释义 |
direct adjective OPAL WOPAL S /dəˈrekt/, /daɪˈrekt/ /dəˈrekt/, /daɪˈrekt/ journey/route旅程;路线 going in the straightest line between two places without stopping or changing direction笔直的;径直的;最近的- the most direct route最直接的路线
- This door allows direct access from the kitchen to the garage.这门允许从厨房直接进入车库。
- a direct flight (= a flight that does not stop)直飞航班
- There's a direct train to Leeds (= it may stop at other stations but you do not have to change trains).有一班直达利兹的火车。
- a direct hit (= a hit that is accurate and does not touch something else first)直接命中
opposite indirect- Isn't there a more direct route? 没有更直接的路线吗?
- The direct way to the river would be through the park.去河边的直路是穿过公园。
- The most direct path to the summit is very steep and difficult.通往顶峰的最直接的道路非常陡峭和艰难。
- There was an overnight stopover in Singapore, then a direct flight to Sydney.在新加坡停留了一夜,然后直飞悉尼。
- Why is there is no direct bus from London Bridge to King's Cross?为什么没有从伦敦桥到国王十字车站的直达巴士?
- There's a direct train connecting the airport and the city.有一列直达火车连接机场和城市。
- Although the city did not suffer a direct hit from the storm, there was extensive damage.虽然这座城市没有受到风暴的直接袭击,但却遭到了广泛的破坏。
- The bombers scored direct hits on two supply ships.轰炸机直接命中两艘补给船。
nobody/nothing in between直接 [usually before noun] happening or done without involving other people, actions, etc. in between直接的;亲自的;亲身的- She has been in direct contact with the prime minister.她一直与首相保持直接联系。
- Clinical depression is thought to have a direct link to brain chemistry.临床抑郁症被认为与大脑化学有直接联系。
- There is a direct connection between these thwo phenomena. 这两种现象之间有直接的联系。
- He died as a direct result of his employer's actions.他的死是他雇主行为的直接结果。
- a direct effect/consequence直接的影响/后果
- Many farmers are developing direct access to consumers.许多农民正在发展与消费者的直接接触。
- He was cleared of any direct involvement in the case.他没有直接卷入此案。
- Participation in sport brings many benefits, both direct and indirect.参加体育运动会带来许多直接和间接的好处。
opposite indirect- You only get the disease through direct contact with contaminated blood.你只有通过直接接触被污染的血液才会得病。
- The two formats are so different, it's difficult to make a direct comparison.这两种格式如此不同,很难直接比较。
- the direct involvement of the artist at every stage of the production艺术家直接参与制作的每个阶段
- These studies show the direct effects of climate change.这些研究显示了气候变化的直接影响。
- Her father died as a direct consequence of these laws.她的父亲死于这些法律的直接后果。
- The storms will have a direct impact on tourism in the region.暴风雨将对该地区的旅游业产生直接影响。
- Direct talks between the two sides began for the first time.双方首次开始直接谈判。
- She has direct responsibility for all new trainees.她对所有新学员负有直接责任。
- We are looking for somebody with direct experience of this type of work.我们在寻找对这种工作有过亲身体验的人。
- The patient had suffered a direct blow to the head.病人头部受到直接打击。
heat/light热;光 [only before noun] with nothing between something and the source of the heat or light直射的- The plant should not be placed in direct sunlight.这种植物不应该放在阳光直射的地方。
- Grilling involves subjecting the food to direct heat.烧烤包括直接加热食物。
- Blinds shade the south-facing room from direct sunlight.百叶窗遮挡住朝南的房间,使其不受阳光直射。
- Protect your child from direct sunlight by using a sunscreen.给孩子搽点防晒霜以防日光直接照射。
- Place the seed tray somewhere with diffuse light, not direct light, such as a north window. 把种子盘放在有漫射光而不是直射光的地方,比如北窗。
- Melt the lard in a pan over direct heat.用直火把猪油在锅里熔化。
- Inside a round house you get a nice, even spread of warmth from one simple direct heat source.在一个圆形的房子里,你可以从一个简单的直接热源获得很好的、均匀的热量传播。
saying what you mean直爽 saying exactly what you mean in a way that nobody can pretend not to understand直爽的;直率的;坦率的- I asked him a direct question: ‘Did you do it?’我直接问他一个问题:‘是你干的吗?
