Cecil B De Mille
/ˌsesl ˌbiː də ˈmɪl/
/ˌsesl ˌbiː də ˈmɪl/
- Cecil Blount De Mille (1881-1959) a US film director and producer. He had a strong personality and was famous for making actors do exactly what he wanted. He is remembered for directing expensive films on a large scale, including Samson and Delilah (1949) and (twice) The Ten Commandments (1923 and 1956).
塞西尔·德·米勒(Cecil B De Mille):塞西尔·布朗特·德米勒(Cecil Blount De Mille,1881-1959年),美国电影导演和制片人。他个性强壮,以使演员按照自己的意愿做事而闻名。曾因大规模导演昂贵的电影而闻名,其中包括Samson和Delilah(1949)和(两次)十诫(1923和1956)。