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词汇 cork


  1. [uncountable] a light, soft material that is the thick bark of a type of Mediterranean oak tree木栓,软木(一种地中海橡树皮)
    • a cork mat软木垫
    • cork tiles软木薄砌块
    Topics Plants and treesc2
  2. enlarge image
    a small round object made of cork or plastic, that is used for closing bottles, especially wine bottles(尤指酒瓶的)软木塞,塑料塞
    • to draw the cork拔出塞子
    • Champagne corks were popping (= people were celebrating).香槟的软木塞砰地弹了出来。
    Synonyms lidlid
    • top
    • cork
    • cap
    • plug
    These are all words for a cover for a container.
    • lid a cover over a container that can be removed or opened by turning or lifting it:
      • a jar with a tight-fitting lid盖子很紧的广口瓶
    • top a thing that you put over the end of something such as a pen or bottle in order to close it指笔帽、瓶盖、瓶塞
    • cork a small, round object made of cork or plastic that is used for closing bottles, especially wine bottles指尤用于酒瓶的软木塞、塑料瓶塞
    • cap (often in compounds) a top for a pen or a cover for protecting something such as the lens of a camera
    • plug a round piece of material that you put into a hole in order to block it; a flat, round rubber or plastic thing that you put into the hole of a sink in order to stop the water from flowing out:
      • a bath plug浴缸塞子
    • a tight-fitting lid/​top/​cap
    • a screw top/​cap
    • a pen lid/​top
    • to put on/​screw on/​take off/​unscrew the lid/​top/​cap
    • to pull out the cork/​plug
  3. 词源Middle English: from Dutch and Low German kork, from Spanish alcorque ‘cork-soled sandal’, from Arabic al- ‘the’ and (probably) Spanish Arabic qurq, qorq, based on Latin quercus ‘oak, cork oak’.


present simple I / you / we / they cork
he / she / it corks
past simple corked
past participle corked
-ing form corking
  1. cork something to close a bottle with a cork用软木塞封(瓶) opposite uncork
    词源Middle English: from Dutch and Low German kork, from Spanish alcorque ‘cork-soled sandal’, from Arabic al- ‘the’ and (probably) Spanish Arabic qurq, qorq, based on Latin quercus ‘oak, cork oak’.


  1. the second largest city in the Republic of Ireland. Cork is a port and the capital of County Cork.科克(爱尔兰共和国第二大城市,港口,科克郡首府)




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