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词汇 confident


    feeling sure about your own ability to do things and be successful自信的;有自信心的
    • She was in a relaxed, confident mood.她的心态从容而自信。
    • Beneath his confident and charming exterior, lurked a mass of insecurities.在他自信而迷人的外表下,潜藏着大量的不安全感。
    • confident about something I was actually fairly confident about my chances.我其实对自己的机会相当有信心。
    • confident about doing something The teacher wants the children to feel confident about asking questions when they don't understand.教师要孩子们遇到不懂的就大胆提问。
    • confident in something He'd learned to be confident in his ability to handle anything life threw at him.他已经学会对自己处理生活中任何事情的能力充满信心。
    see also self-confident
    • Going to university has made her more confident.唸大学使她增强了自信心。
    • He was overly confident, perhaps to the point of arrogance.他过度自信,也许到了自负的地步。
    • He's becoming more confident as he gets older.随着年龄的增长,他变得更自信了。
    • She gradually grew more confident.她逐渐自信起来。
    • She sauntered onto the set, looking serenely confident.她从容地走到拍摄片场,看起来沉着而自信。
    • You get young people who appear to be socially confident, but inside they are a bundle of neuroses.你会碰到一些年轻人,他们在交往时显得很自信,但内心却紧张得要命。
    • They gave a very confident performance of the piece.他们非常自信地演奏了这首乐曲。
    • I'm very confident in our ability to maintain leadership.我对我们保持领导地位的能力很有信心。
    Topics Doubt, guessing and certaintyb1, Personal qualitiesb1
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • appear
    • be
    • feel
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
    • about
    • in
    • of
    feeling certain that something will happen in the way that you want or expect肯定的;确信的;有把握的
    • confident of something The Democrats were confident of victory.民主党人对胜利充满信心。
    • confident of doing something The team feels confident of winning.这个队觉得有把握取胜。
    • confident about something We are confident about the future.我们对未来充满信心。
    • confident (that)… I'm confident that you will get the job.我肯定你能得到那份工作。
    • He said he remained confident that the dispute could be resolved.他说,他仍然相信争议能够得到解决。
    • We're pretty confident we can win the case.我们很有信心能打赢这场官司。
    • She was quietly confident that everything would go as planned.她心里相信一切都会按计划进行。
    Synonyms suresure
    • confident
    • convinced
    • certain
    • positive
    • clear
    These words all describe somebody who knows without doubt that something is true or will happen.
    • sure [not before noun] without any doubt that you are right, that something is true, that you will get something or that something will happen:
      • ‘Is that John over there?’ ‘I’m not sure.’“那边那个人是约翰吗?” “我说不准。”
      • Are you sure about that?这事你肯定吗?
      • England must win this game to be sure of qualifying.英格兰队必须拿下这场比赛才能确保获得资格。
      Sure is often used in negative statements and questions, because there is some doubt or worry over the matter. If there is no doubt, people often say quite sure: I’m quite sure (that) I left my bag here (= I have no doubt about it).
    • confident completely sure that something will happen in the way that you want or expect:
      • I’m quite confident that you’ll get the job.我肯定你能得到那份工作。
      • The team feels confident of winning.这个队觉得有把握取胜。
      Confident is a stronger and more definite word than sure and is more often used in positive statements, when you feel no worry.
    • convinced [not before noun] completely sure that something is true or right, especially because the evidence seems to prove it or somebody else has persuaded you to believe it:
      • I’m convinced that she’s innocent.我坚信她是清白无辜的。
    • certain [not usually before noun] sure that you are right or that something is true:
      • Are you absolutely certain about this?你对这事绝对确信无疑吗?
    sure or certain?用 sure 还是 certain?Like sure, certain is often used in negative statements and questions. It is slightly more formal than sure; sure is more frequent, especially in spoken English.
    • positive [not before noun] (rather informal) completely sure that something is true:
      • She was positive that he’d been there.她确信他曾到过那儿。
      • ‘Are you sure?’ ‘Positive.’“你敢肯定吗?”“绝对肯定。”
    • clear (often used in negative statements and questions) having no doubt or confusion about something:
      • My memory isn’t really clear on that point.那一点我记不太清楚了。
    • sure/​confident/​convinced/​certain/​positive/​clear about something
    • sure/​confident/​convinced/​certain of something
    • sure/​confident/​convinced/​certain/​positive/​clear that…
    • sure/​certain/​clear who/​what/​how, etc.
    • to feel sure/​confident/​convinced/​certain/​positive
    • quite/​absolutely/​completely/​fairly/​pretty sure/​confident/​convinced/​certain/​positive/​clear
    • not altogether sure/​confident/​convinced/​certain/​clear
    • I'm quite confident that you'll get the job.我肯定你能得到那份工作。
    • We feel confident that these results are accurate.我们对这些结果的准确性是有把握的。
    • I'm fully confident of winning the title.我对赢取冠军信心十足。
    • I'm 95% confident of success.我对成功有 95% 的把握。
    • They gave a confident prediction that things would improve.他们自信地预测情况会有所改善。
    • He came out of the interview feeling quietly confident.他面试后走出来,暗自觉得有了把握。
    Topics Doubt, guessing and certaintyb1
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • appear
    • be
    • feel
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
    • about
    • in
    • of
  3. 词源late 16th cent.: from French confident(e), from Italian confidente, from Latin confident- ‘having full trust’, from the verb confidere, from con- (expressing intensive force) + fidere ‘trust’.




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