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词汇 air




    [uncountable] the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth and that we breathe空气
    • Let's go out for some fresh air.咱们出去呼吸点新鲜空气。
    • a blast of hot air一阵热气
    • currents of warm air暖气流
    • He stood outside, breathing the cold night air.他站在外面,呼吸着夜晚寒冷的空气。
    • She was gasping for air as she ran out of the burning house.她从着火的房子中逃出来时上气不接下气。
    • whales coming up for air (= in order to breathe)鲸鱼上来呼吸空气
    • I need to put some air in my tyres.我需要给我的轮胎打些气。
    • The agreement requires reductions in air pollution.该协议要求减少空气污染。
    • The Act lays down a minimum standard for air quality.该法案规定了空气质量的最低标准。
    Homophones air | heirair   heir
    • air noun
      • I kicked the ball high into the air.我把球高高地踢到空中。
    • air verb
      • I opened the window to air the room.我打开窗户给房间通通风。
    • heir noun
      • He left most of his property to his eldest son and heir.他把大部份财产留给了长子。
    see also sea air
    • He drew in another breath of air.他又吸了一口气。
    • I sat for a moment, inhaling the fresh forest air.我坐了一会儿,呼吸着林中的新鲜空气。
    • It's difficult carrying such heavy loads in the thin air of the mountains.山里空气稀薄,带着这么重的东西非常吃力。
    • Land crabs breathe air and cannot swim.地蟹会呼吸空气,但不会游泳。
    • The cool night air wafted in the open windows.凉爽的晚风从敞开的窗户飘了进来。
    • There are regulatory requirements for clean air and water.对清洁的空气和水有监管要求。
    • They have developed an engine powered by compressed air.他们研制出一种用压缩空气作动力的发动机。
    • We felt a blast of cold air as she opened the door.她一开门,我们就感到一阵冷风吹来。
    • the musty smell of stale air不新鲜空气的霉味
    • the polluted air of our cities我们城市被污染的空气
    • warm currents of air一股股暖气流
    • Nothing moved in the still air.空气凝滞,一切都纹丝不动。
    Topics The environmenta1, Weathera1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • hot
    • warm
    • chill
    … of air
    • blast
    • gust
    • rush
    verb + air
    • breathe
    • breathe in
    • gulp in
    air + verb
    • blow
    • circulate
    • flow
    air + noun
    • pollution
    • quality
    • pressure
    • in the air
    • into the air
    • through the air
    • in the open air
  2. space空间

    (usually the air)
    the space above the ground or that is around things空中;天空
    • Music filled the night air.乐声荡漾在夜空中。
    • in/into the air Wave your hands in the air!举起手来!
    • I kicked the ball high into the air.我把球高高地踢到空中。
    • through the air Spicy smells wafted through the air.空中飘来一阵阵浓烈的气味。
    • He punched the air in triumph.他高兴地挥了挥拳头。
    • The air was thick with cigarette smoke.空气中满是香烟的烟雾。
    see also big air, mid-air, mid-air, open air
    • The tang of some wild herb hung in the air.空气中散发着浓烈的野生草药的气味。
    • Suddenly a scream pierced the air.突然,一声尖叫直刺云天。
    • The air was sweet with incense.空气中弥漫着燃香的香气。
    • The dog stretched and sniffed the air.这只狗伸了伸腿,嗅了嗅气味。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • hot
    • warm
    • chill
    … of air
    • blast
    • gust
    • rush
    verb + air
    • breathe
    • breathe in
    • gulp in
    air + verb
    • blow
    • circulate
    • flow
    air + noun
    • pollution
    • quality
    • pressure
    • in the air
    • into the air
    • through the air
    • in the open air
  4. for planes飞机

    [uncountable] the space above the earth where planes fly(飞行的)空中,天空
    • The temple was clearly visible from the air.从空中看去,那座庙宇清晰可辨。
    • We watched as the helicopter took to the air.我们看着直升机升空。
    • by air It only takes three hours by air (= in a plane).乘飞机只要三个小时。
    • air travel/traffic航空旅行;空中交通
    • air defence systems (= weapons that defend against attacks from the air)防空系统
    • A surprise air attack (= from aircraft) was launched at night.夜间突然发起了空袭。
    Collocations Dictionaryair + noun
    • travel
    • fare
    • traffic
    • by air
    • from the air
  6. impression印象

