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词汇 cloud


    [countable, uncountable] a grey or white mass that floats in the sky, made of very small drops of water 云;云朵
    • Dark clouds were gathering in the west.乌云在西方聚集。
    • The cloud cover is quite dense today.今天云层很厚。
    • black/grey clouds黑色/灰色的云
    • thick/dense cloud浓密的云
    • The sun went behind a cloud.太阳躲到了一朵云的后面。
    • It was scorching and there wasn't a cloud in the sky.天气酷热,天空没有一片云。
    • in cloud The plane was flying in cloud most of the way.飞机一路大多在云层里飞行。
    • through the clouds She could see the sun through the clouds.她可以透过云层看到太阳。
    Collocations The weatherThe weather天气Good weather好天气
    • be bathed in/​bask in/​be blessed with/​enjoy bright/​brilliant/​glorious sunshine沐浴着/享受着明媚的/灿烂的阳光
    • the sun shines/​warms something/​beats down (on something)
    • the sunshine breaks/​streams through something
    • fluffy/​wispy clouds drift across the sky
    • a gentle/​light/​stiff/​cool/​warm/​sea breeze blows in/​comes in off the sea
    • the snow crunches beneath/​under somebody’s feet/​boots
    Bad weather坏天气
    • thick/​dark/​storm clouds form/​gather/​roll in/​cover the sky/​block out the sun
    • the sky darkens/​turns black
    • a fine mist hangs in the air
    • a dense/​heavy/​thick fog rolls in
    • the rain falls/​comes down (in buckets/​sheets)/pours down
    • snow falls/​comes down/​covers something
    • the wind blows/​whistles/​howls/​picks up/​whips through something/​sweeps across something
    • strong/​gale-force winds blow/​gust (up to 80 mph)
    • a storm is approaching/​is moving inland/​hits/​strikes/​rages
    • thunder rolls/​rumbles/​sounds
    • (forked/​sheet) lightning strikes/​hits/​flashes
    • a (blinding/​snow) blizzard hits/​strikes/​blows/​rages
    • a tornado touches down/​hits/​strikes/​destroys something/​rips through something
    • forecast/​expect/​predict rain/​snow/​a category-four hurricane预报有雨/雪/四级飓风
    • (North American English) pour (down)/ (British English) pour (down) with rain下瓢泼大雨
    • get caught in/​seek shelter from/​escape the rain遇上下雨;寻找避雨处;躲雨
    • be covered/​shrouded in mist/​a blanket of fog笼罩在雾霭之中/厚厚的一层雾中
    • be in for/​brave/​shelter from a/​the storm即将遇到/勇敢面对/躲避暴风雨
    • hear rolling/​distant thunder听到隆隆的/远处的雷声
    • be battered/​buffeted by strong winds遭受强风肆虐;被强风吹得左右摇摆
    • (British English) be blowing a gale在刮大风
    • battle against/​brave the elements与恶劣天气搏斗;冒着风雨
    The weather improves天气好转
    • the sun breaks through the clouds
    • the sky clears/​brightens (up)/lightens (up)
    • the clouds part/​clear
    • the rain stops/​lets up/​holds off
    • the wind dies down
    • the storm passes
    • the mist/​fog lifts/​clears
    see also storm cloud, thundercloud
    • Rain clouds were looming on the horizon.雨云正在地平线上堆积。
    • The clouds broke a little, and the sun came out.云散开一点,太阳出来了。
    • Thick cloud hung over the moor.厚厚的云团悬在荒野上空。
    • We were flying above the clouds.我们在云层上面飞行。
    • White clouds scudded across the sky.白云掠过天空。
    • a layer of high cloud一层高云
    • skies of broken cloud飘着碎散云彩的天空
    • Above the mountains storm clouds were gathering.暴风云正在群山上空聚集。
    Topics Weathera2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • dense
    • heavy
    • thick
    … of cloud
    • band
    • bank
    • blanket
    verb + cloud
    • seed
    cloud + verb
    • form
    • gather
    • mass
    cloud + noun
    • bank
    • cover
    • layer
    • above the clouds
    • below the clouds
    • through the clouds
    • a break in the cloud
    • a break in the clouds
    [countable] a large mass of something in the air, for example dust or smoke, or a number of insects flying all together一团,一大片(尘雾、烟雾或一群飞行的昆虫等)
    • a dust cloud一团烟尘
    • The bees flew out of their hives, forming a thick black cloud.蜜蜂飞出蜂巢,形成一团厚厚的乌云。
    • cloud of something They watched the car disappearing in a cloud of dust.他们望着汽车绝尘而去。
    • I saw an enormous cloud of smoke rising over the city.我看见一大团烟在城市上空升起。
    • The sky turned dark as a great cloud of locusts blocked out the sun.一大群蝗虫遮住了太阳,天色暗了下来。
    see also mushroom cloud
    • a great cloud of black smoke一大片黑色烟雾
    • a thick cloud of steam水蒸气云团
    • The wind blew across the beach, forming clouds of sand.风吹过海滩,形成一团团沙云。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • great
    • huge
    • dense
    verb + cloud
    • create
    • form
    • belch
    • cloud of
  3. [countable] something that makes you feel sad or anxious阴影;忧郁;焦虑;令人忧虑的事
    • Her father's illness cast a cloud over her wedding day.她父亲的病给她的结婚喜庆日蒙上了一层阴影。
    • The only dark cloud on the horizon was that they might have to move house.唯一的忧虑是他们可能得搬家。
    • He still has a cloud of suspicion hanging over him.大家仍然在怀疑他。
  4. the cloud
    [singular] a network of servers (= computers that control or supply information to other computers) on which data and software can be stored or managed and to which users have access over the internet云(可存储或管理数据和软件的服务器网络,用户通过互联网访问)
    • Key company documents are now stored in the cloud, so you no longer need to save them to your computer’s hard drive.公司最重要的文档现在存储在云端,因此不必再将它们保存到计算机硬盘。
  5. see also tag cloud
    词源Old English clūd ‘mass of rock or earth’; probably related to clot. Sense (1) dates from Middle English.
every cloud has a silver lining
  1. (saying) every sad or difficult situation has a positive side黑暗中总有一线光明;朵朵乌云衬银边,处处黑暗透光明
have your head in the clouds
  1. to be thinking about something that is not connected with what you are doing心不在焉;走神
  2. to have ideas, plans, etc. that are not realistic有不切实际的想法(或计划等);想入非非
on cloud nine
  1. (old-fashioned, informal) extremely happy极其快乐;乐不可支
under a cloud
  1. if somebody is under a cloud, other people think that they have done something wrong and do not trust them有嫌疑;被怀疑
    • She left the company under a cloud.她心存疑虑地离开了公司。


