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词汇 country


(plural countries)
    [countable] an area of land that has or used to have its own government and laws国;国家
    • European countries欧洲国家
    • developing countries发展中国家
    • It's good to meet people from different parts of the country.结识来自这个国家不同地区的人是有益的。
    • in a country She didn't know what life in a foreign country would be like.她不知道外国的生活会是什么样。
    • It's the most popular music festival in the country.这是这个国家最受欢迎的音乐节。
    • across the country House prices are rising across the whole country.全国房价都在上涨。
    • around the country Demonstrations were held in cities around the country.全国各地的城市都举行了示威游行。
    • from a country people from other countries来自其他国家的人
    see also mother country, north-country, old country
    Which Word? country / statecountry / state
    • Country is the most usual, neutral word for a geographical area that has or used to have its own 是指国家的最普通的中性词。
    • State emphasizes the political organization of an area under an independent government. Especially in British English, it can also mean the government:
      • the member states of the EU欧盟成员国
      • The state provides free education.政府提供免费教育。
      In North American English the state usually refers to one of the 50 states of the US, not to the government of the country as a whole.
    • All goods must be clearly labelled with their country of origin.所有商品必须清楚标明原产国。
    • He cannot be deported to his country of origin.不能把他逐回本国。
    • He loved his country deeply.他深爱着他的祖国。
    • He plans to travel the country by motorcycle.他计划骑摩托车游遍这个国家。
    • He travelled the country on his motorbike.他骑着摩托车在这个国家旅行。
    • I'm proud to serve my country.能报效自己的国家我很自豪。
    • It's difficult to live in a foreign country when you don't speak the language.在外国生活,如果不会说该国的语言是很困难的。
    • Many refugee servicemen gave their lives for their adopted country.许多难民军人为他们移居的国家奉献生命。
    • New schools are being built throughout the country.全国各地正在兴建新学校。
    • OECD member countries经济合作与发展组织成员国
    • Over 30 countries participated in the Games.有 30 多个国家参加了这次运动会。
    • She represented her country at the Beijing Olympics.她代表自己的祖国参加北京奥运会。
    • The country exports around 80% of its output.该国约 80% 的产品都出口到外国。
    • The former president has been forced to flee the country.前总统被迫逃离这个国家。
    • The play has been enjoyed by audiences in this country and abroad for many years.这出戏许多年来一直受到国内外观众的喜爱。
    • The refugees do jobs that workers in the host country refuse to do.难民在接收国做着本国人不愿做的工作。
    • The two countries signed a basic treaty of cooperation.两国签署了一个基本的合作条约。
    • There will be rain in many parts of the country tomorrow.明天全国许多地方有雨。
    • They are holding special events all over the country.他们正在全国各地举办特别活动。
    • They drove across the country.他们开车穿越该国。
    • This is just one of 30 sites around the country.这仅是全国30处场地中的一个。
    • We must remember those who died defending their country.我们必须记住那些为了保卫自己的国家而献身的人们。
    • We operate in ten countries around the globe.我们在全球 10 个国家有业务经营。
    • What must it be like, to grow old in a strange country?在一个陌生的国家里逐渐老去会是什么样子?
    • Years of civil war had ravaged the country.多年内战使这个国家备受蹂躏。
    • a commander who saved his country from invasion拯救国家免遭侵略的指挥官
    • countries bordering the Black Sea毗邻黑海的国家
    • economically advanced countries经济发达国家
    • industrially backward countries工业落后国
    • new restrictions on goods entering the country对进入该国的商品的新限制
    • people who live in this country生活在这个国家的人们
    • students from overseas countries外国留学生
    • the country of his birth他出生的国家
    • this great country of ours我们伟大的国家
    • I like going to different countries and meeting new people.我喜欢去不同的国家,认识新的人。
    • Sugar is only produced in tropical countries.糖仅在热带国家出产。
    • We need to improve the standards of education in this country.我们需要提高这个国家的教育水平。
    Topics Geographya1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • beautiful
    • fascinating
    • great
    verb + country
    • govern
    • rule
    • run
    country + verb
    • border something
    • produce something
    • export something
    • across a/​the country
    • all over a/​the country
    • around a/​the country
    • countries around the globe
    • countries around the world
    • country of (somebody’s) birth
  2. enlarge image
    the country
    [singular] any area outside towns and cities, with fields, woods, farms, etc.乡下;乡村
    • in the country I live in the country. 我住在乡下。
    • We spent a pleasant day in the country.我们在乡下度过了愉快的一天。
    • The house is at the end of a narrow country lane.房子在一条狭窄的乡间小路的尽头。
    see also up-country
    Synonyms countrycountry乡村
    • landscape
    • countryside
    • terrain
    • land
    • scenery
    These are all words for areas away from towns and cities, with fields, woods and farms.
