottery卡米洛特:经营英国国家彩票的公司名称
  3. a name that was associated with the presidency of John F Kennedy, used to describe the atmosphere of the White House at the time. After Kennedy was killed his wife quoted the lines from a song in the musical Camelot which she said was her husband's favourite:卡米洛特(Camelot):与约翰·肯尼迪(John F Kennedy)总统职位相关的名字,用于描述当时的白宫气氛。肯尼迪被杀后,他的妻子引用了音乐剧《卡梅洛特》中一首歌的台词,她说这是她丈夫的最爱:Don't let it be forgot,That once there was a spotFor one brief shining momentThat was known as Camelot.




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