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词汇 cold


(comparative colder, superlative coldest)

    low temperature低温

    having a lower than usual temperature; having a temperature lower than the human body寒冷的;冷的
    • I'm cold. Turn the heating up.我觉得冷,把暖气温度调高一点。
    • to feel cold 感觉冷
    • cold weather/temperatures/air寒冷的天气/温度/空气
    • a cold day/night/winter/wind寒冷的白天/夜晚/冬天/风
    • a cold room/house寒冷的房间/屋子
    • cold hands and feet冷手凉脚
    • a cold beer冰镇啤酒
    • hot and cold water in every room每个房间都供给的冷热水
    • I was thoroughly cold and wet now.我现在又冷又湿。
    • It's freezing cold.天气寒冷彻骨。
    • Hurry up—your dinner's getting cold快点——你的晚餐要凉了
    • a bitterly cold morning寒冷的早晨
    • You look cold. Do you want to go back indoors?你看起来很冷。你想回到室内吗?
    • Isn't it cold today?今天真冷,是不是?
    • It has suddenly turned very cold.天气突然变得很冷。
    • the coldest May on record有记载以来最冷的五月
    • (British English) The water has gone cold.水已变凉。
    see also ice-cold, stone cold
    • I'm afraid the coffee's gone cold.恐怕咖啡已经凉了。
    • In January it turned very cold.一月份天气变得很冷。
    • It's bitterly cold outside.外面寒冷刺骨。
    • The rain overnight had made the water cold.一夜的雨使水变得很凉。
    • The room grew cold.这个房间越来越冷了。
    • There was a freezing cold wind.有一股寒冷的风。
    • Use ice to keep the drinks cold.用冰使饮料保持冰凉。
    • Your dinner's getting cold.你的饭要凉了。
    • Every room has hot and cold water.每个房间都有冷热水。
    • It grew colder as the evening came.夜幕降临,天气变得更冷了。
    • It was the coldest winter on record.这是有记录以来最冷的冬天。
    • The stream was icy cold.溪水冰冷彻骨。
    Topics Weathera1, Geographya1
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • feel
    • look
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
  2. food/drink食物;饮料

    not heated; cooled after being cooked未热过的;已凉的;冷却的
    • a cold drink冷饮
    • Hot and cold food is available in the cafeteria.自助餐厅有冷热食物供应。
    • Bake in the oven for twenty minutes. Serve hot or cold.在烤炉里烤 20 分钟,热食或凉食均可。
    • It's cold chicken for lunch.午餐有鸡肉冷盘。
    • a lunch of cold meat and salad冷肉和沙拉的午餐
    see also cold cuts
    Synonyms coldcold
    • cool
    • freezing
    • chilly
    • lukewarm
    • tepid
    These words all describe somebody/​something that has a low temperature.
    • cold having a temperature that is lower than usual or lower than the human body; (of food or drink) not heated; cooled after being cooked:
      • I’m cold. Turn the heating up.我觉得冷,把暖气温度调高一点。
      • Outside it was bitterly cold.外面非常寒冷。
      • a cold wind 寒风
      • hot and cold water热水和凉水
      • It’s cold chicken for lunch.午餐有鸡肉冷盘。
    • cool (often approving) fairly cold, especially in a pleasant way:指凉爽的、凉快的:
      • a long cool drink一大口冷饮
      • We found a cool place to sit.我们找了一个凉快的地方坐下来。
    • freezing extremely cold; having a temperature below 0° Celsius:
      • It’s absolutely freezing outside.外面冷得不得了。
      • I’m freezing!我要冻僵了!
    • chilly (rather informal) too cold to be comfortable:指寒冷的、阴冷的:
      • Bring a coat. It might turn chilly later.带件大衣,过一会儿天气可能会变冷。
    • lukewarm (often disapproving) slightly warm, sometimes in an unpleasant way:指微温的、不冷不热的、温吞的:
      • Her coffee was now lukewarm.她的咖啡变得微温。
    • tepid (often disapproving) slightly warm, sometimes in an unpleasant way:指微温的、不冷不热的、温吞的:
      • a jug of tepid water一壶温水
    lukewarm or tepid?用 lukewarm 还是 tepid?There is really no diference in meaning or use between these words.Patterns
    • to feel/​get cold/​cool/​chilly
    • cold/​cool/​freezing/​chilly air/​weather
    • a cold/​cool/​freezing/​chilly wind
    • cold/​cool/​freezing/​lukewarm/​tepid water
    • a cold/​cool/​lukewarm/​tepid shower/​bath
    • cold/​lukewarm/​tepid tea/​coffee/​food
    • a cold/​cool drink
    • It’s cold/​chilly/​freezing outside.
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • get
    • go
    • stone
  4. not friendly不友好