present simple I / you / we / they cloud
he / she / it clouds
past simple clouded
past participle clouded
-ing form clouding
  1. [transitive] cloud something if something clouds your judgement, memory, etc., it makes it difficult for you to understand or remember something clearly使难以理解;使记不清楚;使模糊
    • Doubts were beginning to cloud my mind.诸多疑问开始使我的思路变模糊了。
    • His judgement was clouded by jealousy.妒忌心干扰了他的判断力。
  2. [intransitive, transitive] (formal) (of somebody’s face脸色) to show that you feel sad, afraid, angry, etc.; to make somebody look sad, afraid, angry, etc.显得阴沉(或恐惧、愤怒等);看起来忧愁(或害怕、愤怒等)
    • cloud (over) Her face clouded over with anger.她满面怒容。
    • cloud something Suspicion clouded his face.他狐疑满面。
    Topics Feelingsc2
  3. [transitive] cloud the issue/picture to make something you are discussing or considering less clear, especially by introducing subjects that are not connected with it(尤指用无关的话题来)混淆,搅混(问题)
    • Cost factors should not be allowed to cloud the issue.不应该用成本因素来混淆这个问题。
    • Further clouding the picture is the question of racial discrimination.种族歧视问题使情况更加模糊。
  4. [intransitive] cloud (over) (of the sky天空) to fill with clouds布满云
    • It was beginning to cloud over.天空开始阴云密布。
    • That day, the skies had clouded and it had become cool.那天,天空乌云密布,天气变得凉爽了。
    • The sky clouded over and it started to rain.天空阴云密布,开始下起雨来。
  5. [transitive] cloud something to make something less pleasant使减少乐趣;使不快
    • His last years were clouded by financial worries.由于经济窘困,他的晚年生活过得闷闷不乐。
    • Her happiness was clouded by having to leave her daughter behind in Jamaica.她不得不把女儿留在牙买加,这给她的幸福蒙上了阴影。
    • His last years were clouded by ill health.他的最后几年因健康不佳而蒙上阴影。
  6. [intransitive, transitive] if glass, water, etc. clouds, or if something clouds it, it becomes less easy to see through(使)不透明;(使)模糊
    • cloud (with something) Her eyes clouded with tears.泪水模糊了她的眼睛。
    • cloud something Steam had clouded the mirror.水蒸气使镜子变得模糊不清。
  7. 词源Old English clūd ‘mass of rock or earth’; probably related to clot. Sense (1) dates from Middle English.




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