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词汇 centre


(US English center)


  1. enlarge image
    [countable] the middle point or part of something中心点;中心;正中;中央
    • He walked to the centre of the circle.他走到圆圈的中心。
    • in the centre of something There was a long table in the centre of the room.房间中央有一张长桌。
    • The statue is in the very centre of the temple.这座雕像就在寺庙的正中央。
    • in the centre The brownie should be firm on the outside but soft in the centre.核仁巧克力饼应该外表坚硬,但中间柔软。
    • at the centre of something Aristotle believed that the Earth was at the centre of the universe.亚里士多德认为地球是宇宙的中心。
    • (figurative) The executive at the centre of the bribery scandal was convicted last week.处于贿赂丑闻中心的高管上周被判有罪。
    • chocolates with soft centres软心巧克力糖
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • dead
    • exact
    • true
    • at the centre (of)
    • in the centre (of)
    • the centre of the city
    • the centre of (the) town
  2. town/city城镇;城市

    [countable] (especially British English)
    (North American English usually downtown [usually singular])
    the main part of a town or city where there are a lot of shops and offices(市镇的)中心区
    • in the centre We both work in the city centre.我们都在市中心工作。
    • I got a lift into the centre of town.我搭便车到了市中心。
    • a town-centre car park市中心停车场
    see also town centre
    • We've bought a flat in the very centre of Cambridge.我们在剑桥正中心的地方买了一套公寓。
    • We've bought an apartment in the very centre of São Paulo.我们在圣保罗正中心的地方买了一套公寓。
    • a museum in the centre of Birmingham位于伯明翰中心的博物馆
    Topics Shoppinga1, Buildingsa1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • dead
    • exact
    • true
    • at the centre (of)
    • in the centre (of)
    • the centre of the city
    • the centre of (the) town
    [countable] a place or an area where a lot of people live; a place where a lot of business or cultural activity takes place人口集中的地区;商业中心区;文化中心区
    • major urban/industrial centres主要城市/工业中心
    • centre of something At that time Winchester was still a major centre of population.当时温彻斯特仍然是一个主要的人口中心。
    • centre for something The university is a leading centre for scientific research.该大学是领先的科学研究中心。
    • Small towns in South India serve as economic and cultural centres for the surrounding villages.印度南部的小城镇是周围村庄的经济文化中心。
    • Tokyo is one of the main financial centres of the world.东京是世界主要金融中心之一。
    • the economic nerve centre of Germany德国的经济命脉
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • important
    • leading
    • main
    • centre for
    • a centre of excellence
    • a centre of government
    • a centre of population
  5. building建筑物

    [countable] a building or place used for a particular purpose or activity中心;活动中心
    • a shopping/community/health/fitness centre购物/社区/健康/健身中心
    • The company has recently opened a new training centre.该公司最近新开了一个培训中心。
    • centre for something the Centre for Policy Studies政策研究中心
    see also control centre, cost centre, data centre, drop-in centre, fulfilment centre
    • You can send fax or emails from our fully equipped business centre.您可以从我们设备齐全的商务中心发送传真或电子邮件。
    • They've set up a local centre for people with epilepsy.他们在本地设立了一个癫痫病人活动中心。
    • The classes are run by the Centre for Languages and Literature.这些课程由语言与文学中心开设。
    • I had to get a taxi from the hotel to the conference centre.我不得不从酒店叫了辆出租车去会议中心。
  7. of excellence优秀

  8. [countable] centre of excellence a place where a particular kind of work is done extremely well居领先地位的中心;(某领域中成绩突出的)中心
    • Darlington could become a regional centre of excellence for nursery nurse training.达林顿可以成为一个区域性的优秀护士培训中心。
    • The university is recognized as an international centre of excellence for training dentists.这所大学是公认的优秀的国际牙医培训中心。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • important
    • leading
    • main
    • centre for
    • a centre of excellence
    • a centre of government
    • a centre of population
  9. of attention注意

  10. [countable, usually singular] the point towards which people direct their attention中心;聚集点
    • Children like to be the centre of attention.小孩子喜欢受到大家的关注。
    • at the centre of something The prime minister is at the centre of a political row over leaked Cabinet documents.首相成了内阁文件泄密而引起的一场政治风波的中心人物。
    • She always liked to feel that she was at the centre of things.她总是喜欢觉得自己是事情的中心。
    • He could never doubt that he was the centre of her world.她的整个世界围着他转,对此他确信无疑。
    • The captain was at the centre of the action right through the game.在整个比赛过程中,队长一直处于行动的中心。
  11. in politics政治

  12. (usually the centre)
    [singular] a moderate (= middle) political position or party, between the extremes of left-wing and right-wing parties中间派;中间党
    • a party of the centre中间党派
    • Are her views to the left or right of centre?她的观点是中间偏左还是偏右?
    • a centre party中立的党。
    • Politically, she is considered to be slightly left of centre.在政治上,她有点儿中间偏左。
    • a party that occupies the centre ground of British politics在英国政治中持中间立场的政党
    Topics Politicsb2
    Collocations Dictionarycentre/​center + noun
    • party
    • ground
    • left of centre
    • right of centre
  13. in sport体育运动

  14. [countable] (in some team sports用于某些团体运动) a player or position in the middle of the pitch, court, etc.中锋;中锋位置
  15. 词源late Middle English: from Old French, or from Latin centrum, from Greek kentron ‘sharp point, stationary point of a pair of compasses’, related to kentein ‘to prick’.
front and centre
(US English front and center)
  1. in or into the most important position在(或进入)最重要位置
    • The issue has moved front and center in his presidential campaign.在他的总统竞选中,这个问题已经成为焦点。
left, right and centre
(also right, left and centre, right and left)
  1. (informal) in all directions; everywhere四面八方;到处;处处
    • He's giving away money left, right and centre.他到处赠款。


(US English center)
present simple I / you / we / they centre
he / she / it centres
past simple centred
past participle centred
-ing form centring
    [intransitive, transitive] to be the person or thing around which most activity takes place; to make somebody/something the central person or thing把…当作中心;(使)成为中心
    • centre around/round somebody/something State occasions always centred around the king.国家庆典总是以国王为中心。
    • be centred around/round somebody/something Leisure activities were largely centred around the family.休闲活动主要以家庭为中心。
    • centre on/upon somebody/something The debate centred on an important practical question.辩论集中在一个重要的实际问题上。
    • be centred on/upon somebody/something Discussions were centred on developments in Eastern Europe.讨论围绕着东欧的发展这一中心议题进行。
    • Conversation centered around their wedding plans.谈话集中在他们的婚礼计划上。
    • Roosevelt's foreign policy was centered around these themes.罗斯福的外交政策围绕着这些主题。
    • The investigations centred on him as the only real suspect in the case.调查集中在他身上,认为他是该案唯一的真正嫌疑犯。
    • The main story is centred on two young men, one a photographer, the other a gang leader.主要故事围绕两个年轻人展开,一个是摄影师,另一个是黑帮头目。
  2. be centred in…
    [intransitive] to take place mainly in or around the place mentioned使活动等集中于…
    • Most of the fighting was centred in the north of the capital.战斗大多集中在首都北部。
  3. [transitive] centre something (+ adv./prep.) to move something so that it is in the centre of something else把…放在中央
    • This button will centre the image on the page.该按钮将使图像在页面上居中。
  4. 词源late Middle English: from Old French, or from Latin centrum, from Greek kentron ‘sharp point, stationary point of a pair of compasses’, related to kentein ‘to prick’.




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