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词汇 charge




    [countable, uncountable] the amount of money that somebody asks for goods and services(商品和服务所需的)要价,收费
    • admission charges入场费
    • charge for something We have to make a small charge for refreshments.我们得收取少量茶点费。
    • Delivery is free of charge.免费送货。
    see also the community charge, congestion charge, cover charge, prescription charge, reverse-charge, service charge
    Synonyms raterate
    • charge
    • fee
    • rent
    • fine
    • fare
    • toll
    • rental
    These are all words for an amount of money that is charged or paid for something.
    • rate a fixed amount of money that is asked or paid for something:
      • a low hourly rate of pay按小时支付的低报酬
      • interest rates利率
    • charge an amount of money that is asked for goods or services:
      • an admission charge入场费
    • fee (rather formal) an amount of money that you have to pay for professional advice or services, to go to a school or college, or to join an organization:指专业服务费、咨询费、学费、会费:
      • legal fees诉讼费
      • an annual membership fee 年度会费
    • rent an amount of money that you regularly have to pay for use of a building or room. 指房屋租金In American English, rent can be used to mean rental: The weekly rent on the car was over $300.
    • fine a sum of money that must be paid as punishment for breaking a law or rule:
      • a parking fine违规停车罚款
    • fare the money that you pay to travel by bus, plane, taxi, etc.指乘坐公共汽车、飞机、出租车等的费用
    • toll an amount of money that you have to pay to use a particular road or bridge.指道路、桥梁的通行费
    • rental an amount of money that you have to pay to use something for a particular period of time.指租金
    rent or rental?用 rent 还是 rental?In British English rent is only money paid to use a building or room: for other items use rental. In American English rent can be used for both, but rental is still more common for other items.Patterns
    • (a) rate/​charge/​fee/​rent/​fine/​fare/​toll/​rental for something
    • (a) rate/​charge/​fee/​rent/​toll/​rental on something
    • at a rate/​charge/​fee/​rent/​fare/​rental of…
    • for a charge/​fee
    • to pay (a) rate/​charge/​fee/​rent/​fine/​fare/​toll/​rental
    • to charge (a) rate/​fee/​rent/​fare/​toll/​rental
    • All changes will incur a charge.所有变更都得收费。
    • The company will deliver free of charge.公司会免费送货上门。
    • The hotel operates a bus service to the beach for a small charge.这家旅馆提供去海滩的班车,收费很低。
    • There is no charge for cashing traveller's cheques.兑换旅行支票不收任何费用。
    • They agreed to waive the cancellation charges.他们同意豁免取消预订费。
    • This service is available at a nominal charge.这项服务只象征性地收费。
    • We make a small charge for wrapping your gift.包装礼品要收少许费用。
    • a charge on company profits对公司利润的收费
    • The museum has introduced a £3 admission charge.那家博物馆开始收取3英镑的入场费。
    • (British English) There is a quarterly standing charge (= an amount of money that you pay in order to use a service, such as gas or water).有一项每季不变的收费。
    • They guarantee that there are no hidden fees and charges.他们保证没有隐藏的费用和收费。
    • parking charges停车费
    • Trained coaches will provide support at no extra charge.训练有素的教练将免费提供支持。
    • What's that $30 charge on your credit card bill?你信用卡账单上的30美元是多少?
    • For orders over £30, you don't have to pay the delivery charge.对于超过30英镑的订单,你不必支付送货费。
    Topics Moneyb1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • heavy
    • high
    • nominal
    verb + charge
    • impose
    • introduce
    • levy
    • at a charge
    • for a charge
    • charge for
    • free of charge
  2. [countable] (North American English, informal) a charge account装(弹药)
    • Would you like to put that on your charge?你愿意把这笔费用记在你的账上吗?
    • ‘Are you paying cash?’ ‘No, it'll be a charge.’“你用现金支付吗?” “不,记账吧。”
  3. responsibility职责

