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词汇 chairman


(plural chairmen
    the person in charge of a meeting, who tells people when they can speak, etc.(会议的)主席,主持人
    • Sir Herbert took it upon himself to act as chairman.赫伯特爵士主动担任了主席。
    • The motion was carried on the casting vote of the chairman.该动议在主席的决定性投票中获得通过。
    Topics Businessb2
    the person in charge of a committee, a company, etc.(委员会的)委员长,主席;(公司等的)董事长
    • the vice/deputy chairman副主席/副主席
    • the committee/board/party/club chairman 委员会/董事会/政党/俱乐部主席
    • the chairman of the committee/board/party/club 委员会/董事会/政党/俱乐部的主席
    • the executive chairman 执行主席
    • He then served as chairman of the Civil Aviation Authority.他随后担任民航局主席。
    • The chairman of the company presented the annual report.公司董事长提交了年度报告。
    • He became chairman and CEO of the corporation.他成了公司的董事长兼首席执行官。
    • accountant
    • agent
    • auditor
    • businessman
    • CEO
    • chairman
    • consultant
    • entrepreneur
    • executive
    • manager
    Wordfinderaccountant, agent, auditor, CEO, chairman, consultant, entrepreneur, executive, manager
    More About gendergenderWays of talking about men and women表示男女的说法
    • When you are writing or speaking English it is important to use language that includes both men and women equally. Some people may be very offended if you do not.说写英语时,重要的是用词要把男女都包括在内,否则可能会冒犯某些人。
    The human race人类
    • Man and mankind have traditionally been used to mean ‘all men and women’. Many people now prefer to use humanity, the human race, human beings or 和 mankind 传统上用以指所有男性和女性,不过,现在许多人喜欢用 humanity、the human race、human beings 或 people。
    • The suffix -ess in names of occupations such as actress, hostess and waitress shows that the person doing the job is a woman. Many people now avoid these. Instead you can use actor or host (although actress and hostess are still very common), or a neutral word, such as server for waiter and waitress.
    • Neutral words like assistant, worker, person or officer are now often used instead of -man or -woman in the names of jobs. For example, you can use police officer instead of policeman or policewoman, and spokesperson instead of spokesman or spokeswoman. Neutral words are very common in newspapers, on television and radio and in official writing, in both British English and North American English.
    • When talking about jobs that are traditionally done by the other sex, some people say: a male secretary/nurse/model (NOT man) or a woman/female doctor/barrister/driver. However this is now not usually used unless you need to emphasize which sex the person is, or it is still unusual for the job to be done by a man/​woman: My daughter prefers to see a woman doctor.我的女儿喜欢让女医生看病。They have a male nanny for their kids.他们有个男保姆照料孩子。a female racing driver女赛车手
    • He used to be considered to cover both men and women: he 过去被认为既指男性也指女性:Everyone needs to feel he is loved.人人都需要有被爱的感觉。 This is not now acceptable. Instead, after everybody, everyone, anybody, anyone, somebody, someone, etc. one of the plural pronouns they, them, and their is often used: Does everybody know what they want?人人都知道自己需要什么吗?Somebody’s left their coat here.有人把外衣落在这儿了。I hope nobody’s forgotten to bring their passport with them.希望没人忘了随身带上护照。
    • Some people prefer to use he or she, his or her, or him or her in speech and writing: 有人在口语和书面语中喜欢用 he or she、his or her 或 him or her:Everyone knows what’s best for him- or herself.人人都知道对自己来说什么是最好的。 He/​she or (s)he can also be used in writing: If in doubt, ask your doctor. He/​she can give you more information.如有疑问请向你的医生咨询,他/她会给你更多的信息。 (You may find that some writers just use ‘she’.) These uses can seem awkward when they are used a lot. It is better to try to change the sentence, using a plural noun. Instead of saying: A baby cries when he or she is tired婴儿累了就会哭 you can say Babies cry when they are tired.婴儿疲倦时会哭。
    • the chairman of the board of governors (= of a school)校董会主席
    • He has taken over as chairman and chief executive.他已经接任董事长兼首席执行官。
    • May I introduce the new chairman and managing director?我可以介绍一下新的董事长和总经理吗?
    • He steps down as chairman of the Federal Reserve next year.他明年卸任美国联邦储备银行主席。
    • She is married to a company chairman.她和一名公司董事长结婚了。
    • The chairman resigned following the allegations.在受到指控后,主席辞职了。
    • a report by the outgoing chairman即将离职的主席所作的报告
    • chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee参议院农业委员会主席
    • He was recently appointed honorary chairman of the Selkirk Cricket Club.他最近被任命为塞尔柯克板球俱乐部的名誉主席。
    • He will replace the outgoing chairman, Henry Jones.他将接替即将离任的主席亨瑞·琼斯。
    • The housing committee chairman described the announcement as shocking.住房委员会主席称这一宣布令人震惊。
    Topics Businessb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • board
    • campaign
    • club
    verb + chairman
    • hold the post of
    • serve as
    • take over as
    chairman + verb
    • resign
    • stand down
    • chairman of




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