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词汇 consider


present simple I / you / we / they consider
he / she / it considers
past simple considered
past participle considered
-ing form considering
    [intransitive, transitive] to think about something carefully, especially in order to make a decision(尤指为作出决定而)仔细考虑,细想
    • I'd like some time to consider.我希望有些时间考虑一下。
    • consider something She is considering her options.她正在考虑她的选择。
    • Let us consider the facts.让我们仔细想想这些事实。
    • We are considering various possibilities.我们正在考虑各种可能性。
    • He was seriously considering an appeal.他正在认真考虑上诉。
    • a carefully considered response经过仔细考虑的回复
    • The company is being actively considered as a potential partner (= it is thought possible that it could become one).这家公司正在被积极考虑为可能的合作伙伴。
    • consider doing something Have you considered starting your own business?有没有考虑过自己创业?
    • consider how/what, etc… We need to consider how the law might be reformed.我们得斟酌法律应如何修订。
    • He was considering what to do next.他在考虑下一步怎么办。
    • The court must consider whether the employer was negligent.法院必须考虑雇主是否有过失。
    • consider somebody/something for something We are considering her for the job of designer.我们正考虑让她担任设计师。
    Language Bank aboutaboutSaying what a text is about描述文章的内容
      • The book is about homeless people in the cities.这本书写的是城市中无家可归的人们。
      • The report deals with the issue of homelessness in London.这篇报道是关于伦敦的无家可归问题。
      • The writer discusses the problems faced by homeless people.作者讨论了无家可归者面临的种种问题。
      • The article presents an overview of the issues surrounding homelessness.这篇文章概述了有关无家可归的种种问题。
      • The novel explores the theme of friendship among homeless people.这部小说探究了无家可归者之间的友谊这个主题。
      • The first chapter examines the relationship between homelessness and drug addiction.第一章考察了无家可归与吸毒成瘾之间的关系。
      • The paper considers the question of why so many young people become homeless.这篇论文论述了为何如此多的年轻人变得无家可归的问题。
    More Like This Verbs usually followed by -ing formsVerbs usually followed by -ing forms
    • avoid
    • consider
    • delay
    • deny
    • enjoy
    • escape
    • finish
    • give up
    • imagine
    • involve
    • mention
    • mind
    • miss
    • postpone
    • practise
    • resist
    • risk
    • suggest
    • I did briefly consider going on my own.我确实短暂考虑过自己去。
    • I was strongly considering leaving her on her own.我在认真考虑是否让她独立生活。
    • I'm seriously considering the possibility of emigrating.我在认真考虑移民外国的可能性。
    • It was a carefully considered decision.这是经过仔细考虑的决定。
    • You wouldn’t consider marrying a man for his money, then?你不会考虑为了钱而嫁给一个男人吧?
    • We're considering buying a new car.我们在考虑买一辆新车。
    Topics Preferences and decisionsa2
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • carefully
    • seriously
    • strongly
    • for
    • generally considered to be something
    • widely considered to be something
    [transitive] to think of somebody/something in a particular way认为;以为;觉得
    • consider somebody/something + noun I consider her a friend.我视她为朋友。
    • The award is considered a great honour.该奖项被认为是一项巨大的荣誉。
    • He considers it his duty.他认为这是他的职责。
    • consider somebody/something to be, have, etc. something She is widely considered to be the greatest player ever.她被广泛认为是有史以来最伟大的运动员。
    • Who do you consider to be responsible for the accident?你认为谁对这起事故负有责任?
    • He's generally considered to have the finest tenor voice in the country.普遍认为他是全国最佳男高音歌手。
    • consider yourself + noun He considers himself an expert on the subject.他认为自己是这门学科的专家。
    • consider somebody/something + adj. They will take any steps they consider necessary.他们会采取任何他们认为必要的措施。
    • Certain subjects were not considered appropriate for female artists.某些主题被认为不适合女性艺术家。
    • consider somebody/something as something You should consider this as a long-term investment.你应该把这当成长期投资。
    • consider (that)… She considers that it is too early to form a definite conclusion.她认为现在下确切的结论还为时过早。
    • it is considered that… It is considered that the proposed development would create much-needed jobs.人们认为所提出的发展计划将创造急需的就业机会。
    Synonyms regardregard
    • call
    • find
    • consider
    • see
    • view
    These words all mean to think about somebody/​something in a particular way.
