City Technology College
noun /ˌsɪti tekˈnɒlədʒi kɒlɪdʒ/
/ˌsɪti tekˈnɑːlədʒi kɑːlɪdʒ/
(abbreviation CTC)
- (in England and Wales
) a type of secondary school in a town or city that puts a special emphasis on teaching mathematics, technology and science. It has no connection with the Local Education Authority, getting its money directly from the government and from business companies. The first City Technology College opened in 1988 near Birmingham. In all, 15 CTCs were created but only three are still called City Technology Colleges.英格兰和威尔士 城市技术学院:城市或城镇中的一所中等学校,特别注重数学,技术和科学的教学。它与地方教育局没有任何关系,直接从政府和商业公司获得资金。第一所城市技术学院于1988年在伯明翰附近开设。总共创建了15个CTC,但仍然只有3个仍称为城市技术学院。