  7. [singular] the particular feeling or impression that is given by somebody/something; the way somebody does something感觉;印象;神态
    • She looked at him with a defiant air.她用蔑视的神情望着他。
    • air of something The room had an air of luxury.房间具有豪华的气派。
    • There was an air of complete confidence about her.她显得信心十足。
    • He had an air of mystery about him.他显出很神秘的样子。
    • He leaned over to Melissa with an air of confidentiality.他向梅利莎凑过身去,显出很机密的样子。
    • You have an air of authority.你看上去很权威。
    Collocations Dictionaryverb + air
    • have
    • retain
    • add
    • with an/​the air
    • air of
  8. tune曲调

  9. [countable] (old-fashioned) (often used in the title of a piece of music常用于乐曲名) a tune曲调
    • Bach’s Air on a G string巴赫《G 弦上的咏叹调》
    Topics Musicc2
  10. behaviour行为

  11. airs
    [plural] (disapproving) a way of behaving that shows that somebody thinks that they are more important, etc. than they really are摆架子;装腔作势
    • I hate the way she puts on airs.我不喜欢她那装腔作势的样子。
  12. see also hot air
    词源Middle English (in senses (1-3) of noun): from Old French air, from Latin aer, from Greek aēr, denoting the gas. Senses 4 and 6 () of the noun are from French air, probably from Old French aire ‘site, disposition’, from Latin ager, agr- ‘field’ (influenced by senses 1-3). Sense (5) of the noun comes from Italian aria, from Latin aer ‘air’.
airs and graces
  1. (British English, disapproving) a way of behaving that shows that somebody thinks that they are more important, etc. than they really are摆架子;装腔作势 synonym airs
    • Even when he became a star he didn’t have any airs and graces.即使成了明星,他也没有架子。
a breath of (fresh) air
  1. clean air breathed in after being indoors or in a dirty atmosphere新鲜空气;透气
    • We'll get a breath of fresh air at lunchtime.我们午餐时出去透透气。
    • I'm going outside for a breath of fresh air.我要出去呼吸点儿新鲜空气。
    Topics Health and Fitnessc2
(build) castles in the air
  1. (to have) plans or dreams that are not likely to happen or come true(建)空中楼阁;幻想;空想
    • As a child he would wander round the boatyards, building castles in the air about owning a boat one day.当他还是个孩子的时候,他会在造船厂附近游荡,为有一天拥有一艘船而建造空中楼阁。
clear the air
  1. to improve a difficult or tense situation by talking about worries, doubts, etc.(通过倾诉)改变困境,缓解紧张状态,改善气氛
    • This meeting will be an opportunity to clear the air and start the healing process.这次会议将是一个消除误会和开始愈合过程的机会。
  2. to make the air less dirty or less humid (= warm and wet)曲调
    • Storms were supposed to clear the air.暴风雨应该能净化空气。
disappear, vanish, etc. into thin air
  1. to disappear suddenly in a mysterious way消失得无影无踪;不翼而飞;悄然而逝
    • She can’t just have vanished into thin air.她不可能凭空消失了。
    • At a stroke she could make things vanish into thin air.她用手碰到什么就能让它消失不见。
finger in the air
  1. (informal) used to refer to an estimate or method of doing something that is not very accurate or scientific and partly based on guessing空气:用于表示做某事的估计或方法,这种估计或方法不是很准确或科学,部分是基于猜测
    • It isn’t an exact science—it’s a kind of finger in the air thing.这不是一门精确的科学——这是一个悬而未决的问题。
    • ‘It’s all a bit finger in the air,’ admitted a spokesman.一位发言人承认说,这一切都有点悬而未决。
    Topics Doubt, guessing and certaintyc2
float/walk on air
  1. to feel very happy欢天喜地;得意扬扬
    • Most couples feel they are walking on air on their wedding day.大多数夫妇觉得他们在结婚那天是在空中漫步。
    Topics Feelingsc2
in the air
  1. felt by a number of people to exist or to be happening在传播中;流行;可感觉到
    • There's romance in the air.有种浪漫的气氛。
on/off (the) air
  1. broadcasting or not broadcasting on television or radio(电视、广播)正在/停止播送
    • We will be back on air tomorrow morning at 7.明天早上 7 点本节目再见。
    • The programme was taken off the air over the summer.这个节目在夏季停播。
    Topics TV, radio and newsc2
out of thin air
  1. from nowhere or nothing, as if by magic凭空;无中生有地
    • Unfortunately, I can’t just conjure up the money out of thin air!可惜我不能凭空变出钱来!
pluck something out of the air
  1. to say a name, number, etc. without thinking about it, especially in answer to a question脱口而出;随意回答
    • I just plucked a figure out of the air and said : ‘Would £1 000 seem reasonable to you?’我随口说出一个数字问道:“你看 1 000 英镑合适吗?”
up in the air
  1. not yet decided悬而未决
    • Our travel plans are still up in the air.我们的旅行计划尚未决定。
with your nose in the air
  1. (informal) in a way that is not friendly and suggests that you think that you are better than other people傲慢;看不起人;鼻孔朝天,自高自大
    • She walked in with her nose in the air, ignoring everyone.她傲慢地走进来,谁也不理。


