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词汇 dab


present simple I / you / we / they dab
he / she / it dabs
past simple dabbed
past participle dabbed
-ing form dabbing
  1. to touch something lightly, usually several times轻触,轻拍,轻拭,轻揩(几下)
    • dab something She dabbed her eyes and blew her nose.她轻轻擦了几下眼睛,擤了擤鼻涕。
    • dab at something He dabbed at the cut with his handkerchief.他用手帕轻轻按了按伤口。
  2. dab something + adv./prep. to put something on a surface with quick light movements轻搽;轻涂;轻敷
    • She dabbed a little perfume behind her ears.她朝耳后搽了点香水。
  3. 词源verb Middle English: symbolic of a light striking movement; compare with dabble.


  1. a small amount of a liquid, cream or powder that is put on a surface in a quick gentle movement少量,一点点(轻敷于表面的液体、乳霜或化妆用粉)
    • She put a dab of perfume behind her ears.她朝耳后搽了点香水。
  2. an act of gently touching or pressing something without rubbing轻触,轻按(但不揉擦)
    • He gave the cut a quick dab with a towel.他麻利地用毛巾按了按伤口。
  3. a small flat fish黄盖鲽(小比目鱼)Topics Fish and shellfishc2
  4. (Welsh English) a person or thing人;东西
    • He's in hospital again. Poor dab.他又住医院了,怪可怜的。
  5. 词源noun senses 1 to 2 Middle English: symbolic of a light striking movement; compare with dabble. noun sense 3 late Middle English: of unknown origin.




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