    (of a person) without emotion; not friendly冷漠的;不友好的
    • to give somebody a cold look/stare冷冷地看/盯着某人
    • Her manner was cold and distant.她的态度冷漠而疏远。
    • He was staring at her with cold eyes.他用冷漠的眼光盯着她。
    • cold towards/to somebody She was very cold towards me.她对我很冷淡。
    • He received a cold welcome.他受到冷淡的接待[款待]。
    • I found him a rather cold person.我发现他是个相当冷漠的人。
    • He was portrayed as a cold, calculating terrorist.他被描绘成一个冷酷而工于心计的恐怖分子。
    • She gave David a cold look of disapproval.她冷冷地看了大卫一眼,表示不同意。
  6. light/colours光线;颜色

  7. seeming to lack any warm feeling, in an unpleasant way冷的;冷色的;寒色的
    • clear cold light清寒的光
    • cold grey skies冷灰色的天空
  8. route路径

  9. not easy to find不易发现的
    • The police followed the robbers to the airport but then the trail went cold.警察追踪抢劫犯到了机场,但是后来却失去了他们的踪迹。
  10. in games游戏

  11. used in children’s games to say that the person playing is not close to finding a person or thing, or to guessing the correct answer(儿童游戏中)离目标远的,未猜中的Topics Doubt, guessing and certaintyc2
  12. unconscious失去知觉

  13. out cold [not before noun] (informal) unconscious失去知觉
    • He was knocked out cold in the second round.他在第二轮中被击倒,失去了知觉。
  14. facts事实

  15. the cold facts/truth facts with nothing added to make them more interesting or pleasant真实的;客观的 see also coldly, coldness
  16. 词源Old English cald, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch koud and German kalt, also to Latin gelu ‘frost’.
blow hot and cold (about something)
  1. (informal) to change your opinion about something often拿不定主意;出尔反尔Topics Opinion and argumentc2
a cold fish
  1. a person who seems unfriendly and without strong emotions冷漠无情的人
get/have cold feet
  1. (informal) to suddenly become nervous about doing something that you had planned to do临阵胆怯;畏缩
    • He was going to ask her but he got cold feet and said nothing.他本来是想问她的,可事到临头他却胆怯得什么也没有说。
    Topics Feelingsc2
give somebody the cold shoulder
  1. (informal) to treat somebody in a way that is not friendly冷漠对待;使受到冷遇 see also cold-shoulder
go hot and cold
  1. to experience a sudden feeling of fear or worry突然感到害怕(或焦虑)
    • When the phone rang I just went hot and cold.电话铃响时我吓得一阵冷一阵热。
    Topics Feelingsc2
in cold blood
  1. acting in a way that is deliberately cruel残忍地;蓄意地;冷酷地;无情地
    • to kill somebody in cold blood残忍地杀害某人
in the cold light of day
  1. when you have had time to think calmly about something; in the morning when things are clearer有时间冷静考虑时;在头脑更清醒些的第二天早晨
    • These things always look different in the cold light of day.这些事情在冷静地考虑后总会显得不同。
leave somebody cold
  1. to fail to affect or interest somebody未打动某人;无法引起某人的兴趣
    • Most modern art leaves me cold.大多数的现代艺术引不起我的兴趣。
make somebody’s blood run cold
  1. to make somebody very frightened or fill them with horror使某人不寒而栗(或毛骨悚然)
    • The sound of laughter in the empty house made my blood run cold.空荡荡的房子里的笑声让我毛骨悚然。
    • Our blood ran cold at the thought of how easily we could have been killed.一想到当时很容易就会被杀掉,我们就吓得浑身冰凉。
    Topics Feelingsc2
pour/throw cold water on something
  1. to give reasons for not being in favour of something; to criticize something泼冷水;批评;责备
    • She immediately poured cold water on his plans to expand the business.她立即对他拓展业务的计划泼冷水。




