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词汇 cheap


(comparative cheaper, superlative cheapest)

    low price低价

    costing little money or less money than you expected花钱少的;便宜的;廉价的 synonym inexpensive
    • cheap imports/flights便宜的进口/航班
    • Their cheap prices have helped them pick up new customers.他们低廉的价格帮助他们吸引了新客户。
    • They're offering incredibly cheap fares to Eastern Europe.他们提供非常便宜的去东欧的机票。
    • Cycling is a cheap way to get around.骑自行车是一种省钱的出行方式。
    • A good education is not cheap.好的教育可不便宜。
    • Electricity is relatively cheap in Ireland.爱尔兰的电力相对便宜。
    • The device isn't exactly cheap at £500.500英镑的价格并不便宜。
    • A falling dollar will boost the economy by making exports cheaper.美元贬值将通过降低出口价格来提振经济。
    • a cheaper alternative/option 更便宜的选择
    • Renewable energy is getting cheaper all the time.可再生能源越来越便宜了。
    • The cheapest rates are usually available online.最便宜的价格通常在网上可以买到。
    • immigrant workers, used as a source of cheap labour (= workers who are paid very little, especially unfairly)作为廉价劳动力来源的移民工人
    • cheap to do Game shows are cheap to produce.游戏节目制作成本低廉。
    • it is cheap to do something Why go by train when it's so cheap to hop on a plane?跳上飞机这么便宜,为什么还要坐火车?
    Synonyms cheapcheap
    • competitive
    • budget
    • affordable
    • reasonable
    • inexpensive
    These words all describe a product or service that costs little money or less money than you expected.
    • cheap costing little money or less money than you expected; charging low prices. 指花钱少、便宜、收费低廉Cheap can also be used in a disapproving way to suggest that something is of poor quality as well as low in price: a bottle of cheap perfume .
    • competitive (of prices, goods or services) as cheap as or cheaper than those offered by other companies; able to offer goods or services at competitive prices.指价格、产品或服务收费方面具有竞争力
    • budget [only before noun] (used especially in advertising) cheap because it offers only a basic level of service.(尤用于广告)指仅提供基本服务因而价格低廉
    • affordable cheap enough for most people to afford.指多数人买得起或负担得来的
    • reasonable (of prices) not too expensive.指价格不太高、公道的
    • inexpensive (rather formal) cheap. 指不昂贵Inexpensive is often used to mean that something is good value for its price. It is sometimes used instead of cheap, because cheap can suggest that something is of poor quality.
    • cheap/​competitive/​budget/​affordable/​reasonable prices/​fares/​rates
    • cheap/​competitive/​budget/​affordable/​inexpensive products/​services
    see also dirt cheap opposite expensive
    • The market has been flooded with cheap imports.市场里充斥着廉价进口货。
    • The printer isn't exactly cheap at £200.价格为 200 英镑的打印机并不是很便宜。
    • The town is full of immigrant workers, used as a source of cheap labour.这座城里有很多外国移民,是廉价劳动力来源。
    • The watch was suspiciously cheap; it was probably a fake.这块手表便宜得让人怀疑,可能是假货。
    Topics Moneya1, Shoppinga1
    charging low prices收费低廉的
    • a cheap restaurant/hotel收费低廉的餐馆/旅馆
    • a cheap taxi firm廉价出租车公司
    • (British English) We found a cheap and cheerful cafe (= one that is simple and charges low prices but is pleasant).我们找到了一家价格低廉环境宜人的咖啡馆。
    opposite expensive
    • It's a good restaurant, and incredibly cheap.这家馆子不错,而且价格便宜得不得了。
    • Italy was a very cheap country to visit in those days.在那些日子里,意大利是一个非常便宜的国家。
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • be going
    • buy something
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
  3. poor quality劣质