    • country (often the country) an area that is away from towns and cities, especially one with particular natural features:(常作 the country)尤指具有自然特征的乡下、乡村:
      • She lives in the country.她住在乡下。
      • an area of wooded country树木覆盖的乡村地区
    • landscape everything that you can see when you look across a large area of land, especially in the country:
      • This pattern of woods and fields is typical of the English landscape.这种林地与田野的格局是典型的英格兰乡村景色。
    • countryside land outside towns and cities, with fields, woods and farms. 指乡村、农村Countryside is usually used when you are talking about the beauty or peacefulness of a country area: a little village in the French countryside .
    • terrain (formal) land. 指地带、土地Terrain is used when you are describing the natural features of an area, for example if it is rough, flat, etc: The truck bumped its way over the rough terrain.
    • land (usually the land) the countryside; the way people live in the country as opposed to in towns and cities:(通常作 the land)指与城镇相对的农村、农村生活方式:
      • Many younger people are leaving the land to find work in the cities.许多较年轻的人陆续离开农村到城市去找工作。
    • scenery the natural features of an area, such as mountains, valleys, rivers and forests, especially when these are attractive to look at:
      • We stopped on the mountain pass to admire the scenery.我们在山口停下来欣赏风景。
    • mountainous/​mountain/​wild/​rugged country/​landscape/​countryside/​terrain/​scenery
    • beautiful/​glorious/​dramatic country/​landscape/​countryside/​scenery
    • open country/​landscape/​countryside/​terrain/​land
    • rolling country/​landscape/​countryside
    • to protect the landscape/​countryside/​land
    Collocations Town and countryTown and country城镇与乡村Town城镇
    • live in a city/​a town/​an urban environment/(informal) a concrete jungle/​the suburbs/​shanty towns/​slums住在城里/镇上/城区/混凝土丛林/郊区/棚户区/贫民窟
    • live (especially North American English) downtown/​in the downtown area/(British English) in the city centre住在市中心
    • enjoy/​like the hectic pace of life/​the hustle and bustle of city life喜欢忙碌的生活节奏/城市生活的热闹
    • cope with the stress/​pressure of urban life应对城市生活的压力
    • get caught up in the rat race卷入大城市里为财富、权力等的疯狂追逐中
    • prefer/​seek the anonymity of life in a big city更喜欢/追求大城市里人与人互不相识的生活
    • be drawn by/​resist the lure of the big city被大城市的诱惑所吸引;抵御大城市的诱惑
    • head for the bright lights (of the big city/​New York)奔向(大城市/纽约)五光十色的生活
    • enjoy/​love the vibrant/​lively nightlife享受/喜爱充满生机的夜生活
    • have/​be close to all the amenities拥有/紧靠各种便利设施
    • be surrounded by towering skyscrapers/​a soulless urban sprawl被高耸入云的摩天大楼/毫无生气的城市拓展区所包围
    • use/​travel by/​rely on (British English) public transport/(North American English) public transportation使用/出行乘坐/依赖公共交通
    • put up with/​get stuck in/​sit in massive/​huge/​heavy/​endless/​constant traffic jams忍受/陷入大面积/严重的/没完没了的/持续的交通堵塞
    • tackle/​ease/​reduce/​relieve/​alleviate the heavy/​severe traffic congestion处理/缓解严重的交通堵塞
    • be affected/​choked/​damaged by pollution受到污染的影响;被污染呛得透不过气;受到污染的伤害
    • live in a village/​the countryside/​an isolated area/​a rural backwater/(informal) the sticks住在村里/乡村/偏僻的地区/落后的乡村/偏远的乡村地区
    • enjoy/​like the relaxed/​slower pace of life享受/喜欢悠闲/缓慢的生活节奏
    • enjoy/​love/​explore the great outdoors享受/喜欢/探索蓝天碧野
    • look for/​find/​get/​enjoy a little peace and quiet寻找/找到/得到/享受一点宁静与安宁
    • need/​want to get back/​closer to nature需要/想要回去/接近大自然
    • be surrounded by open/​unspoilt/​picturesque countryside四周被空旷的/未被污染的/风景如画的乡村环绕
    • escape/​quit/​get out of/​leave the rat race逃离/退出城市中你死我活的竞争
    • seek/​achieve a better/​healthy work-life balance寻求/达到工作与生活更好的/健康的平衡
    • downshift to a less stressful life选择压力较小的生活