    [uncountable] a position of having control over somebody/something; responsibility for somebody/something主管;掌管;照管;职责;责任
    • She has charge of the day-to-day running of the business.她负责掌管日常业务。
    • He took charge of the farm after his father's death.他在父亲去世后掌管了农场。
    • in charge of somebody/something They left the au pair in charge of the children for a week.他们把孩子留给做换工的照料一周。
    • in somebody's charge I'm leaving the school in your charge.我这就把学校交给你掌管。
    • We need somebody to take charge of the financial side.我们需要有人主管财务工作。
    • The conductor has overall charge of the train.列车长对列车负总责。
    • The child is under my charge until her mother returns.孩子在她妈妈回来前由我照顾。
    • Stephen will resume sole charge for the time being.斯蒂芬将暂时继续独自负责。
    • She took personal charge of the files.她亲自掌管文件。
    • John has been put in charge of marketing.约翰被派去管理营销部门。
    • I need to feel more in charge of my life.我需要能在更大程度上掌控自己的生活。
    • She heroically gave her life to save the baby in her charge.她英勇地献出了自己的生命来拯救她所照顾的婴儿。
    • the police officers in charge of the investigation负责调查的警官
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • overall
    • personal
    • sole
    verb + charge
    • have
    • take
    • place somebody in
    • in charge (of somebody/​something)
    • in somebody’s charge
    • under somebody’s charge
  5. [countable] (formal or humorous) a person that you have responsibility for and care for被照管的人;受照料者
  6. of crime/something wrong罪行;过失

