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词汇 credit



    buy now–pay later赊购

    [uncountable] an arrangement that you make, with a shop for example, to pay later for something you buy赊购;赊欠
    • to get credit获得荣誉
    • on credit We bought the dishwasher on credit.我们赊购了一台洗碗机。
    • to offer interest-free credit (= allow somebody to pay later, without any extra charge)提供免息赊购
    • Someone with a bad credit history is less likely to be lent money.信用记录不好的人不太可能被借钱。
    • a credit agreement信贷协定
    • a credit facility信贷机构
    • Your credit limit is now £2 000.你的信用额度现在为 2 000 英镑。
    • He's a bad credit risk (= he is unlikely to pay the money later).他有欠账不还的危险。
    • The credit crisis is far from over.信贷危机远未结束。
    compare hire purchase
    • I bought it on credit.这个东西是我赊购的。
    • If you don't have a regular income you may be unable to get credit.如果你没有固定收入,可能不会得到贷款。
    • Most shops selling furniture or electrical goods will offer credit.大部份卖傢具或电器的商店都准予分期付款。
    • The credit report will show all the consumer debt a person has.信用报告会显示一个人所有的消费者债务。
    • When poorer people use credit, mail order is the key source.穷困的人主要是通过邮购来使用信贷。
    • people with poor credit histories信用记录很差的人
    • We offer two months' interest-free credit.我们提供两个月的免息赊购。
    Topics Shoppinga2, Moneya2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • long-term
    • short-term
    • interest-free
    verb + credit
    • have
    • use
    • get
    credit + noun
    • account
    • agreement
    • arrangement
    • on credit
    • a letter of credit
  2. money borrowed借款

    [uncountable, countable] money that you borrow from a bank; a loan(从银行借的)借款;贷款
    • The bank refused further credit to the company.银行拒绝再给那家公司提供贷款。
    • Local lenders are more likely to extend credit (= lend money) to smaller, more marginal borrowers. 当地贷款人更有可能向更小、更边缘化的借款人发放贷款。
    see also consumer credit, line of credit, letter of credit
    • account
    • balance
    • bank
    • credit
    • debit
    • deposit
    • interest
    • loan
    • statement
    • withdrawal
    • credit
    • debt
    • deposit
    • interest
    • lend
    • loan
    • money
    • mortgage
    • overdraft
    • risk
    Collocations FinanceFinance财务Income收入
    • earn money/​cash/(informal) a fortune/​the minimum wage/​a living wage
    • make money/​a fortune/(informal) a killing on the stock market在股市上赚钱/赚一大笔钱/发大财
    • acquire/​inherit/​amass wealth/​a fortune获得/继承/积累财富/一大笔钱
    • build up funds/​savings积累资金/存款
    • get/​receive/​leave (somebody) an inheritance/​a legacy得到/(给某人)留下遗产
    • live on a low wage/​a fixed income/​a pension靠低微的工资/固定收入/养老金过活
    • get/​receive/​draw/​collect a pension领取养老金
    • depend/​be dependent on (British English) benefits/(North American English) welfare/​social security靠福利金/社会保障金过活
    • spend money/​your savings/(informal) a fortune on…把钱/存款/一大笔钱花在…上
    • invest/​put your savings in…投资/把储蓄金用于…
    • throw away/​waste/ (informal) shell out money on…把钱浪费/花费巨资在…上
    • lose your money/​inheritance/​pension失去钱财/遗产/养老金
    • use up/ (informal) wipe out all your savings把储蓄用光
    • pay (in) cash用现金支付
    • use/​pay by a credit/​debit/​contactless card
    • pay by/​make out a/​write somebody a/​accept a (British English) cheque/(US English) check用支票支付;开支票;给某人开支票;接受支票
    • change/​exchange money/​currency
    • give/​pay/​leave (somebody) a deposit预付(某人)订金
    • have/​hold/​open/​close/​freeze a bank account/​an account持有/开立/注销/冻结银行账户
    • credit/​debit/​pay something into/​take money out of your account记入账户的贷方/借方;把钱存入账户/从账户中取出
    • deposit money/​funds in your account往账户里存钱/存入资金
    • withdraw money/​cash/£30 from an ATM, etc.从自动提款机等取钱/现金/30 英镑
    • (formal) make a deposit/​withdrawal存款;取款
    • find/​go to/​use (especially North American English) an ATM/(British English) a cash machine/​dispenser找到/去/使用自动提款机
    • be in credit/​in debit/​in the black/​in the red/​overdrawn账面有钱/亏空;有盈余;透支
    • use a mobile/​an online banking app/​platform/​service
    Personal finance个人理财
    • manage/​handle/​plan/​run/ (especially British English) sort out your finances管理/处理/计划/经营管理/整顿财务问题
    • plan/​manage/​work out/​stick to a budget计划/管理/制订/严格执行预算
    • offer/​extend credit (to somebody)(给某人)提供贷款
    • arrange/​take out a loan/​an overdraft商定/获得贷款/透支额
    • pay back/​repay money/​a loan/​a debt偿还钱/贷款/债务
    • pay for something in (especially British English) instalments/(North American English usually) installments以分期付款方式购买某物
    Financial difficulties财务困难
    • get into debt/​financial difficulties陷入债务/财务困难
    • be short of/ (informal) be strapped for cash缺钱
    • run out of/​owe money钱用光了;欠钱
    • face/​get/ (informal) be landed with a bill for £…面对/收到一张…英镑的账单
    • can’t afford the cost of…/payments/​rent承担不起…的费用/款项/房租
    • fall behind with/ (especially North American English) fall behind on the mortgage/​repayments/​rent拖欠按揭贷款/分期偿还款项/房租
    • incur/​run up/​accumulate debts带来/积欠/累积债务
    • tackle/​reduce/​settle your debts处理/减少/付清债务
    • We propose to expand credit in order to create demand.我们提议扩大信贷以刺激需求。
    • increases in debt created by credit expansion信用扩张产生的债务增长
    Topics Moneya2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • long-term
    • short-term
    • interest-free
    verb + credit
    • have
    • use
    • get
    credit + noun
    • account
    • agreement
    • arrangement
    • on credit
    • a letter of credit
  4. [uncountable] the status of being trusted to pay back money to somebody who lends it to you(偿还欠款的)信誉,信用
    • Her credit isn't good anywhere now.她借钱不还,弄得声名狼藉。
    Topics Moneyc1
  5. money in bank银行存款