    • seek/​start a new life in the country在乡村寻求/开始一种新的生活
    • (British English, informal) up sticks/ (North American English, informal ) pull up stakes and move to/​head for…
    • create/​build/​foster a strong sense of community树立/培养强烈的社群意识
    • depend on/​be employed in/​work in agriculture依赖/从事农业
    • live off/​farm/​work the land靠土地为生;耕种土地
    • tackle/​address the problem of rural unemployment解决农村失业问题
    • The country air should do you good.乡村空气应该对你有好处。
    • There have often been disagreements between town and country.城乡之间经常存在差异。
    • They drove along a remote country road.他们沿着一条偏僻的乡村道路行驶。
    • a little country town一个小乡镇
    • a typical country cottage with roses around the door典型的乡村小屋,门边摆着玫瑰花
    • I don't really enjoy country life.我不怎么喜欢乡村生活。
    • She lives in the country.她住在乡下。
    Collocations Dictionarycountry + noun
    • life
    • air
    • lane
    • across country
    • in the country
    [uncountable] (often following an adjective常置于形容词后) an area of land, especially with particular physical features, suitable for a particular purpose or connected with a particular person or people(尤指具有某种自然特征、适于某目的或与某种人有关的)地区,区域
    • The town is surrounded by miles and miles of open country.小镇的周围是连绵数英里的空旷地带。
    • This part of Africa is rich farming country.非洲的这部份是富饶的农业区。
    • superb walking country极佳的徒步旅行区域
    • Explore Thomas Hardy country.踏访托马斯 · 哈代小说描写的地区。
    see also backcountry
    • Whole tracts of country, once fertile, have become arid.曾经富饶的大片土地现已变得贫瘠。
    • a beautiful stretch of country一片美丽的地区
    • We came to an area of wooded country.我们来到一片树木繁茂的乡村地带。
    • They tramped across miles of open country.他们徒步穿越数英里的开阔地带。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • desert
    • hill
    • hilly
    … of country
    • stretch
    • tract
    the country
    [singular] the people of a country; the nation as a whole全国人民;国民;全民
    • They have the support of most of the country.他们有大多数国民的支持。
    • The rich benefited from the reforms, not the country as a whole.富人而不是全体国民得益于这些改革。
    • The whole country is depending on you.整个国家都靠你了。
    • Our country needs a leader like her.我们的国家需要一位像她那样的领袖。
    • He accused the government of leading the country to disaster.他谴责政府把国家引向灾难。
    • The country is suffering from rising unemployment.该国正蒙受失业率上升之苦。
    • The country was ruled by a brutal dictatorship.这个国家当时处在残暴的独裁统治下。
    • The issue of the single currency has divided the country.国民对单一货币问题存在分歧。
    • the politicians who run the country治理这个国家的从政者
  5. [uncountable]
    (also country music, country and western)
    a type of popular music in the style of the traditional music of the southern US, with singing and dance tunes played on violin, guitar and banjo一种美国南部传统音乐风格的流行音乐,用小提琴,吉他和班卓琴演奏唱歌和跳舞的音乐
    • pop, folk and country流行、民间和乡村音乐
    Topics Musicb2
  6. 词源Middle English: from Old French cuntree, from medieval Latin contrata (terra) ‘(land) lying opposite’, from Latin contra ‘against, opposite’.
across country
  1. directly across fields, etc.; not by a main road(直接)穿越田野;不走大路
    • riding across country骑马穿过田野
    see also cross-country
go to the country
  1. (British English) (of a government政府) to hold an election to choose a new parliament举行大选(以组成新的议会)
it’s a free country
  1. (informal) used as a reply when somebody suggests that you should not do something, or when somebody has asked permission or said they are going to do something(有人建议不应做某事时用于回答)这是个自由的国家
    • It's a free country; I'll say what I like!这是个自由的国家,我想说什么就说什么!
    • Wear what you like. It's a free country.穿自己喜欢的。这是一个自由的国家。
    • ‘It's a free country!’ he shouted. ‘I can do what I like!’“这是一个自由的国家!”他喊道,“我可以做我喜欢的事情。”




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