    [countable, uncountable] an official claim made by the police that somebody has committed a crime指控;控告
    • criminal charges刑事指控
    • a murder/an assault charge谋杀罪的/侵犯人身罪的指控
    • charge of something a charge of theft/rape/attempted murder盗窃/强奸/谋杀未遂的指控
    • He will be sent back to England to face a charge of (= to be on trial for) armed robbery.他将被遣返回英国面临持械抢劫罪的指控。
    • Both men deny the charges.两人都否认了指控。
    • charge against somebody/something They decided to drop the charges against the newspaper and settle out of court.他们已决定撤销对那家报纸的指控,在庭外和解。
    • without charge After being questioned by the police, she was released without charge.她被警察传讯后无罪释放。
    Collocations Criminal justiceCriminal justice刑事审判Breaking the law犯法
    • break/​violate/​obey/​uphold the law违反/违背/遵守/维护法律
    • be investigated/​arrested/​tried for a crime/​a robbery/​fraud因犯罪/抢劫/诈骗而被调查/逮捕/审判
    • be arrested/ (especially North American English) indicted/​convicted on charges of rape/​fraud/(especially US English) felony charges因被控犯强奸罪/诈骗罪/重型罪遭逮捕/起诉/定罪
    • be arrested on suspicion of arson/​robbery/​shoplifting因涉嫌纵火/抢劫/在商店行窃而被逮捕
    • be accused of/​be charged with murder/(especially North American English) homicide/​four counts of fraud被指控犯有谋杀罪/杀人罪/四项诈骗罪
    • face two charges of indecent assault面临两项猥亵罪的指控
    • admit your guilt/​liability/​responsibility (for something)承认(对某事的)罪责/责任
    • deny the allegations/​claims/​charges否认指控
    • confess to a crime坦白罪行
    • grant/​be refused/​be released on/​skip/​jump bail准许/不准保释;交保释金获释;弃保潜逃
    The legal process法律程序
    • stand/​await/​bring somebody to/​come to/​be on trial受审;候审;把某人送交法院审判;开庭审理;受到审判
    • take somebody to/​come to/​settle something out of court把某人告上法庭;被法庭受理;庭外和解某事
    • face/​avoid/​escape prosecution面临/免于/逃脱起诉
    • seek/​retain/​have the right to/​be denied access to legal counsel寻求/聘请/有权聘用/无权聘用律师
    • hold/​conduct/​attend/​adjourn a hearing/​trial开庭;出庭;休庭
    • sit on/​influence/​persuade/​convince the jury担任/影响/说服陪审团
    • sit/​stand/​appear/​be put/​place somebody in the dock坐在/站在/出现在/被送上/将某人送上被告席
    • plead guilty/​not guilty to a crime认罪;不认罪
    • be called to/​enter (British English) the witness box被召唤进入/进入证人席
    • take/​put somebody on the stand/(North American English) the witness stand出庭作证;让某人出庭作证
    • call/​subpoena/​question/​cross-examine a witness传唤/以传票传唤/讯问/盘问证人
    • give/​hear the evidence against/​on behalf of somebody提供/听取对某人不利/有利的证据
    • raise/​withdraw/​overrule an objection提出/撤销/否决异议
    • reach a unanimous/​majority verdict作出一致的/多数人赞同的裁决
    • return/​deliver/​record a verdict of not guilty/​unlawful killing/​accidental death作出/宣布无罪/非法杀人/意外死亡的裁决
    • convict/​acquit the defendant of the crime宣判被告有罪/无罪
    • secure a conviction/​your acquittal获得有罪/无罪判决
    • lodge/​file an appeal提出上诉
    • appeal (against)/challenge/​uphold/​overturn a conviction/​verdict对判决/裁决提出上诉/质疑;维持/撤销判决/裁决
    Sentencing and punishment判刑与惩罚
    • pass sentence on somebody宣布对某人的判决
    • carry/​face/​serve a seven-year/​life sentence会被判处/面临/服七年徒刑/无期徒刑
    • receive/​be given the death penalty被判死刑
    • be sentenced to ten years (in prison/​jail)被判十年(监禁)
    • carry/​impose/​pay a fine (of $3 000)/a penalty (of 14 years imprisonment)会被判处/处以/缴纳(3 000 美元的)罚金/(14 年的)监禁
    • be imprisoned/​jailed for drug possession/​fraud/​murder因持有毒品罪/诈骗罪/谋杀罪被监禁
    • do/​serve time/​ten years服刑;服十年徒刑
    • be sent to/​put somebody in/​be released from jail/​prison被送进监狱;把某人送进监狱;被释放出狱
    • be/​put somebody/​spend X years on death row在/把某人关在死囚牢房;在死囚牢房度过…年
    • be granted/​be denied/​break (your) parole获准假释;假释遭拒;违反假释规定
    • fraud/​corruption/​felony charges欺诈/腐败/重罪指控
    • He has admitted the murder charge.他承认犯了谋杀罪。
    • He was found guilty on a reduced charge of assault.他被减轻指控,判定犯轻度人身侵犯罪。
    • She appeared in court on charges of kidnapping and assault.她因受到绑架和侵犯人身的指控而出庭。
    • She is almost certain to face criminal charges.她几乎肯定要面临刑事指控。
    • The charges against you have been dropped.对你的指控已被撤销。
    • The company agreed to pay $20 million to settle insider-trading charges.公司同意支付 2,000 万美元了结内部人员交易的指控。
    • The company has managed to avoid criminal charges in this case.在这个案子中公司设法避免了刑事指控。
    • The court dismissed the charge against him.法庭驳回了对他的指控。
    • a charge of armed robbery持械抢劫的指控
    • charges relating to the embezzlement of public funds与挪用公款有关的指控
    • new charges alleging the misuse of funds指称滥用资金的新指控
    • to be detained/​held/​released without charge在没有提出控告的情况下被拘留/被关押/获得释放
    • The investigation resulted in criminal charges against three police officers.这项调查导致对三名警官提出刑事指控。
    • He was arrested on a charge of murder.他被控谋杀罪而被拘捕。
    • They had pleaded guilty to the charge at Swansea Crown Court.他们在斯旺西刑事法院对指控认罪。
    • He was convicted of five charges under the Official Secrets Act.根据《官方保密法》,他被判五项罪名成立。
    • He admitted seven charges of attempted murder.他承认了七项谋杀未遂的指控。
    • The Court dismissed all charges.法院驳回了所有指控。
    • charges of assault/​murder攻击/谋杀的指控
    Topics Law and justiceb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • grave
    • heavy
    • serious
    verb + charge
    • bring
    • file
    • lay
    charge + verb
    • allege something
    charge + noun
    • sheet
    • on a/​the charge
    • without charge
    • charge against
    • bring charges (against somebody)
    • prefer charges (against somebody)
    • press charges (against somebody)
    [countable] a statement accusing somebody of doing something wrong or bad指责;谴责 synonym allegation
    • She rejected the charge that the story was untrue.她否认了说她编造事实的指责。
    • Be careful you don't leave yourself open to charges of political bias.你要小心别留下把柄,让人家指责你带有政治偏见。
    • He accused the government of fabricating the charges for political reasons.他谴责政府出于政治原因给他罗织罪名。
    • The charges will be difficult to prove.这些指控很难证明成立。
    • The prime minister dismissed the charge that he had misled Parliament.首相否认了他误导议会的指控。
    • She defended herself against charges of racism.她为自己辩护反对种族主义的指控。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • grave
    • heavy
    • serious
    verb + charge
    • bring
    • file
    • lay
    charge + verb
    • allege something
    charge + noun
    • sheet
    • on a/​the charge
    • without charge
    • charge against
    • bring charges (against somebody)
    • prefer charges (against somebody)
    • press charges (against somebody)
  9. electricity

