Deep Blue
/ˌdiːp ˈbluː/
/ˌdiːp ˈbluː/
- the name of a computer that played chess. In one second, it could analyse 200 million possible positions on the board. It was invented in 1985 by two students at Carnegie Mellon University in the US and developed at IBM. In 1989 Garry Kasparov, the World Chess Champion, defeated the computer in two matches. The program was later improved and in 1997 it defeated Kasparov in a match of six games.
深蓝色:下象棋的计算机的名称。一秒钟内,它可以分析董事会上2亿个可能的职位。它是由美国卡内基梅隆大学的两名学生于1985年发明的,并由IBM开发。1989年,世界象棋冠军加里·卡斯帕罗夫(Garry Kasparov)在两场比赛中击败了计算机。该程序后来得到改进,1997年在六场比赛中击败了卡斯帕罗夫。