- He would not give a direct answer.他不愿直接回答。
- Her response is refreshingly direct.她的回答直接得令人耳目一新。
- Their message is simple and direct: obesity kills.他们的信息简单而直接:肥胖致命。
- You'll have to get used to his direct manner.你可得慢慢习惯他这种直率的方式。
- I prefer a more direct approach.我更喜欢更直接的方法。
opposite indirectSynonyms honesthonest- frank
- direct
- open
- outspoken
- straight
- blunt
These words all describe people saying exactly what they mean without trying to hide feelings, opinions or facts.- honest not hiding the truth about something:
- Thank you for being so honest with me.感谢你对我这么坦诚。
- frank honest in what you say, sometimes in a way that other people might not like:
- To be frank with you, I think your son has little chance of passing the exam.坦白说,我认为你的儿子不大可能通过考试。
- direct saying exactly what you mean in a way that nobody can pretend not to understand:
- You’ll have to get used to his direct manner.你得慢慢习惯他这种直率的方式。
Being direct is sometimes considered positive but sometimes it is used as a ‘polite’ way of saying that somebody is rude. - open (approving) (of a person) not keeping thoughts and feelings hidden:指为人诚恳的、坦诚的、直率的:
- He was quite open about his reasons for leaving.他对离开的原因完全未加隐瞒。
- outspoken saying exactly what you think, even if this shocks or offends people:
- She was outspoken in her criticism of the plan.她对该计划的批评直言不讳。
- straight honest and direct:
- I don’t think you’re being straight with me.我觉得你没跟我坦诚相见。
- blunt saying exactly what you think without trying to be polite:
- She has a reputation for blunt speaking.她说话出了名地直截了当。
which word?- Honest and frank refer to what you say as much as how you say it:honest 和 frank 既形容说话方式,也指说话内容:
- a(n) honest/frank admission of guilt.坦承有罪
They are generally positive words, although it is possible to be too frank in a way that other people might not like. Direct, outspoken and blunt all describe somebody’s manner of saying what they think. Outspoken suggests that you are willing to shock people by saying what you believe to be right. Blunt and direct often suggest that you think honesty is more important than being polite. Open is positive and describes somebody’s character:- I’m a very open person.我这个人非常坦诚直率。
Patterns- honest/frank/direct/open/outspoken/straight about something
- honest/frank/direct/open/straight/blunt with somebody
- a(n) honest/direct/straight/blunt answer
- a frank/direct/blunt manner
- I need a direct answer to a direct question.对于直率的问题,我想得到直截了当的回答。
- a refreshingly direct discussion of the agency's priorities一场关于该机构优先事项的直截了当的讨论
- His criticism was unusually direct.他的批评异常直接。
- Her manner can be rather direct.她的方式可能相当直接。
- She has a very direct way of speaking.她说话过于直白。
- The songs are vivid and emotionally direct.歌曲生动,情感直接。
- his disconcertingly direct gaze他那令人窘迫的直视
Collocations Dictionaryverbsadverb evidence- [only before noun] (of evidence or proof) clearly showing something正好的;恰好的
- There is no direct evidence for the beneficial effects of these herbs.没有直接证据证明这些草药的有益效果。
- This information has a direct bearing on (= is closely connected with) the case.这一信息与此情况有直接关系。
opposite indirect (1)- There was no direct proof of his personal involvement.没有直接证据证明他个人参与其中。
- Although there is no direct evidence, retailers and pasta manufacturers believe that consumers prefer ‘Italian’ brand names.虽然没有直接证据,但零售商和面食制造商认为,消费者更喜欢‘意大利’品牌。
exact恰好- [only before noun] exact正好的;恰好的
- That's the direct opposite of what you told me yesterday.那与你昨天告诉我的截然相反。
- a direct quote (= one using a person’s exact words)直接引语
relationship关系- [only before noun] related through parents and children rather than brothers, sisters, aunts, etc.直系的;嫡系的
- a direct descendant of the country’s first president该国第一任总统的嫡系后裔