  10. [countable, uncountable] the amount of electricity that is put into a battery or carried by a substance(电池的)充电量;(带电物质的)电荷
    • a positive/negative charge正电荷;负电荷
    Topics Physics and chemistryc1
  11. [uncountable] the act of putting electricity into a battery; the electricity in a battery(电池)充电;充电时间
    • on charge He put his phone on charge.他给他的手机充电。
    • My laptop had run out of charge.我的笔记本电脑没电了。
    • battery
    • charge
    • conduct
    • connect
    • electricity
    • generate
    • insulate
    • power
    • switch
    • wire
  12. rush/attack猛冲;攻击

  13. [countable] a sudden rush or violent attack, for example by soldiers, wild animals or players in some sports突然猛冲;猛攻;冲锋
    • He led the charge down the field.他带头沿着球场冲杀过去。
    • Allen led the charge, but could they get a goal back?艾伦领头发起进攻,但他们能扳回一球吗?
    • The bugle sounded the charge.冲锋的号角吹响了。
    • They were driven back by a police baton charge.他们被警察用警棍赶了回去。
    • (figurative) Young people are leading the charge to clean up the city.年轻人率先打扫城市卫生。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • baton
    • cavalry
    verb + charge
    • lead
  14. explosive炸药

  15. [countable] the amount of explosive needed to fire a gun or make an explosion(射击或爆炸需要的)炸药量 see also depth charge
  16. strong feeling强烈感情

  17. [singular] the power to cause strong feelings感染力;震撼力
    • the emotional charge of the piano piece那首钢琴曲扣人心弦的感染力
    • a film in which every scene carries an emotional charge一部每个场景都深具感染力的影片
  18. task任务

  19. [singular] (formal) a task or duty任务;责任
    • His charge was to obtain specific information.他的任务是收集具体的信息。
  20. 词源Middle English (in the general senses ‘to load’ and ‘a load’), from Old French charger (verb), charge (noun), from late Latin carricare, carcare ‘to load’, from Latin carrus ‘wheeled vehicle’.
bring/press/lay/prefer charges against somebody
  1. (law法律) to accuse somebody formally of a crime so that there can be a trial in court控告;起诉
    • Police have brought a charge of dangerous driving against the man.警方以危险驾驶罪控告那名男子。
    • Many victims of crime are reluctant to press charges against their attackers.许多罪案的受害者不愿意指控侵害他们的人。
    • She laid charges against the firm for not complying with the regulations.她指控该公司不遵守规定。
    Topics Law and justicec2
get a charge out of something
  1. (North American English) to get a strong feeling of excitement or pleasure from something从…中得到快感(或快乐、乐趣)
    • I get a real charge out of working hard and seeing good results.努力工作并且取得好成果真是让我兴奋极了。
lead the charge
  1. to be the first to make the effort to do something new注满(玻璃杯)
    • Denmark, Norway and Sweden are united in leading the charge to a cash-free economy.丹麦、挪威和瑞典团结一致,带头向无现金经济迈进。


present simple I / you / we / they charge
he / she / it charges
past simple charged
past participle charged
-ing form charging