    [uncountable] money that you have in your bank account; if you or your bank account are in credit, there is money in the account结余
    • You have a credit balance of £250.你有250英镑的存款余额。
    • My account is in credit.我的账户上有存款。
    Topics Moneyb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • direct
    verb + credit
    • have
    credit + noun
    • balance
    • in credit
    • credit of
  7. [countable, uncountable] a sum of money paid into a bank account; a record of the payment(付入银行账户的)存款金额,贷记
    • a credit of £5050 英镑的贷记
    • You'll be paid by direct credit into your bank account.给你的付款将直接存入你的银行账户。
    • I have three credits on my bank statement.我的银行结算单上有 3 笔存款。
    opposite debitTopics Moneyb2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • direct
    verb + credit
    • have
    credit + noun
    • balance
    • in credit
    • credit of
  8. money paid in advance

  9. [uncountable] the right to use a service up to a certain limit, paid for in advance信用:使用服务达到一定限额的权利,已预先支付
    • My phone's run out of credit.我的手机没有信用了。
    • to add credit to your phone为您的手机添加点数
  10. money back返回的钱

  11. [countable, uncountable] (specialist) a payment that somebody has a right to for a particular reason有权索要的款项
    • The child tax credit is subject to strict income limitations.儿童税收抵免受到严格的收入限制。
    • Export credits are granted to firms in developing countries to give them a breathing space to pay for goods exported to them.向发展中国家的公司发放出口信贷,是为了给它们一个喘息的机会来支付向它们出口的货物。
    see also tax credit, Universal Credit
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • direct
    verb + credit
    • have
    credit + noun
    • balance
    • in credit
    • credit of
  12. praise赞扬

