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词汇 contain


not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时
present simple I / you / we / they contain
he / she / it contains
past simple contained
past participle contained
-ing form containing
    contain something if something contains something else, it has that thing inside it or as part of it包含;含有;容纳
    • This drink doesn't contain any alcohol.这种饮料不含任何酒精。
    • The documents contain sensitive information.这些文件包含敏感信息。
    • Electronic products contain hazardous materials that cannot be deposited in landfills.电子产品含有不能填埋的有害物质。
    • His account contained an element of truth.他的叙述有一定的真实性。
    • to contain an amount/a number/a level of something包含某事物的数量/数量/水平
    • He handed over a brown envelope containing a hundred dollar bills.他交出了一个装有一百元钞票的棕色信封。
    • The fish were found to contain traces of mercury.人们发现这种鱼含有微量汞。
    • The bottle contains (= can hold) two litres.此瓶容量为两升。
    • contained in something He said he was opposed to some of the provisions contained in the bill.他说他反对法案中的一些条款。
    • contained within something The stories contained within these pages are highly enjoyable.这些页面中包含的故事非常有趣。
    • The book contains no illustrations.这本书没有插图。
    • These cells contain genes and proteins that interact with one another.这些细胞包含相互作用的基因和蛋白质。
    • The film contains amazing fight sequences.这部电影包含了令人惊叹的打斗镜头。
    • Her statement contained one or two inaccuracies.她的陈述有一两处不准确。
  2. to keep your feelings under control控制,克制,抑制(感情) synonym restrain
    • contain something She was unable to contain her excitement.她无法抑制内心的激动。
    • She could hardly contain her excitement.她几乎无法抑制内心的激动。
    • contain yourself I was so furious I just couldn't contain myself (= I had to express my feelings).我气愤极了,简直无法克制自己。
  3. contain something to prevent something harmful from spreading or getting worse防止…蔓延(或恶化)
    • to contain an epidemic防止流行病的蔓延
    • Government forces have failed to contain the rebellion.政府军未能遏止叛乱。
    • He introduced repressive measures to contain the violence.他采取了一些遏止暴力行为的镇压措施。
    • Overall planning policies are designed to contain the growth of urban sprawl.总体规划政策旨在遏制城市蔓延。
  4. 词源Middle English: from Old French contenir, from Latin continere, from con- ‘altogether’ + tenere ‘to hold’.




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