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词汇 all right

all right

/ɔːl ˈraɪt/
/ɔːl ˈraɪt/
(also non-standard or informal alright)
    used to check that somebody agrees or understands(确保对方同意或理解)如何,是不是 synonym OK
    • We've got to get up early, all right?我们得早起,可以吧?
    Topics Discussion and agreementa2
    used to say that you agree(表示同意)好,行,可以 synonym OK
    • ‘Can you do it?’ ‘Oh, all right.’“你能干好这件事吗?” “噢,能。”
    Topics Opinion and argumenta2
    used when accepting thanks for help or a favour, or when somebody says they are sorry(回答对方的感谢或道歉)不要紧,没什么 synonym OK
    • ‘I'm really sorry.’ ‘That's all right, don't worry.’“实在对不起。” “没事,不打紧。”
    used to get somebody’s attention(引起注意)哎 synonym OK
    • All right class, turn to page 20.好啦,同学们,翻到第 20 页。
  5. (British English, informal) used to say hello(打招呼)你好
    • ‘All right, Bill.’ ‘All right.’“你好,比尔。” “你好。”

all right

adjective, adverb
/ɔːl ˈraɪt/
/ɔːl ˈraɪt/
(also non-standard or informal alright)
    acceptable; in an acceptable manner可接受(的);满意(的) synonym OK
    • Is the coffee all right?这咖啡还满意吗?
    • Are you getting along all right in your new job?你的新工作顺利吗?
    • ‘They're off to Spain next week.’ ‘It's all right for some, isn't it?’ (= some people are lucky)“他们下周去西班牙。” “有些人就是幸运,是不是?”
    • ‘How was your trip?’ ‘All right.’“你的旅行怎么样,”。“好吧,”。
    safe and well安全健康(的);平安无恙(的) synonym OK
    • I hope the children are all right.我希望孩子们平安无事。
    • Do you feel all right?你感觉还好吗?
    Synonyms wellwell
    • all right
    • OK
    • fine
    • healthy
    • strong
    • fit
    These words all describe somebody who is not ill and is in good health.
    • well [not usually before noun] (rather informal) in good health:
      • I’m not feeling very well.我感觉身体不太好。
      • Is he well enough to travel?他身体怎么样,能够旅行吗?
      Well is used especially to talk about your own health, to ask somebody about their health or to make a comment on it.
    • all right [not before noun] (rather informal) not feeling ill; not injured:
      • Are you feeling all right?你感觉还好吗?
    • OK [not before noun] (informal) not feeling ill; not injured:
      • She says she’s OK now, and will be back at work tomorrow.她说她现在身体还可以,明天就回来上班。
    all right or ok?用 all right 还是 OK?These words are slightly less positive than the other words in this group. They are both used in spoken English to talk about not actually being ill or injured, rather than being positively in good health. Both are rather informal but OK is slightly more informal than all right.
    • fine [not before noun] (not used in negative statements) (rather informal) completely well:
      • ‘How are you?’ ‘Fine, thanks.’“你好吗?”“很好,谢谢。”
      Fine is used especially to talk about your health, especially when somebody asks you how you are. It is also used to talk about somebody’s health when you are talking to somebody else. Unlike well it is not often used to ask somebody about their health or make a comment on it: Are you keeping fine?
    • healthy in good health and not likely to become ill:
      • Keep healthy by exercising regularly.经常锻炼以保持健康。
    • strong in good health and not suffering from an illness:
      • After a few weeks she was feeling stronger.几周之后她感觉身体好些了。
      Strong is often used to talk about becoming healthy again after an illness.
    • fit (especially British English) in good physical health, especially because you take regular physical exercise:指健壮,尤指因经常锻炼而身体健康:
      • I go swimming every day in order to keep fit.我每天游泳以保持健康。
    • all right/​OK/​fit for something
    • all right/​OK/​fit to do something
    • to feel/​look well/​all right/​OK/​fine/​healthy/​strong/​fit
    • to keep (somebody) well/​healthy/​fit
    • perfectly well/​all right/​OK/​fine/​healthy/​fit
    • physically well/​healthy/​strong/​fit
    • Give him some water and he'll soon be all right.给他点水,他很快就会好的。
    • I'm all right now.我现在没事了。
    • Most women who go backpacking alone are quite all right, but it's wise to take precautions.大多数独自去背包旅行的女人都很好,但采取预防措施是明智的。
    • He'll be perfectly all right, you'll see.你会看到他平平安安的。
    • Did they get there all right?他们平安到达了吗?
    only just good enough尚可;还算可以 synonym OK
    • Your work is all right but I'm sure you could do better.你的工作还算可以,但我相信你可以干得更好。
    that can be allowed可允许(的);可以(的) synonym OK
    • Are you sure it's all right for me to leave early?你确定我早点离开没问题吗?
    Topics Permission and obligationa2
  5. (informal) used to emphasize that there is no doubt about something(加强语气)无疑,确实
    • ‘Are you sure it's her?’ ‘Oh, it's her all right.’“你肯定是她吗?” “哦,确实是她。”
a bit of all right
  1. (British English, slang) a person that you think is sexually attractive有魅力的人;性感的人
    • Dave’s new girlfriend is a bit of all right, isn’t she?戴夫的新女朋友有点不错,不是吗?
    Topics Appearancec2
I’m all right, Jack
  1. (British English, informal) used by or about somebody who is happy with their own life and does not care about other people’s problems我没事就好,好在我没事(别人的事我是不管的)
it’ll be all right on the night
  1. (saying) used to say that a performance, an event, etc. will be successful even if the preparations for it have not gone well(演出、活动等)到时候自会成功的;车到山前必有路Topics Successc2
you're all right
  1. (British English, informal) used to refuse an offer or invitation, especially one that you think is unreasonable or not very good不用啦(表示拒绝,尤其认为不合理或不太好的提议或邀请)
    • ‘Could I interest you in our special offer?’ ‘No, you're all right, mate.’“您要不要考虑一下我们的特价商品呢?” “不用啦,伙计。”




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