    (also less frequent the common cold [singular])
    a common illness that affects the nose and/or throat, making you cough, sneeze, etc.感冒;伤风;着凉
    • I've got a cold.我感冒了。
    • to have a cold感冒
    • a bad/heavy/slight/nasty cold重感冒/重感冒/轻微感冒/重感冒
    • to catch a cold患感冒
    • If you stay out in the rain you'll catch cold!如果待在外面淋雨,你会感冒的!
    • to get a cold感冒
    • She was suffering from a cold.她患了感冒。
    Collocations IllnessesIllnesses疾病Becoming ill生病
    • catch a cold/​an infectious disease/​the flu/(British English) flu/​pneumonia/​a virus/(informal) a bug染上感冒/传染病/流感/肺炎/病毒/小毛病
    • get (British English) ill/(North American English) sick/​a disease/​AIDS/​breast cancer/​a cold/​the flu/(British English) flu/​a migraine患病/艾滋病/乳腺癌/感冒/流感/偏头痛
    • come down with a cold/​the flu/(British English) flu得了感冒/流感
    • contract a deadly disease/​a serious illness/​HIV/​AIDS感染致命疾病/严重疾病/艾滋病病毒/艾滋病
    • be infected with a virus/​a parasite/​HIV受病毒/寄生虫/艾滋病病毒感染
    • develop cancer/​diabetes/​a rash/​an ulcer/​symptoms of hepatitis患上癌症/糖尿病/皮疹/溃疡;出现肝炎症状
    • have a heart attack/​a stroke心脏病/中风发作
    • provoke/​trigger/​produce an allergic reaction引起/产生过敏反应
    • block/​burst/​rupture a blood vessel使血管阻塞/破裂
    • damage/​sever a nerve/​an artery/​a tendon损伤/切断神经/动脉/肌腱
    Being ill病了
    • feel (British English) ill/​nauseous/​queasy
    • be running (British English) a temperature/(North American English) a fever发烧
    • have a head cold/​diabetes/​heart disease/​lung cancer/​a headache/(British English) a high temperature/(North American English) a fever患伤风感冒/糖尿病/心脏病/肺癌;头痛;发烧
    • suffer from asthma/​malnutrition/​frequent headaches/​bouts of depression/​a mental disorder患哮喘/营养不良症/经常性头痛/多发性抑郁症/精神错乱
    • be laid up with/ (British English) be in bed with a cold/​the flu/(British English) flu/​a migraine因感冒/流感/偏头痛而卧床休息
    • nurse a cold/​a headache/​a hangover调治感冒/头痛/宿醉
    • battle/​fight cancer/​depression/​addiction/​alcoholism与癌症/抑郁症作斗争;戒瘾;戒酒
    • examine a patient给病人做检查
    • diagnose a condition/​disease/​disorder诊断疾病
    • be diagnosed with cancer/​diabetes/​schizophrenia诊断为癌症/糖尿病/精神分裂症
    • prescribe/​be given/​be on/​take drugs/​medicine/​medication/​pills/​painkillers/​antibiotics开/得到/服用药/药片/止痛药/抗生素
    • treat somebody for cancer/​depression/​shock治疗某人的癌症/抑郁症/休克
    • have/​undergo an examination/​an operation/​surgery/​a kidney transplant/​therapy/​chemotherapy/​treatment for cancer接受检查/手术/外科手术/肾移植手术/治疗/化疗/癌症治疗
    • have/​be given an injection/(British English) a flu jab/(North American English) a flu shot/​a blood transfusion/​a scan/​an X-ray打针;接种流感疫苗;接受输血;做扫描检查;照 X 光
    • cure a disease/​an ailment/​cancer/​a headache/​a patient治疗疾病/病痛/癌症/头痛/病人
    • prevent the spread of disease/​further outbreaks/​damage to the lungs防止疾病扩散/疾病进一步爆发/对肺部造成伤害
    • be vaccinated against the flu/(British English) flu/​the measles/(British English) measles/​polio/​smallpox接种流感/麻疹/小儿麻痹症/天花疫苗
    • enhance/​boost/​confer/​build immunity to a disease增加对疾病的免疫力
    • I must have caught a cold on the bus.我一定是在公共汽车上得了感冒。
    • She won her match despite suffering from a heavy cold.尽管患了重感冒,她仍然赢得了比赛。
    • When will they find a cure for the common cold?他们什么时候才能找到治愈感冒的药呢?
    • Jim stayed at home because he was nursing a cold.吉姆正调理感冒,所以在家里待着。
    • He took cold, developed pneumonia, and that was the end of him.他先是感冒,然后发展成肺炎,就这样完了。
    Topics Illnessa1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • bad
    • heavy
    • nasty
    verb + cold
    • have
    • nurse
    • suffer from
  2. low temperature低温

