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词汇 cut out

cut out

phrasal verb
cut out
  1. if a motor or an engine cuts out, it suddenly stops working(马达或发动机)突然熄火,停止运转 related noun cut-out
cut somebody out (of something)
  1. to not allow somebody to be involved in something不让某人参与;把某人排除在…之外
    • Don't cut your parents out of your lives.别把父母排除在你的生活之外。
    • Furious, his mother cut him out of her will (= refused to let him receive any of her property after she died).他母亲一怒之下,在遗嘱中没有给他任何遗产。
cut something out
  1. to make something by cutting裁剪
    • She cut the dress out of some old material.她用一些旧布料裁剪出了那件连衣裙。
    • (figurative) He's cut out a niche for himself (= found a suitable job) in journalism.他在新闻界找到了一份适合自己的工作。
    related noun cut-out
  2. to leave something out of a piece of writing, etc.删除;删去 synonym omit
    • I would cut out the bit about working as a waitress.我想删掉做女服务员的那段经历。
    • You can cut out this whole paragraph without losing any of the impact.你可把这一整段都删掉,丝毫不会影响效果。
  3. (informal) used to tell somebody to stop doing or saying something annoying(让人停止做或说恼人的事)住口,打住
    • I'm sick of you two arguing—just cut it out!你们俩吵来吵去让我烦死了,住口吧!
  4. to block something, especially light阻挡(尤指光线)
    • Tall trees cut out the sunlight.高高的树木遮住了阳光。
cut something out (of something)
  1. to remove something from something larger by cutting, usually with scissors(通常用剪刀)剪下
    • I cut this article out of the newspaper.我从报纸上剪下了这篇文章。
  2. to stop doing, using or eating something停止做(或使用、食用)
    • I've been advised to cut sugar out of my diet.有人劝我饮食要忌糖。




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