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词汇 chain



    metal rings金属链

  1. enlarge image
    enlarge image
    [countable, uncountable] a series of connected metal rings, used for pulling or fastening things; a length of chain used for a particular purpose链子;链条;锁链
    • She wore a heavy gold chain around her neck.她戴着一条粗实的金项链。
    • The mayor wore his chain of office.市长佩戴着标志他职务的链徽。
    • a bicycle chain自行车链条
    • in chains The prisoners were kept in chains (= with chains around their arms and legs, to prevent them from escaping).囚犯戴着镣铐。
    • on a chain They kept the dog on a chain all day long.他们整天都用链子拴着狗。
    • a short length of chain一截短链条
    see also choke chain, keychain
    • Let the dog off its chain.给那只狗解开链子吧。
    • The prisoner was led away in chains.犯人戴着镣铐给带走了。
    • Put the chain on the door (= so the door can only be opened a little bit) before you go to bed.睡觉前要上好门链闩。
    Topics Clothes and Fashionb1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • heavy
    • thin
    • gold
    … of chain
    • length
    verb + chain
    • pull
    • pull at
    • yank
    chain + verb
    • clank
    chain + noun
    • mail
    • in chains
    • off somebody’s/​the chain
    • on a/​the chain
    • a chain of office
    • a chain on the door
    • a link in the chain
  2. connected things相关连的事

    [countable] a series of connected things or people一系列,一连串(人或事)
    • mountain/island chains山脉;岛群
    • Volunteers formed a human chain (= line of people) to rescue precious items from the burning house.志愿者排成一条长龙,从着火的房子里手传手把贵重物品抢救出来。
    • chain of somebody/something to set in motion a chain of events触发一连串的事件
    • a chain of command (= a system in an organization by which instructions are passed from one person to another)指挥系统
    • Our suppliers are the weakest link in the chain.我们的供货商是链条上最薄弱的环节。
    see also daisy chain, food chain, supply chain
    • Volunteers formed a human chain to pass buckets of water to each other.志愿者排成一条长龙,逐个把水桶传过去。
    • She was personally involved in this chain of events.她亲自参与了这一系列事件。
    • It's important to make sure the chain of communication is not broken.重要的是要确保沟通链没有断裂。
    • If any part of the chain of infection is broken, the spread of the disease will be stopped.如果感染链的任何一部分被打破,疾病的传播将被阻止。
    • I was next in the chain of command.我处在指挥系统的下一级。
    • the complex chain of events that led to the war导致那场战争的一系列错综复杂的事件
    • Middlemen are important links in the chain.中间人是关系链中的重要环节。
    • There has been an unbroken chain of great violinists in the family.这个家族每一代都有伟大的小提琴家。
    • The people formed a human chain to pass the supplies up the beach.人们排成一列把供给品送上岸。
    • a chain of volcanic islands一个火山岛群
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • long
    • complex
    • unbroken
    verb + chain
    • break
    chain + noun
    • reaction
    • letter
    • a chain of command
    • a chain of events
  4. of shops/hotels商店;旅馆

    [countable] a group of shops or hotels owned by the same company连锁商店(或旅馆)
    • a supermarket/hotel/retail chain超市/酒店/零售连锁店
    • chain of something a chain of stores/shops/restaurants连锁商店/商店/餐馆
    • a chain of department stores连锁百货店
    • a chain of clothes shops连锁服装店
    • This hotel is part of a large chain.这家酒店是大型连锁店的一部份。
    Topics Shoppingb1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • large
    • major
    chain + noun
    • store
    • chain of
    • part of a chain
  6. restriction限制

  7. [countable, usually plural] (formal or literary) a thing that limits somebody’s freedom or ability to do something约束;束缚
    • the chains of fear/misery恐惧的桎梏;苦难的枷锁
  8. in house buying购房

  9. [countable, usually singular] (British English) a situation in which a number of people selling and buying houses must each complete the sale of their house before buying from the next person连环式(指一群房主先售后购的置业方式)Topics Houses and homesc2
  10. 词源Middle English: from Old French chaine, chaeine, from Latin catena ‘a chain’.
a ball and chain
  1. a problem that prevents you from doing what you would like to do羁绊;障碍
    • The responsibility was a ball and chain around my ankle.这项责任对我来说是一种束缚。
a link in the chain
  1. one of the stages in a process or a line of argument链条中的一个环节;整个过程中的一个阶段
    • Food production, processing and marketing are different links in the chain from farmer to consumer.食品生产、加工和销售是从农民到消费者的不同环节。
    • Death is the last link in the chain.死亡是链条的最后一环。
    Topics Opinion and argumentc2
the weak link (in the chain)
  1. the point at which a system or an organization is most likely to fail薄弱环节
    • She went straight for the one weak link in the chain of his argument.她迳直攻击他的论点中的一个薄弱环节。
    Topics Difficulty and failurec2


[often passive]
present simple I / you / we / they chain
he / she / it chains
past simple chained
past participle chained
-ing form chaining
  1. to fasten something with a chain; to fasten somebody/something to another person or thing with a chain, so that they do not escape or get stolen用锁链拴住(或束缚、固定)
    • chain somebody/something The doors were always locked and chained.那些门总是上着锁链。
    • He maintained that the convicts working on the roads were never chained.他坚持认为在路上工作的罪犯从来没有被拴住。
    • He was beaten in his cell while in handcuffs and with his legs chained.他在牢房里被带着手铐和脚镣殴打。
    • chain somebody/something up The dog was chained up for the night.夜间那条狗用链子拴起来。
    • She took the old man out into the yard and chained him up.她把老人带到院子里,用链子把他锁起来。
    • chain somebody/something to somebody/something She chained her bicycle to the gate.她用链子把自行车锁在大门上。
    • Four activists chained themselves to construction equipment.四名活动人士将自己锁在建筑设备上。
    • (figurative) I've been chained to my desk all week (= because there was so much work).我整个星期都在伏案工作,脱不开身。
    • chain somebody/something together The detainees were chained together in groups of two or three.被拘留者被两三人一组锁在一起。
    • With their wrists chained together they were led out to the waiting vehicles.他们的手腕被铐在一起,被带到等候的车辆那里。
    词源Middle English: from Old French chaine, chaeine, from Latin catena ‘a chain’.




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