    [uncountable] praise or approval because you are responsible for something good that has happened赞扬;称赞;认可
    • to get/deserve/receive/take/claim the credit获得╱应得╱接受╱获得╱要求获得荣誉
    • He's a player who rarely seems to get the credit he deserves.他这个选手好像很少得到应得的赞扬。
    • We did all the work and she gets all the credit!工作都是我们干的,而功劳却都归了她!
    • credit for (doing) something I can't take all the credit for the show's success—it was a team effort.演出成功不能都算成我一个人的功劳,这是集体努力的结果。
    • At least give him credit for trying (= praise him because he tried, even if he did not succeed)至少该表扬他尝试过。
    • Credit will be given in the exam for good spelling and grammar.考试中拼写和语法出色者将受到表扬。
    • His courage brought great credit to his regiment.他的勇气给他的团带来了巨大的荣誉。
    compare blame, discredit
    • We should give due credit to all who helped make the event a success.对于所有为这次活动成功作出贡献的人,我们都应给予应有的赞扬。
    • We should give due credit to the organizers of this event.我们该感谢这次活动的组织者。
    • Why should she get all the credit?为什么功劳都归了她?
    • The success of the venture reflects great credit on the organizers.这次冒险行动的成功为组织者带来了很大的荣誉。
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • great
    • extra
    • full
    verb + credit
    • give somebody
    • claim
    • get
    • to somebody’s credit
    • credit for
    • give credit where credit is due
    • to somebody’s great credit
    • to somebody’s eternal credit
  14. [singular] credit to somebody/something a person or thing whose qualities or achievements are praised and who therefore earns respect for somebody/something else为…赢得荣誉的人(或事物)
    • She is a credit to the school.她为学校赢得了荣誉。
    • Your children are a great credit to you.你的孩子是你的一大荣誉。
    • He's a great credit to the school.他为学校争光不少。
    Topics Successc2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • great
    • credit to
  15. movie/TV programme

  16. [countable, usually plural] the act of mentioning somebody who worked on a project such as a film or a television programme(电影或电视节目演职人员的)片头字幕,片尾字幕
    • She was given a programme credit for her work on the costumes for the play.她为这出戏准备服装,被列入剧目制作人员名单。
    • The credits (= the list of all the people involved) seemed to last almost as long as the film!演职人员字幕持续的时间几乎与这部电影一样长!
    • From the opening credits, the movie is non-stop action.从片头演员表来看,这部电影是不停的动作片。
    • The end credits came as a welcome relief.片尾字幕令人欣慰。
    • We left before the final credits began to roll.片尾演职人员名单还未出现我们就退场了。
    Topics TV, radio and newsc2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • opening
    • closing
    • end
    verb + the credits
    • watch
    the credits + verb
    • roll
  17. a film, play, television programme, etc. that somebody has worked on有权索要的款项
    • His film credits included ‘The Witches’ and ‘Halloween III’.他的电影作品包括《女巫》和《万圣节三》。
  18. unit of study学习单元

  19. [countable] a unit of study at a college or university (in the US, also at a school); the fact of having successfully completed a unit of study(大学,以及美国中小学的)学习单元,学分
    • My math class is worth three credits.我的数学课为三个学分。
    see also carbon credit
    • Participants were given course credit for their participation in the study.因为参与了这项研究而给予参加者课程学分。
    • Students may have difficulty transferring credits to other institutions.学生要把学分转到其他学校恐怕有难度。
    • Tuition costs are based on the number of credit hours enrolled.学费的多少根据所选学分时数而定。
    • modules offering continuing education credits提供继续教育学分的课程单元
    • He took some advanced courses to earn college credits.他为了获得大学学分而修了几门高级课程
    Topics Educationc2
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • course
    • college
    verb + credit
    • earn
    • award
    • grant
    credit + noun
    • hour
  20. 词源mid 16th cent. (originally in the senses ‘belief’, ‘credibility’): from French crédit, probably via Italian credito from Latin creditum, neuter past participle of credere ‘believe, trust’.
do somebody credit | do credit to somebody/something
  1. if something does credit to a person or an organization, they deserve to be praised for it使值得赞扬(或表扬)
    • Your honesty does you great credit.你的诚实值得大大表扬。
    • Your concern does you credit.你的关心给你赢得赞誉。
give credit where credit is due
  1. to give somebody the praise they deserve, even if you do not really want to完成;取得
    • Give credit where credit is due—what the man does, he does well.该表扬的地方就表扬——人做什么,他就做什么。
have something to your credit
  1. to have achieved something完成;取得
    • He's only 30, and he already has four novels to his credit.他年仅 30,却已著有四部小说。
    Topics Successc2
on the credit side
  1. used to introduce the good points about somebody/something, especially after the bad points have been mentioned(尤用于提及缺点之后)就优点方面而言
    • On the credit side, she’s always willing to work very late.从好的方面来说,她总是愿意工作到很晚。
to somebody’s credit
  1. making somebody deserve praise or respect使值得赞扬;使受尊重
    • To his credit, Jack never told anyone exactly what had happened.杰克对发生的事守口如瓶,值得赞扬。
    • It was to her credit that she managed to stay calm.值得称赞的是,她设法保持冷静。
    • To her credit, she gave them lunch.她给他们提供了午餐,这一点得赞扬。
    • To her eternal credit, she gave them a home.她给了他们一个家,值得永远赞扬。
    • To her great credit, she does not try to avoid the truth.她没有试图回避事实,这值得大加赞扬。