    (disapproving) low in price and quality价低质劣的
    • cheap perfume/jewellery/shoes低价劣质香水/珠宝/鞋
    • cheap plastic toys that break within seconds几秒钟内就会坏掉的廉价塑料玩具
    • (British English) a cheap and nasty bottle of wine一瓶便宜的劣质葡萄酒
    • cheap and nasty products with brand names you've never heard of品牌闻所未闻的廉价劣质产品
    • We brought a few cheap and nasty bottles of wine home from holiday.我们度假时带了几瓶便宜又恶心的葡萄酒回家。
    • The room was filled with the smell of cheap perfume.房间里弥漫着廉价香水的味道。
    • It was just a bottle of cheap perfume.那只是一瓶廉价香水。
    • The bag looks cheap and nasty.这包看起来价廉质劣。
    • The glasses are plain without looking cheap.这眼镜朴素,但看起来并不粗劣。
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • be going
    • buy something
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
  5. unkind不友好

  6. unpleasant or unkind and rather obvious令人讨厌的;明显不友好的;不和善的
    • I was tired of his cheap jokes at my expense.我讨厌他拿我开低级庸俗的玩笑。
    • a comedian who is always looking for cheap laughs一个总是寻找廉价笑料的喜剧演员
    • to score a cheap political advantage获得廉价的政治优势
    • He couldn't resist taking a cheap shot at his political opponent.他忍不住向他的政治对手开了一枪。
    Topics Personal qualitiesc2
  7. low status地位低下

  8. (disapproving) having a low status and therefore not deserving respect卑微的;卑贱的;可鄙的
    • He's just a cheap crook.他简直是个卑鄙的骗子。
    • His treatment of her made her feel cheap (= ashamed, because she had lost her respect for herself).他那样对待她使她感到很丢脸。
  9. not generous不大方

  10. (North American English)
    (British English mean)
    (informal, disapproving) not liking to spend money小气的;抠门儿的
    • Don't be so cheap!别这么小气!
    • He's so cheap, he'd never fly to London in a million years.他太小气了,一百万年都不会飞到伦敦去。
    • She was just too cheap to buy a real present.她就是太抠门儿了,舍不得买一件像样的礼物。
    • He was so generous he made the other guests look cheap.他太慷慨了,以至于让其他客人看起来很廉价。
    Topics Moneyc1
  11. 词源late 15th cent.: from an obsolete phrase good cheap ‘a good bargain’, from Old English cēap ‘bargaining, trade’, based on Latin caupo ‘small trader, innkeeper’.
cheap at the price
(also cheap at twice the price)
(also British English, humorous cheap at half the price)
  1. so good or useful that the cost does not seem too much价钱虽高但还合算
    • To buy all the recommended equipment is expensive, but as an investment for the future it is cheap at the price.购买所有推荐的设备是昂贵的,但作为对未来的投资,它的价格是便宜的。
life is cheap
  1. (disapproving) used to say that there is a situation in which it is not thought to be important if people somewhere die or are treated badly把他人生死视同儿戏;视人性命如草芥;人命不值钱
on the cheap (usually disapproving)
  1. spending less money than you usually need to spend to do something低廉地;廉价地
    • a guide to decorating your house on the cheap房屋廉价装潢指南
    • to acquire valuable works of art on the cheap廉价获得有价值的艺术品
    • The school managed to get a couple of computers on the cheap.学校设法弄到了几台便宜电脑。


(comparative cheaper, no superlative)
  1. for a low price低价地;廉价地;便宜地
    • I got this dress cheap in a sale.这件衣服是我在大减价时便宜买的。
    • You can buy it cheaper elsewhere.你可以在别的地方买到更便宜的。
    • They're selling fabrics cheap this week.他们这周正在廉价卖纺织品。
    • Two people can live cheaper than one.两个人能比一个人活得便宜。
    • private equity companies that borrow cheap借入廉价资金的私人股本公司
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • be going
    • buy something
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
    词源late 15th cent.: from an obsolete phrase good cheap ‘a good bargain’, from Old English cēap ‘bargaining, trade’, based on Latin caupo ‘small trader, innkeeper’.
be going cheap
  1. to be offered for sale at a lower price than usual降价出售;廉价销售
    • The house was going cheap because the owner wanted a quick sale.房子越来越便宜了,因为房主想要快速出售。
    • There was usually some bread going cheap at the end of the day.在收市前常常有些面包降价出售。
something does not come cheap
  1. something is expensive昂贵;不便宜
    • Violins like this don't come cheap.像这样的小提琴不会便宜。
    • A quality pair of Italian shoes doesn't come cheap.一双优质的意大利鞋子不会便宜。




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