    [transitive, intransitive] to ask an amount of money for goods or a service收费;要价
    • The fees charged by some companies are excessive.有些公司收费过高。
    • charge something for something What did they charge for the repairs?他们收了多少修理费?
    • The restaurant charges £40 for the set menu.这家餐馆套餐收费40英镑。
    • They are charging a reasonable price for the album.他们正在为这张专辑收取合理的价格。
    • charge somebody for something We won't charge you for delivery.我们送货不收费。
    • charge somebody something He only charged me half price.他只收我半价。
    • charge somebody something for something She charged me £300 for the car.这辆车她收了我300英镑。
    • charge something at something Calls are charged at 36p per minute.电话费按每分钟 36 便士收取。
    • charge for something Do you think museums should charge for admission?你认为博物馆应该收入场费吗?
    • charge to do something The bank doesn't charge to stop a payment.银行不收取停止付款的手续费。
    • charge somebody to do something They charge you to change money into euros.他们收你把钱换成欧元的费用。
    • They’re charging £3 for the catalogue.他们对目录收费3英镑。
    • Calls will be charged at 90 cents a minute.话费将按每分钟 90 美分收取。
    • Companies are free to charge whatever they like for their services.公司可以对其服务项目自由收费。
    • Stamp Duty will be charged at one per cent.印花税将按1% 收取。
    • We don't charge for delivery.我们免费送货。
    • Your broker will charge you a 6% commission on the transaction.你的经纪人会收取交易金额6%的佣金。
    • The people responsible will be charged for the damage.对此负责的人将被追究损害责任。
    • Interest was not charged on student loans.学生贷款不收利息。
    • Two other taxes are also charged on fuel according to its price.另外两种税也是根据燃料的价格征收的。
    • We will charge an hourly rate for the work.这项工作我们将按小时收费。
    • The cinema charges a flat rate of a dollar a show.这家电影院每场演出统一收费1美元。
    • They charge smaller customers a premium.他们向小客户收取额外费用。
    • The bank charges a commission on all foreign currency transactions.银行对所有的外汇交易收取手续费。
    Topics Shoppingb1, Moneyb1
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • directly
    verb + charge
    • be entitled to
    • be free to
    • have a right to
    • against
    • at
    • for
    • charge something to somebody’s account
    [transitive] to record the cost of something as an amount that somebody has to pay把…记在账上;在某人账上记入
    • charge something to something They charge the calls to their credit-card account.他们用信用卡账户支付电话费。
    • (North American English) charge something Don't worry. I'll charge it (= pay by credit card).别担心,我会用信用卡付款的。
    • charge something against something Research and development expenditure is charged against profits in the year it is incurred.研发费根据其当年所产生的利润收取。
    • €50 will be charged to your account.50 欧元将记在你的账下。
    • The cost is charged directly to the profit and loss account.成本直接记在损益账上。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • directly
    verb + charge
    • be entitled to
    • be free to
    • have a right to
    • against
    • at
    • for
    • charge something to somebody’s account
  3. with electricity

    [transitive, intransitive] to pass electricity through something so that it is stored there; to take in electricity so that it is stored and ready for use充电
    • charge (something) I need to charge my phone.我需要给我的手机充电。
    • Before use, the battery must be charged.电池使用前必须充电。
    • Don't unplug my phone—it's charging.别拔我的电话——它正在充电。
    • Let the batteries charge fully before using.使用前让电池充满电。
    • charge something up The shaver can be charged up and used when travelling.这种电动剃须刀可充电供旅行使用。
    Topics Physics and chemistryb1
  5. with crime/something wrong犯罪;过失

