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词汇 conventional


    (often disapproving) tending to follow what is done or considered acceptable by society in general; normal and ordinary, and perhaps not very interesting依照惯例的;遵循习俗的;墨守成规的;普通平凡的
    • conventional behaviour/morality循规蹈矩的行为;传统的道德规范
    • She's very conventional in her views.她的观点很守旧。
    opposite unconventional
    • He turned out to be a very conventional young man.他原来是一个非常传统的年轻人。
    • The imagery in the poem is somewhat conventional.这首诗的意象有些墨守成规。
    • They rejected what they saw as the hypocrisy of conventional society.他们排斥被他们认为伪善的传统社会。
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • seem
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
    [usually before noun] following what is traditional or the way something has been done for a long time传统的;习惯的
    • conventional methods/approaches传统方法
    • It's not a hotel, in the conventional sense, but rather a whole village turned into a hotel.这不是一家传统意义上的旅馆,而是整个村庄变身而成的度假村。
    • You can use a microwave or cook it in a conventional oven.你可以用微波炉或传统烤箱烹制。
    opposite unconventional
    • Her face is not beautiful in conventional terms.她的脸按常规来说并不漂亮。
    • My sister was taught to read by more conventional methods.我妹妹是用更传统的方法学习阅读的。
    • Raising such a large amount of money from conventional sources would be difficult.从传统来源筹集如此大量的资金将是困难的。
    • She had a fairly conventional start to her career.她的事业有一个相当传统的开端。
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • seem
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
    [usually before noun] (of medical treatment医疗) using the usual scientific methods of Western medicine such as artificial drugs and operations非核的;常规的
    • conventional medicine传统医学
    • Conventional treatments for this condition have been only partially successful.这种疾病的传统治疗只取得了部分成功。
    compare alternative medicine, complementary medicineTopics Medicineb2
    [usually before noun] (especially of weapons尤指武器) not nuclear非核的;常规的
    • conventional forces/weapons常规部队/武器
    • A conventional war would still cause unacceptable devastation.常规战争仍然会造成不可接受的破坏。
    • a conventional power station (= using oil or coal as fuel, rather than nuclear power)常规电站
  5. 词源late 15th cent. (in the sense ‘relating to a formal agreement or convention’): from French conventionnel or late Latin conventionalis, from Latin conventio(n-) ‘meeting, covenant’, from the verb convenire ‘assemble, agree, fit’, from con- ‘together’ + venire ‘come’.
conventional/received/popular wisdom
  1. the view or belief that most people hold大多数人的看法;普遍信念
    • Conventional wisdom has it that riots only ever happen in cities.人们普遍认为,只有城市里才发生暴乱。
    • Conventional wisdom has it that all sense of community has gone, but that is not the case where I live.人们普遍认为社区感已不复存在,但是我住的地方不同。
    • The received wisdom is that the book is always better than the film.人们普遍的看法是,小说总是比电影好看。
    • Contrary to conventional wisdom, stress is not a bad thing.与传统的看法相反,压力并不是坏事。
    • Popular wisdom has it that higher oil prices are bad for economic growth.人们普遍认为油价上涨不利于经济增长。




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