    [uncountable] a lack of heat or warm air; a low temperature, especially in the atmosphere冷;寒冷;(尤指)低气温
    • He shivered with cold.他冻得发抖。
    • in the cold Don't stand outside in the cold.别站在外面冻着。
    • She doesn't seem to feel the cold.她好像不觉得冷。
    • cold of something The room was warm, even in the cold of winter.即使在寒冷的冬天,房间也很暖和。
    • He stood out in the cold and waited.他站在寒冷的室外等着。
    • I don't feel the cold as badly as many people.我没觉得像很多人说的那样冷。
    • My hands were blue with cold.我的双手冻得发青。
    • The house has double glazing to keep out the cold.这个房子有双层玻璃窗抵御寒冷。
    • We were well wrapped up against the cold.我们穿得暖暖的抵御寒冷。
    Topics Weatherb1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • biting
    • bitter
    • extreme
    verb + cold
    • feel
    • keep out
    • be blue with
    • against the cold
    • out in the cold
  4. 词源Old English cald, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch koud and German kalt, also to Latin gelu ‘frost’.
catch a cold
  1. to become ill with a cold患重感冒
  2. (informal) to have problems患重感冒
    • The film caught a cold over the outstanding debt.这部电影因未偿债务而受到冷遇。
catch your death (of cold)
  1. (old-fashioned, informal) to catch a very bad cold患重感冒
come in from the cold
  1. to become accepted or included in a group, etc. after a period of being outside it不再受冷落(或排斥)
leave somebody out in the cold
  1. to not include somebody in a group or an activity冷落;排斥
    • Millions of ordinary workers feel left out in the cold by the shift to digital technology.数百万普通员工觉得产业的数字技术转型将他们抛在了一边。
    • When the coalition was formed the Liberals were left out in the cold.联盟成立时,自由党人被孤立在外。


  1. (North American English) suddenly and completely突然;完全
    • His final request stopped her cold.他最后的请求突然阻止了她。
  2. without preparing毫无准备地
    • I can't just walk in there cold and give a speech.我不能什么准备都没有,进去就发表演讲。
  3. 词源Old English cald, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch koud and German kalt, also to Latin gelu ‘frost’.




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