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词汇 conscious


    [not before noun] aware of something; noticing something意识到;注意到
    • conscious of something She's very conscious of the problems involved.她完全意识到了所涉及的问题。
    • I am conscious of the fact that there's a limit to what we can achieve here.我意识到我们在这里能取得的成就是有限的。
    • conscious of doing something He became acutely conscious of having failed his parents.他深深感到自己辜负了父母的期望。
    • conscious that… I was vaguely conscious that I was being watched.我隐隐约约地觉察到有人在监视我。
    opposite unconscious see also self-conscious
    • Barely conscious of the flashing lights around him, Kevin recklessly weaved in and out of traffic.凯文几乎没有意识到周围一闪一闪的灯光,不顾一切地在车流中穿进穿出。
    • He fell, and was dimly conscious of Tara standing over him.他倒下了,模糊地感到塔拉站在旁边看着他。
    • He was completely conscious of her warm body next to his.他完全感觉到了身旁她暖和的身体。
    • I am very conscious of the need for secrecy.我充分意识到保密的必要。
    • I was hardly conscious of my surroundings.我几乎没意识到我周围的情况。
    • She became acutely conscious that someone was watching her.她敏锐地感觉到有人在注视着她。
    • We are now deeply conscious of these issues.我们现在深深地意识到这些问题。
    • He was painfully conscious of his mother's embarrassment.他痛苦地意识到了妈妈的难堪。
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • seem
    • become
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
    • of
    able to use your senses and mental powers to understand what is happening神志清醒的;有知觉的;有意识的
    • A patient who is not fully conscious should never be left alone.神志并非完全清醒的病人必须时刻有人照料。
    • She remained conscious throughout the operation.整个手术过程中她都保持神志清醒。
    opposite unconscious
    • Try to keep the patient conscious.设法使病人保持清醒。
    • The patient is not yet fully conscious.病人还没有完全清醒。
    • She was heavily sedated but struggled to stay conscious.给她服用了大量镇静剂,但她还是挣扎着想要保持清醒。
    • One man was so drunk as to be barely conscious.一个男人喝得烂醉,几乎神志不清。
    • I was only half conscious.当时我有点儿不清醒。
    • Erin was only partially conscious.埃琳仅处于半清醒状态。
    • treatment decisions for persons in a minimally conscious state对只有微弱意识状态病人的治疗决定
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • become
    • remain
    • completely
    • fully
    • barely
    (of actions, feelings, etc.行为、感情等) deliberate; done in a careful way慎重的;有意的;刻意的
    • a conscious choice有意识的选择
    • to make a conscious decision作出慎重的决定
    • I made a conscious effort to get there on time.我刻意约束自己准时到达那里。
    • a conscious act of cruelty蓄意的残暴行径
    opposite unconscious compare subconscious
    • He drifted into it rather than as a result of any conscious political choice.他随波逐流,而不是出于任何有意识的政治选择。
    • She made a conscious decision to spend more time with her family.她着意要多花些时间与家人相处。
    being particularly interested in something特别感兴趣的;关注的
    • to be environmentally/politically conscious具有环境/政治意识
    • the band's socially conscious lyrics该乐队具有社会意识的歌词
    • They have become increasingly health-conscious.他们的健康意识越来越强。
    • an image-conscious reality star一个注重形象的真人秀明星
    see also class-conscious, fashion-conscious
  5. (of the mind or a thought) directly under the control of the person concerned慎重的;有意的;刻意的
    • When you go to sleep, it is only the conscious mind that shuts down.当你入睡时,只有意识思维会关闭。
  6. 词源late 16th cent. (in the sense ‘being aware of wrongdoing’): from Latin conscius ‘knowing with others or in oneself’ (from conscire ‘be privy to’) + -ous.




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