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词汇 capital




    (also capital city)
    [countable] the most important town or city of a country or region, where the government operates from首都;国都
    • Cairo is the capital of Egypt.开罗是埃及的首都。
    • the state capital州府
    • Rennes is the provincial capital of Brittany.雷恩是布列塔尼的省会。
    • a tour of six European capital cities欧洲六个首都城市之旅
    • She liked the fast pace of life in the capital.她喜欢首都快速的生活节奏。
    • (figurative) Paris, the fashion capital of the world巴黎,世界时装之都
    • Last week's gathering in the Californian state capital was no ordinary event.上周在加州首府的集会不是普通的事件。
    • The department store has branches in all major capitals.这家百货公司在各大都市都设有分店。
    • Troops are stationed in and around the capital.军队驻扎在首都及其周围。
    • Los Angeles is the movie capital of the world.洛杉矶是世界电影之都。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • great
    • major
    • British
    • in a/​the capital
    • capital of
    • the… capital of the world
  2. letter字母

    (also capital letter)
    [countable] a letter of the form and size that is used at the beginning of a sentence or a name (= A,B,C rather than a,b,c)大写字母
    • Use block capitals (= separate capital letters).使用大写字母。
    • in capitals Please write in capitals.请用大写字母书写。
  4. money金钱

    [uncountable] wealth or property that is owned by a business or a person and can be invested or used to start a business财富;财产
    • share/investment/equity capital股份/投资/股权资本
    • He had various ideas on how to raise capital for the project.他有许多为该工程集资的想法。
    • a guide to investing capital in new markets资本投资新市场指南
    • Our capital is all tied up in property.我们的资金全都投在了房地产上,无法动用。
    • capital investment (= money invested in a business)资本投资
    • capital expenditure/spending (= money that an organization spends on buildings, equipment, etc.)资本支出。
    • capital costs/assets资本成本/资产
    • the capital value of the property这项财产的资本值
    see also venture capital, working capitalTopics Businessb2, Moneyb2
    • He sank vast amounts of capital in the venture.他在这次风险投资中投入了大量的资金。
    • They secured $175 million in capital funding from investors.他们从投资者那里获得了1.75亿美元的资本融资。
    • Inner city areas require a large injection of capital.市中心区需要注入大量资本。
    • Investors want an immediate return on their capital.投资者要求本金有即时回报。
    • The company has put a lot of capital into the project.公司为该工程投入了大量的资金。
    • We don't have enough capital to buy new premises.我们没有足够的资金来购置新的营业场所。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • risk
    • venture
    • fixed
    verb + capital
    • have
    • accumulate
    • acquire
    capital + noun
    • assets
    • goods
    • resources
    • capital and labour/​labor
    • an injection of capital
    • a return on your capital
  6. [singular] an amount of money that is invested or is used to start a business资本;资金;启动资金
    • to set up a business with a starting capital of £100 000以 10 万英镑为启动资金创办一个企业
    Topics Businessb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • risk
    • venture
    • fixed
    verb + capital
    • have
    • accumulate
    • acquire
    capital + noun
    • assets
    • goods
    • resources
    • capital and labour/​labor
    • an injection of capital
    • a return on your capital
  7. [uncountable] (specialist) people who use their money to start businesses, considered as a group资方
    • capital and labour资方与劳方
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • risk
    • venture
    • fixed
    verb + capital
    • have
    • accumulate
    • acquire
    capital + noun
    • assets
    • goods
    • resources
    • capital and labour/​labor
    • an injection of capital
    • a return on your capital
  8. resources

  9. [uncountable] (in compounds构成复合词) a valuable resource of a particular kind资本:一种特殊的宝贵资源
    • Education creates intellectual capital to convert into economic and social rewards.教育创造智力资本,转化为经济和社会回报。
    • Immigrant children have cultural capital of their own—including their home language—which may be undervalued.移民儿童有自己的文化资本——包括他们的母语——这可能被低估了。
    see also human capital, political capital, social capital
  10. architecture建筑

  11. the top part of a column柱顶;柱头
    Topics Buildingsc2
  12. 词源noun senses 1 to 5 Middle English (as an adjective in the sense ‘relating to the head or top’, later ‘standing at the head or beginning’): via Old French from Latin capitalis, from caput ‘head’. noun sense 6 Middle English: from Old French capitel, from late Latin capitellum ‘little head’, diminutive of Latin caput.
make capital (out) of something
  1. to use a situation for your own advantage从…中捞取好处;利用…谋求私利
    • The opposition parties are making political capital out of the government's problems.各反对党都在利用政府面临的问题捞取政治资本。
  • asset
  • bond
  • capital
  • dividend
  • equity
  • fund
  • interest
  • invest
  • portfolio
  • share
  • afford
  • bank
  • bankrupt
  • capital
  • economy
  • expense
  • finance
  • invest
  • money
  • profit




    [only before noun] (of letters of the alphabet字母表字母) having the form and size used at the beginning of a sentence or a name大写的
    • English is written with a capital ‘E’.English 一词中字母 E 大写。
    • words that start with a capital letter以大写字母开头的单词
    compare lower case
  2. punishment惩罚

  3. [only before noun] involving punishment by death死刑的
    • a capital offence死罪
    Topics Crime and punishmentc1
  4. excellent优秀

  5. (old-fashioned) excellent顶好的;极好的
  6. 词源noun senses 1 to 5 Middle English (as an adjective in the sense ‘relating to the head or top’, later ‘standing at the head or beginning’): via Old French from Latin capitalis, from caput ‘head’. noun sense 6 Middle English: from Old French capitel, from late Latin capitellum ‘little head’, diminutive of Latin caput.
with a capital A, B, etc.
  1. used to emphasize that a word has a stronger meaning than usual in a particular situation(强调有特别含义的字眼)真正地,名副其实地,不折不扣地
    • He was romantic with a capital R.他纯属浪漫派。




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