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词汇 card




    [uncountable, countable] (British English) thick, stiff paper; a piece of this for writing on卡片纸;厚纸片;薄纸板
    • a piece of card一张卡片纸
    • The model of the building was made of card.建筑物的模型是用厚纸片制作的。
    • Each person wrote their question on a card.每个人都在卡片上写下他们的问题。
  2. with a message信息

    [countable] a piece of stiff paper that is folded in the middle and has a picture on the front of it, used for sending somebody a message with your good wishes, an invitation, etc.贺卡;慰问卡;请柬
    • a birthday/get-well/good luck card生日贺卡;祝愿康复卡;幸运贺卡
    • Everyone at work signed a card for her.每位同事都在给她的贺卡上签了名。
    • When they got engaged I sent them a card.他们订婚时,我给他们寄了一张卡片。
    see also Christmas card, e-card, greetings card
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • greeting
    • greetings
    • birthday
    verb + card
    • give somebody
    • send somebody
    • sign
  4. [countable] a postcard (= a card used for sending messages by post without an envelope, especially one that has a picture on one side)卡:明信片
    • Did you get my card from Italy?你收到我从意大利寄出的明信片了吗?
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • greeting
    • greetings
    • birthday
    verb + card
    • give somebody
    • send somebody
    • sign
  5. with information资料

    [countable] a small piece of stiff paper or plastic with information on it, especially information about somebody’s identity(尤指显示个人资料的)卡片
    • a membership card会员卡
    • an appointment card预约卡
    • She got her first library card at the age of seven.她七岁时得到了她的第一张借书证。
    • a set of free recipe cards一套免费的食谱卡
    see also cue card, draft card, green card, health card, identity card, index card, loyalty card, red card, report card, yellow card
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • ID
    • identity
    • membership
    verb + card
    • hand somebody
    • hand out
    • scan
    card + noun
    • catalogue
    • reader
    • on a/​the card
    [countable] a business card (= a small card printed with somebody's name and details of their job and company) 名片
    • Here's my card if you need to contact me again.如果你需要再和我联系,这是我的名片。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • ID
    • identity
    • membership
    verb + card
    • hand somebody
    • hand out
    • scan
    card + noun
    • catalogue
    • reader
    • on a/​the card
  8. [countable]
    (British English also visiting card, North American English calling card)
    (especially in the past) a small card with your name on it that you leave with somebody after, or instead of, a formal visit卡:上面贴有您的名字的小卡,您在正式访问后或代替正式访问后随同他人离开
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • ID
    • identity
    • membership
    verb + card
    • hand somebody
    • hand out
    • scan
    card + noun
    • catalogue
    • reader
    • on a/​the card
  9. for money代替货币

  10. enlarge image
    [countable] a small piece of plastic, especially one given by a bank or shop, used for buying things or obtaining money信用卡;现金卡;储值卡
    • I put the meal on (= paid for it using) my card.我用信用卡支付餐费。
    • Can I pay with a card?我可以用卡支付吗?
    • Thieves used her cards to go on a spending spree.窃贼用她的信用卡进行疯狂消费。
    • Contact the bank and cancel all your cards.联系银行注销你所有的卡。
    • He had a wallet full of plastic cards.他钱包里塞满了银行卡。
    see also ATM card, bank card, cash card, charge card, chip card, credit card, debit card, gift card, Gold Card™, phonecard, smart card, swipe card
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • plastic
    • ATM
    • cash
    verb + card
    • pay by
    • put something on
    • use
    card + noun
    • number
    • holder
    • company
  11. in games游戏

  12. enlarge image
    (also playing card)
    [countable] any one of a set of 52 cards with numbers and pictures printed on one side, which are used to play various card game纸牌:一组52张卡片中的任何一张,其一侧印有数字和图片,用于玩各种纸牌游戏(英式英语)
    • (British English) a pack of cards一副纸牌
    • (especially North American English) a deck of cards一副纸牌
    • Each player in turn must play a card.每个玩家依次必须出一张牌。
    see also face card, trump card, wild card
    • ace
    • card
    • cut
    • deal
    • gambling
    • hand
    • jack
    • shuffle
    • suit
    • trump
    Topics Games and toysa2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • playing
    • winning
    • court
    … of cards
    • deck
    • pack
    • hand
    verb + card
    • cut
    • deal
    • shuffle
    card + noun
    • game
    • player
    • playing
    [plural] a game or games in which playing cards are used纸牌游戏
    • Who wants to play cards?谁想玩牌?
    • I've never been very good at cards.我打牌的技术向来不高。
    • Let's have a game of cards.咱们来玩纸牌吧。
    • She won £20 at cards.她打牌赢了 20 英镑。
    Topics Games and toysa2
    Collocations Dictionary… of card
    • game
    verb + cards
    • play
    • lose at
    • win at
  14. computing计算机技术