- With his death, the direct male line of the House of Capet came to an end.随着他的去世,卡佩家族的男性直系走到了尽头。
opposite indirect 词源late Middle English: from Latin directus, past participle of dirigere, from di- ‘distinctly’ or de- ‘down’ + regere ‘put straight’. direct verb OPAL WOPAL S /dəˈrekt/, /daɪˈrekt/ /dəˈrekt/, /daɪˈrekt/ control控制 [transitive] direct somebody/something to control or be in charge of somebody/something管理;监督;指导- He was asked to take command and direct operations.他奉命统率并指挥作战行动。
- A police officer was directing traffic.一名警察正在指挥交通。
- How much should the teacher guide and direct the students?老师应该引导和指导学生多少?
- A new manager has been appointed to direct the project.已任命一位新经理来管理这项工程。
- The campaign was carefully directed from party central office.这场运动是由党的中央办公室精心指挥的。
- The project managers direct the day-to-day operations of the project.项目经理指导项目的日常运作。
- Does a business have the right to direct and control how the worker does the task for which he or she is hired?企业是否有权指导和控制员工如何完成其被雇佣的任务?
- Hubert directs the activities of his laboratory assistants.休伯特指导他实验室助手的活动。
- Not all classroom activities need to be directed by the teacher.不是所有的课堂活动都需要老师指导。
- These attacks were planned and directed by criminal groups.这些袭击是由犯罪集团策划和指挥的。
film/play/music [intransitive, transitive] to be in charge of actors in a play or film, or musicians in a band, orchestra, etc.导演(戏剧或电影);指挥(管弦乐队)- She prefers to act rather than direct.她宁愿当演员,不愿当导演。
- direct somebody/something He directed the school play.他执导了校园剧。
- The film was written and directed by Sofia Coppola.这部电影由索菲亚·科波拉编剧和导演。
- She now directs a large choir.她目前担任一个大合唱团的指挥。
Collocations Cinema/the moviesCinema/the movies电影Watching观看- go to/take somebody to (see) a film
- go to/sit in (British English) the cinema/(North American English) the (movie) theater去/在看电影
- rent a film/DVD
- download/stream a film
- burn/copy/rip a DVD刻录/复制/转压一张 DVD 碟片
- see/watch a film/DVD/preview/trailer
Showing放映;播放- show/screen a film
- promote/distribute/review a film
- (British English) be on at the cinema在电影院上映
- be released on/come out on/be out on DVD发行 DVD
- captivate/delight/grip/thrill the audience使观众着迷/高兴/感兴趣/激动
- do well/badly at the box office票房好/不好
- get a lot of/live up to the hype受到大肆炒作;与天花乱坠的广告宣传相符
Film-making电影制作- write/co-write a film/script/screenplay
- direct/produce/make/shoot/edit a film/sequel
- make a romantic comedy/a thriller/an action movie拍摄一部浪漫喜剧/惊悚片/动作片
- do/work on a sequel/remake拍摄续集;重拍
- film/shoot the opening scene/an action sequence/footage (of something)拍摄(…的)开场戏/一套动作/连续镜头
- compose/create/do/write the soundtrack制作电影声带
- cut/edit (out) a scene/sequence剪辑掉一个镜头/一组镜头
Acting表演- have/get/do an audition试演
- get/have/play a leading/starring/supporting role得以饰演/饰演主角/配角
- play a character/James Bond/the bad guy饰演一个人物/詹姆斯 · 邦德/反面角色
- act in/appear in/star in a film/remake
- do/perform/attempt a stunt做/尝试特技表演
- work in/make it big in Hollywood在好莱坞工作/取得成功
- forge/carve/make/pursue a career in Hollywood在好莱坞闯出/追求一番事业
Describing films描述电影- the camera pulls back/pans over something/zooms in (on something)
- the camera focuses on something/lingers on something
- shoot somebody/show somebody in extreme close-up用特写镜头拍摄/表现某人
- use odd/unusual camera angles采用奇特的/不同寻常的摄影机角度
- be filmed/shot on location/in a studio在外景地/摄影棚拍摄
- be set/take place in London/in the ’60s以伦敦/60 年代为背景
- have a happy ending/plot twist有美满的结局/出人意料的情节转折
- He directs with flair and sensitivity.他的导演风格富有魅力和敏感性。
- She wrote a play and asked her friend to direct.她写了一个剧本,请她的朋友执导。
- The movie is expertly directed and beautifully photographed.这部电影导演精湛,拍摄精美。
- Who directed the original theatre production?谁执导的原创剧场制作?
