Captain Oates
/ˌkæptɪn ˈəʊts/
/ˌkæptɪn ˈəʊts/
- Lawrence Oates (1880-1912) an English explorer who went to the South Pole with Captain Scott. He is remembered for the brave way in which he died on the journey back. He was very ill and walked out of the tent and into the snow to die. People sometimes use his words of farewell as a joke when they leave to do something dangerous or difficult.
“I am just going outside and may be some time.”奥茨船长:劳伦斯·奥茨(1880-1912)是一位英国探险家,与斯科特船长一起去了南极。人们以他在回程中丧生的勇敢方式而被人们铭记。他病得很重,从帐篷里走出来,走进雪地里死了。人们离开家去做危险或困难的事情时,有时会以他的告别话为笑话。