  15. [countable] a small device containing an electronic circuit that is part of a computer or added to it, enabling it to perform particular functions电路板卡;插件
    • a printed circuit card印刷电路卡
    • a memory card存储卡
    • a graphics/sound/video card显卡/声卡/显卡
    see also SD card, SDHC card, SIM cardTopics Computersc2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • graphics
    • memory
    • network
    verb + card
    • install
    card + noun
    • slot
  16. person

  17. [countable] (old-fashioned, informal) an unusual or funny person怪人;引人发笑的人;活宝
  18. horse races赛马

  19. [countable] a list of all the races at a particular race meeting (= a series of horse races)(赛马大会的)赛事一览表Topics Sports: other sportsc2
  20. for wool/cotton毛;棉

  21. [countable] (specialist) a machine or tool used for cleaning and combing wool or cotton before it is spun梳理机;梳理工具
  22. 词源noun senses 1 to 12 late Middle English (originally in sense 8 of the noun): from Old French carte, from Latin carta, charta, from Greek khartēs ‘papyrus leaf’. noun sense 13 late Middle English: from Old French carde, from Provençal carda, from cardar ‘tease, comb’, based on Latin carere ‘to card’.
somebody’s best/strongest/winning card
  1. something that gives somebody an advantage over other people in a particular situation某人的王牌;最强有力的一招;制胜的绝招
the cards/odds are stacked against you
  1. you are unlikely to succeed because the conditions are not good for you形势对你不利Topics Difficulty and failurec2
the cards/odds are stacked in your favour
  1. you are likely to succeed because the conditions are good and you have an advantage形势对你有利Topics Successc2
get your cards
  1. (British English, old-fashioned, informal) to be told to leave a job被解雇;被炒鱿鱼
give somebody their cards
  1. (British English, old-fashioned, informal) to make somebody leave their job解雇;开除;炒…的鱿鱼
have a card up your sleeve
  1. to have an idea, a plan, etc. that will give you an advantage in a particular situation and that you keep secret until it is needed有锦囊妙计;留有一招
hold all the cards
  1. (informal) to be able to control a particular situation because you have an advantage over other people能控制局势;应付自如;占上风
hold/keep/play your cards close to your chest
  1. to keep your ideas, plans, etc. secret守口如瓶;秘而不宣
lay/put your cards on the table
  1. to tell somebody honestly what your plans, ideas, etc. are摊牌;(把计划或想法等)和盘托出
on the cards (British English)
(North American English in the cards)
  1. (informal) likely to happen可能发生的;可能的
    • The merger has been on the cards for some time now.合并的事情已经酝酿了一段时间。
play the… card
  1. to mention a particular subject, idea or quality in order to gain an advantage打…牌;出…招
    • He accused his opponent of playing the immigration card during the campaign.他指责对手在竞选活动中打移民牌。
    see also race card
play your cards right
  1. to deal successfully with a particular situation so that you achieve some advantage or something that you want办事精明;做事有盘算;处理得当
    • If you play your cards right, the job could be yours when she leaves.如果你处理得当,当她离开时,这份工作可能就是你的了。
    Topics Successc2
show your cards/hand
(North American English also tip your hand)
  1. to make your plans or intentions known摊牌;让对方摸着底细;公开自己的意图


present simple I / you / we / they card
he / she / it cards
past simple carded
past participle carded
-ing form carding
  1. card something (specialist) to clean wool using a wire instrument(用钢丝刷)梳理
  2. card somebody (North American English, informal) to ask a person to show their identity card, especially as a means of checking how old they are, for example if they want to buy alcohol要求出示身份证(以确认年龄,如购酒时)
  3. 词源verb sense 2 late Middle English (originally in sense 8 of the noun): from Old French carte, from Latin carta, charta, from Greek khartēs ‘papyrus leaf’. verb sense 1 late Middle English: from Old French carde, from Provençal carda, from cardar ‘tease, comb’, based on Latin carere ‘to card’.




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