present simple I / you / we / they air
he / she / it airs
past simple aired
past participle aired
-ing form airing
Idioms Phrasal Verbs


  1. [transitive, intransitive] air (something) to put clothing, etc. in a place that is warm or has plenty of air so that it dries completely and smells fresh; to be left to dry somewhere晾;晾干
    • Air the sheets well.把这些床单好好晾晒一下。
    • Leave the towels out to air.把毛巾拿出去晾干。
    Homophones air | heirair   heir
    • air noun
      • I kicked the ball high into the air.我把球高高地踢到空中。
    • air verb
      • I opened the window to air the room.我打开窗户给房间通通风。
    • heir noun
      • He left most of his property to his eldest son and heir.他把大部份财产留给了长子。
  2. a room房间

  3. [transitive, intransitive] air (something) (British English)
    (North American English air (something) out)
    to allow fresh air into a room or a building; to be filled with fresh air(使)通风,透风
    • The rooms had all been cleaned and aired.所有的房间都已打扫干净并且通了风。
    • Leave the window open to air the room.让窗户开着,给房间通通风。
  4. opinions意见

  5. [transitive] air something to express your opinions publicly公开表达 synonym voice
    • The weekly meeting enables employees to air their grievances.周会可以让雇员诉说他们的委屈。
    • The issues were openly aired and discussed by the group.这些问题被公开提出并在小组进行了讨论。
    Topics Opinion and argumentc2
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • in public
    • openly
    • publicly
  6. radio/TV programme广播/电视节目

  7. [transitive, intransitive] air (something) to broadcast a programme on the radio or on television; to be broadcast播出;播送
    • The show will be aired next Tuesday night.这个节目将在下周二夜间播出。
    • The program aired last week.该节目已于上周播出。
    • air
    • announce
    • bulletin
    • jingle
    • phone-in
    • podcast
    • programme
    • public service broadcasting
    • radio
    • station
    Topics TV, radio and newsc1
  8. 词源Middle English (in senses (1-3) of noun): from Old French air, from Latin aer, from Greek aēr, denoting the gas. Senses 4 and 6 () of the noun are from French air, probably from Old French aire ‘site, disposition’, from Latin ager, agr- ‘field’ (influenced by senses 1-3). Sense (5) of the noun comes from Italian aria, from Latin aer ‘air’.
air/wash your dirty laundry/linen in public
  1. (disapproving) to discuss your personal affairs in public, especially something embarrassing 空气:在公共场合讨论您的个人事务,尤其是令人尴尬的事情




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