/ˈkʌvəntri/, /ˈkɑːvəntri/
Idioms - an industrial city in the English Midlands. Many of its buildings were destroyed by bombs in the Second World War, including its cathedral. A new cathedral designed by Basil Spence was built next to the ruins of the old one after the war.
考文垂(英格兰中部地区的工业城市,包括大教堂在内的许多建筑在二战中被炸毁。战后,在老教堂的废墟旁边修建了一座新的大教堂,由巴兹尔 · 斯彭斯设计)
send somebody to Coventry
- (British English) to refuse to speak to somebody, as a way of punishing them for something that they have done