- He directed two episodes of TV drama ‘The Sopranos’.他导演了两集电视剧《黑道家族》。
- He is a famed cellist and conductor who, for many years, directed the National Symphony Orchestra in Washington, D.C.他是一位著名的大提琴家和指挥家,曾多年指挥华盛顿特区的国家交响乐团。
- She directs the baroque orchestra at London's Royal Academy of Music.她在伦敦皇家音乐学院指挥巴洛克管弦乐队。
Topics Film and theatreb1 Collocations Dictionaryadverb- expertly
- masterfully
- skilfully/skillfully
- …
preposition aim目标 [transitive] to aim something at a particular goal or person, or in a particular direction把…对准(某方向或某人)- direct something to something/somebody He directed his attention to the next task.他把注意力转向下一项任务。
- direct something towards/toward something/somebody All our efforts should be directed towards helping those who need it.我们所有的努力都应该是为了帮助那些需要帮助的人。
- direct something at something/somebody Her criticism was directed at her own superiors.她的批评是针对她的上级。
- She directs her gaze straight at the viewer.她直视观众。
- The book is directed at younger readers.这本书是针对年轻读者的。
- direct something against something/somebody Most of his anger was directed against himself.他主要是生自己的气。
- direct something + adv./prep. He directed the light straight in her face.他用灯光直接照向她的脸。
- The machine directs a powerful beam at the affected part of the body.这种机器将很强的射线对准身体感染部位。
- His anger was mostly directed towards Peter.他的愤怒主要针对彼得。
- Tax cuts have been directed primarily at the better-off.减税主要是针对较富裕阶层。
- The attacks were directed solely at military targets.攻击只针对军事目标。
- The machine directs light onto a special film.机器把光对准一片特殊的胶片。
- This merely directs attention away from the real issues.这只不过是将注意力从真正的问题上转移开而已。
- We should be directing our energies towards understanding each other.我们应该把精力放在相互理解上。
- violence directed specifically at ethnic minorities专门针对少数民族的暴力
- criticism clearly directed at the Labour Party明显针对工党的批评
- The criticisms were clearly directed at the President.这些批评显然是针对总统的。
- I'm tired of the negativity directed against people on our own side.我厌倦了针对我们这边的人的消极情绪。
- Hackers mounted co-ordinated attacks against several websites.黑客对几个网站发起了协同攻击。
Collocations Dictionaryadverbpreposition show the way指路 [transitive] to tell or show somebody how to get to somewhere or where to go给(某人)指路;为(某人)领路- direct somebody It's not far—I'll direct you.不远——我给你指路。
- direct somebody to something Could you direct me to the station?请问到车站怎么走?