present simple I / you / we / they credit
he / she / it credits
past simple credited
past participle credited
-ing form crediting

    put money in bank往银行存钱

    to add an amount of money to somebody’s bank account(给银行账户)存入金额;把…记入贷方;贷记(银行账户)
    • credit something They credited my account two days later.两天后他们把钱存入了我的账户。
    • credit A with B Your account has been credited with $50 000.已把 5 万美元存入你的账户。
    • The bank credited the oil company with $500 000.银行向那家石油公司提供 50 万美元信用贷款。
    • credit B to A $50 000 has been credited to your account.已把 5 万美元存入你的账户。
    Topics Moneyb2
    Collocations Dictionarypreposition
    • with
    • credit something to somebody’s account
  2. opposite debit

    with achievement成就

    [usually passive] to believe or say that somebody is responsible for doing something, especially something good认为是…的功劳;把…归于
    • be credited All the contributors are credited on the title page.所有撰稿人的姓名均刊登在扉页上。
    • be credited as somebody/something She has been wrongly credited as the author.她被误认为是作者。
    • be credited with doing something The group has been widely credited with creating the sound of heavy metal.这个团体被广泛认为创造了重金属的声音。
    • The company is credited with inventing the industrial robot.发明工业机器人是那家公司的功劳。
    • be credited with something This therapy has long been credited with many benefits.这种疗法长期以来被认为有许多好处。
    • be credited for doing something Ray Charles is largely credited for creating soul music.雷·查尔斯在很大程度上被认为是创造了灵魂音乐。
    • be credited for something Matthews was credited for the winning goal.马修斯因进球获胜而受到表扬。
    • be credited to something The invention of the industrial robot is credited to the company.工业机器人的发明应归功于那家公司。
    • She is generally credited as having written over 50 novels.人们普遍认为她已经写了 50 多本小说。
    • The work has been credited to a 16th-century bishop.这一作品已被认定出自 16 世纪的一位主教之手。
    • He is widely credited with having started the Middle East peace process.人们普遍认为是他启动了中东和平进程。
    Collocations Dictionarypreposition
    • with
    • be credited as something
    • be credited with something
    • be credited to somebody
  4. with quality品质

  5. credit A with B to believe that somebody/something has a particular good quality or feature认为…有(良好的品质或特点)
    • I credited you with a little more sense.我认为你更有见识。
    • Credit me with some intelligence.请相信我的聪明才智。
    Collocations Dictionarypreposition
    • with
    • be credited as something
    • be credited with something
    • be credited to somebody
  6. [usually passive] to believe that somebody/something is of a particular type or quality认为…属(某种类或性质)
    • be credited as something The cheetah is generally credited as the world's fastest animal.普遍认为猎豹是世界上跑得最快的动物。
    Collocations Dictionarypreposition
    • with
    • be credited as something
    • be credited with something
    • be credited to somebody
  7. believe相信

  8. credit something | credit what, how, etc… | credit that… (British English) (used mainly in questions and negative sentences主要用于疑问句和否定句) to believe something, especially something surprising or unexpected相信(尤指令人惊奇或意外的事物)
    • He's been promoted—would you credit it?他被擢升了,你相信吗?
    • I could hardly credit it when she told me she was leaving.她告诉我她要离开,我几乎不能相信。
    • I find what he says rather hard to credit.我觉得他的话很难令人相信。
    Collocations Dictionaryverb + credit
    • can hardly
    • can scarcely
    • be hard to
  9. 词源mid 16th cent. (originally in the senses ‘belief’, ‘credibility’): from French crédit, probably via Italian credito from Latin creditum, neuter past participle of credere ‘believe, trust’.




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