    [transitive] to accuse somebody formally of a crime so that there can be a trial in court控告;起诉
    • charge somebody Several people were arrested but nobody was charged.有数人被捕,但均未受到起诉。
    • be charged with wth He was charged with murder.他被指控犯有谋杀罪。
    • be charged with doing something They were charged with organizing an illegal demonstration.他们被指控组织非法示威。
    • arrest
    • charge
    • cordon
    • detain
    • detective
    • interrogate
    • plain clothes
    • police
    • raid
    • undercover
    • A man has been charged in connection with the attack.一名男子被指控与那起袭击案有关。
    • She has not yet been formally charged with the crime.她还没有以这一罪名被正式起诉。
    • The teenagers were jointly charged with attempted murder.这些青少年以谋杀未遂的罪名被一同起诉。
    • She was charged under section three of the Computer Misuse Act.她被指控违反《计算机滥用法案》第三条。
    • Four of his assistants also charged in the case were fined and given jail terms of up to five years.他的四名助手也在此案中受到指控,他们被处以罚款和最高五年的监禁。
    • Companies are often charged with multiple offenses.公司经常被指控多项罪名。
    • She was never charged with the crime.她从未被指控犯罪。
    • Peters was charged with two counts of armed robbery.彼得斯被指控犯有两项持械抢劫罪。
    • to be charged with assault/​manslaughter/​rape被指控攻击/过失杀人/强奸
    • An unnamed San Francisco man has been arrested and charged with possession of stolen property.一名不知名的旧金山男子被逮捕,并被指控持有赃物。
    • They were charged with conspiracy to commit fraud.他们被指控阴谋诈骗。
    Topics Law and justiceb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • formally
    • jointly
    • in connection with
    • with
  7. [transitive] charge somebody (with something/with doing something) (formal) to accuse somebody publicly of doing something wrong or bad指责;谴责
    • Opposition MPs charged the minister with neglecting her duty.反对党议员指责这名女部长玩忽职守。
  8. charge that… to make a claim or statement that something will happen or be the case装(弹药)
    • Opponents charged that cutting costs would reduce safety.反对者指责削减成本会降低安全性。
  9. rush/attack猛冲;攻击

  10. [intransitive, transitive] to rush forward and attack somebody/something猛冲;猛攻;冲锋
    • The bull put its head down and charged.公牛低下头猛冲过来。
    • charge (at) somebody/something We charged at the enemy.我们向敌人发起冲锋。
    • I was worried that the animal might charge at us.当时我担心那只动物会袭击我们。
    • The rhino charged headlong towards us.犀牛急速地向我们冲来。
    • He ordered his troops to charge the enemy lines.他命令部队猛攻敌方战线。
    Topics War and conflictc1
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • headlong
    • blindly
    • around
    • at
    • down
    • into
  11. [intransitive] + adv./prep. to rush in a particular direction向…方向冲去
    • The children charged down the stairs.孩子们冲下了楼梯。
    • He came charging into my room and demanded to know what was going on.他冲进我的房间,要求知道发生了什么事。
    • I heard the sound of feet charging down the stairs.我听见急冲下楼的脚步声。
    • She charged into the room.她冲进屋内。
    • The children were all charging around outside.孩子们在外面乱冲乱撞。
    • He came charging into my office and demanded an explanation.他冲进我的办公室,要求给个说法。
    • The children all charged down the stairs and out of the front door.孩子们都跑下楼梯,冲出前门。
    • Three of the men charged towards Gallagher.三个人向加拉格尔冲去。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • headlong
    • blindly
    • around
    • at
    • down
    • into
  12. with responsibility/task职责;任务

  13. [transitive] (usually passive通常用于被动语态) (formal) to give somebody a responsibility or task赋予…职责(或任务);使…承担责任(或任务)
    • be charged with something The committee has been charged with the development of sport in the region.委员会已被赋予在该地区发展体育运动的职责。
    • be charged with doing something The governing body is charged with managing the school within its budget.学校管理部门负有在预算范围内管理好学校的职责。
  14. with strong feeling强烈感情

  15. [transitive] (usually passive通常用于被动语态) (literary) to fill somebody with an emotion使充满(…情绪)
    • be charged (with something) The room was charged with hatred.这个房间里充满了敌意。
  16. glass玻璃杯

  17. [transitive] charge something (British English, formal) to fill a glass注满(玻璃杯)
    • Please charge your glasses and drink a toast to the bride and groom!请各位斟满酒杯向新娘、新郎敬酒!
  18. gun

  19. [transitive] charge something (old use) to load a gun装(弹药)
  20. 词源Middle English (in the general senses ‘to load’ and ‘a load’), from Old French charger (verb), charge (noun), from late Latin carricare, carcare ‘to load’, from Latin carrus ‘wheeled vehicle’.




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