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词汇 die


present simple I / you / we / they die
he / she / it dies
past simple died
past participle died
-ing form dying
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
    [intransitive, transitive] to stop living死;死亡;凋谢
    • My father died suddenly at the age of 48.父亲48岁突然去世。
    • At least six people have died in the accident.至少有六人在事故中丧生。
    • That plant's going to die if you don't water it!如果你不给它浇水,那株植物会死的!
    • He later died in hospital.他后来在医院去世了。
    • They died fighting for their country.他们为国捐躯。
    • She died peacefully after a long illness.久病之后,她安详地去世了。
    • to die with dignity体面地死去
    • die of/from something to die of/from cancer死于癌症
    • die for something He was ready to die for his cause.他准备为他的事业献身。
    • I'll never forget it to my dying day (= until I die).这件事我终生难忘。
    • (informal) I nearly died when I saw him there (= it was very embarrassing).看到他在那里我简直无地自容。
    • die a… death to die a natural/slow/horrible/violent death 自然/缓慢/可怕/暴死
    • die + adj. She died young.她年纪轻轻就死了。
    • At least they died happy.至少他们死时很幸福。
    • die + noun He died a hero.他英勇就义。
    • He died a poor man.他在贫困中死去。
    • ashes
    • cemetery
    • coffin
    • cremation
    • die
    • funeral
    • grave
    • hearse
    • morgue
    • mourn
    • Her husband died suddenly last week.她的丈夫上周猝死。
    • That plant's died.那植物已经枯萎。
    • He died for his beliefs.他为自己的信仰献身。
    • Her father died tragically in a car crash.她的父亲在一场车祸中惨死。
    • 30 000 people died as a result of the earthquake.地震造成3万人死亡。
    • A dog lay dying in the road.一只狗奄奄一息地躺在路上。
    • I nearly died when they told me the price.他们告诉我价格的时候,我差点死过去。
    • I thought I was going to die.我以为我要死了。
    • One of their children died in infancy.他们有一个孩子夭折于襁褓中。
    • She should be allowed to die peacefully.应该让她平静离世。
    • The accident victim died from her injuries.事故中的伤者伤重死亡。
    • to die for your country为国捐躯
    • Her father died of cancer.她父亲死于癌症。
    • I'm not afraid to die.我不怕死。
    • She died a natural death.她尽其天年了。
    Topics Life stagesa1
    Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • peacefully
    • suddenly
    • unexpectedly
    verb + die
    • be going to
    • be allowed to
    • for
    • from
    • of
    • die a natural, violent, etc. death
    [intransitive] to stop existing; to disappear消失;消亡;灭亡
    • The old customs are dying.旧的习俗正在消亡。
    • His secret died with him (= he never told anyone).他的秘密随同他一起进了坟墓。
    • The words died on my lips (= I stopped speaking).我话到嘴边又缩回去了。
  3. [intransitive] (of a machine机器) to stop working停止运转
    • My phone died and I had no way to contact you.手机没电了,没办法联系你。
    • The engine spluttered and died.发动机噼噼啪啪响了一阵后便熄火了。
    • My car just died on me.我的汽车我怎么也发动不了。
  4. 词源verb Middle English: from Old Norse deyja, of Germanic origin; related to dead.
be dying for something/to do something
  1. (informal) to want something or want to do something very much渴望;极想
    • I'm dying for a glass of water.我真想喝杯水。
    • I'm dying to know what happened.我很想知道发生了什么事儿。
cross my heart (and hope to die)
  1. (informal) used to emphasize that you are telling the truth or will do what you promise我发誓(否则不得好死)
    • I saw him do it—cross my heart.我看见是他干的,我可以发誓。
die a/the death
  1. (British English, informal) to fail completely彻底失败;完全消失
    • The play got terrible reviews and quickly died a death.这出戏被批得一无是处,很快就收场了。
    Topics Difficulty and failurec2
die in your bed
  1. to die because you are old or ill寿终正寝
die laughing
  1. to find something extremely funny可笑极了;笑死人
    • I nearly died laughing when she said that.她说那话时,我差点儿给笑死。
die/fall/drop like flies
  1. (informal) to die or become ill and fall down in very large numbers大批死亡;大批倒下
    • People were dropping like flies in the intense heat.酷暑中人们成批死去。
do or die
  1. a situation where you need to act in a very determined way or taking a great risk, because there is no alternative死亡:由于别无选择,您需要采取果断的行动或冒很大的风险
    • At this stage in the competition it's do or die.在比赛的这个阶段,生死攸关。
    see also do-or-die
never say die
  1. (saying) do not stop hoping别泄气;别气馁;不言放弃
old habits, traditions, etc. die hard
  1. used to say that things change very slowly(旧习惯、传统等)难以改变,根深蒂固
to die for
  1. (informal) if you think something is to die for, you really want it, and would do anything to get it就是去死也要;不管怎么样都要
    • She was wearing a dress to die for.她穿了一条漂亮得要命的连衣裙。


  1. a block of metal with a special shape, or with a pattern cut into it, that is used for shaping other pieces of metal such as coins, or for making patterns on paper or leather模具;冲模;压模
  2. (especially North American English)
    (also dice British and North American English)
    (plural dice)
    a small cube of wood, plastic, etc., with a different number of spots on each of its sides, used in games of chance骰子;色子
  3. 词源noun Middle English: from Old French de, from Latin datum ‘something given or played’, neuter past participle of dare.
the die is cast
  1. (saying) used to say that an event has happened or a decision has been made that cannot be changed事已成定局;木已成舟




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