    • regard to think of somebody/​something in a particular way: He seemed to regard the whole thing as a joke.他似乎是把整件事当成玩笑。
    • call to say that somebody/​something has particular qualities or characteristics: I wouldn’t call German an easy language.我并不认为德语是一门容易学的语言。
    • find to have a particular feeling or opinion about something: You may find your illness hard to accept.你可能觉得难以接受自己患病。
    • consider to think of somebody/​something in a particular way: Who do you consider (to be) responsible for the accident?你认为谁对这个事故负有责任?
    regard or consider?用 regard 还是 consider?These two words have the same meaning, but they are used in different patterns and structures. In this meaning consider must be used with a complement or clause: you can consider somebody/​something to be something or consider somebody/​something as something, although very often the to be or as is left out: He considers himself an expert.They are considered a high-risk group. You can also consider that somebody/​something is something and again, the that can be left out. Regard is used in a narrower range of structures. The most frequent structure is regard somebody/​something as something; the as cannot be left out: I regard him a close friend. You cannot regard somebody/​something to be something or regard that somebody/​something is something. However, regard (but not consider in this meaning) can also be used without a noun or adjective complement but with just an object and adverb (somebody/​something is highly regarded) or adverbial phrase (regard somebody/​something with suspicion/​jealousy/​admiration).
    • see to have an opinion of something: Try to see things from her point of view.设法从她那个角度去看问题。
    • view to think of somebody/​something in a particular way: How do you view your position within the company?你如何看待你自己在公司中的位置? View has the same meaning as regard and consider but is slightly less frequent and slightly less formal. The main structures are view somebody/​something as somebody/​something (you cannot leave out the as) and view somebody/​something with something.你如何看待自己在公司中的地位?视图与“关注”和“考虑”具有相同的含义,但频率稍低,形式稍不正式。主要结构是把某人/某物看做某人/某物(不能省略as)和用某物看某人/某物。
    • to regard/​consider/​see/​view somebody/​something as something
    • to regard/​consider/​see/​view somebody/​something from a particular point of view
    • to find/​consider somebody/​something to be something
    • generally/​usually regarded/​considered/​seen/​viewed as something
    • to regard/​consider/​view somebody/​something favourably/​unfavourably
    • The Home Secretary will release prisoners only if he considers it is safe to do so.内政大臣只有在他认为这样做是安全时才会释放囚犯。
    • Consider yourself lucky you weren't fired.你没被解雇,算是万幸。
    • These children are considered as a high-risk group.这些孩子被认为是高危人群。
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • carefully
    • seriously
    • strongly
    • for
    • generally considered to be something
    • widely considered to be something
    [transitive] consider somebody/something to think about something, especially the feelings of other people, and be influenced by it when making a decision, etc.体谅;考虑到;顾及
    • You should consider other people before you act.你在行动之前应当考虑到别人。
    Topics Preferences and decisionsb1
  4. [transitive] consider somebody/something (formal) to look carefully at somebody/something端详;注视
    • He stood there, considering the painting.他站在那里,凝视着那幅画。
  5. 词源late Middle English: from Old French considerer, from Latin considerare ‘examine’, perhaps based on sidus, sider- ‘star’.
all things considered
  1. thinking carefully about all the facts, especially the problems or difficulties, of a situation从各方面看来;考虑到所有情况;总而言之
    • She's had a lot of problems since her husband died but she seems quite cheerful, all things considered.自从丈夫死后,她面临很多困难,但总的来说她看上去情绪还是挺乐观的。
your considered opinion
  1. your opinion that is the result of careful thought成熟的意见;经过深思熟虑的意见
    • It is my considered opinion that you are wrong.我经过深思熟虑认为你错了。
    Topics Opinion and argumentc2




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