- He was directed to a table beside the window.他被带到一张靠窗的桌子。
- direct somebody + adv./prep. The app directs you along the best cycle route to your destination.该应用程序会指引您沿着最佳骑行路线到达目的地。
Synonyms taketake- lead
- escort
- drive
- show
- walk
- guide
- usher
- direct
These words all mean to go with somebody from one place to another.- take to go with somebody from one place to another, for example in order to show them something or to show them the way to a place:
- It’s too far to walk—I’ll take you by car.步行路太远,我开车送你去。
- lead to go with or go in front of somebody in order to show them the way or to make them go in the right direction:
- Firefighters led the survivors to safety.消防队员把幸存者带到了安全的地方。
- escort to go with somebody in order to protect or guard them or to show them the way:
- The president arrived, escorted by twelve bodyguards.总统在十二名保镖的护送下到达。
- drive to take somebody somewhere in a car, taxi, etc:
- My mother drove us to the airport.我母亲开车把我们送到了机场。
- show to take somebody to a particular place, in the right direction, or along the correct route:
- The attendant showed us to our seats.服务员把我们带到我们的座位。
- walk to go somewhere with somebody on foot, especially in order to make sure that they get there safely; to take an animal, especially a dog, for a walk or make an animal walk somewhere:
- He always walked her home.他经常护送她走回家。
- Have you walked the dog yet today?你今天遛狗了吗?
- guide to show somebody the way to a place, often by going with them; to show somebody a place that you know well:
- She guided us through the busy streets.她带领我们穿过了繁忙的街道。
- We were guided around the museums.我们被领着参观了博物馆。
- usher (rather formal) to politely take or show somebody where they should go, especially within a building:指礼貌地引往、引导、引领,尤指在建筑物内:
- She ushered her guests to their seats.她把客人引领到座位上。
- direct (rather formal) to tell or show somebody how to get somewhere or where to go:指给某人指路、为某人领路:
- A young woman directed them to the station.一名年轻女子给他们指了去车站的路。
Patterns- to take/lead/escort/drive/show/walk/guide/usher/direct somebody to/out of/into something
- to take/lead/escort/drive/show/walk/guide somebody around/round
- to take/lead/escort/drive/walk somebody home
- to take/lead/escort/guide somebody to safety
- to lead/show the way
- You find yourself in a maze with no map or compass to direct you.你发现自己在一个没有地图或指南针指引的迷宫里。
- a detour that directs you through narrow, dimly lit streets指引你通过狭窄昏暗街道的一条迂回路线
- I found myself being directed into a dark room.我被引到一间漆黑的房间里。
- She directed us back to our starting point.她指引我们回到起点。
- He's a seasoned traveller and he'll direct you anywhere you want to go.他是个经验丰富的旅行者,他会带你去任何你想去的地方。
give order下达命令- [transitive] (formal) to give an official order指示;命令 synonym order
- direct somebody to do something The police officers had been directed to search the building.警察奉命搜查这栋大楼。
- direct that… The judge directed that the mother be given custody of the children.法官判决孩子由母亲监护。
- (British English also) The judge directed that the mother should be given custody of the children.法官判决孩子由母亲监护。
Synonyms orderorder- tell
- instruct
- direct
- command
These words all mean to use your position of authority to say to somebody that they must do something.- order to use your position of authority to tell somebody to do something:
- The company was ordered to pay compensation to its former employee.公司被勒令向以前的员工作出补偿。
- ‘Come here at once!’ she ordered.“马上过来!”她命令道。
- tell to say to somebody that they must or should do something:
- He was told to sit down and wait.有人吩咐他坐下等着。
- Don’t tell me what to do!别对我指手画脚的!
- instruct (rather formal) to tell somebody to do something, especially in a formal or official way:尤指以正式或官方的方式指示、命令、吩咐:
- The letter instructed him to report to headquarters immediately.那封信指示他立即向总部汇报。
- direct (formal) to give an official order:指正式发出指示、命令:
- The judge directed the jury to return a verdict of not guilty.法官指示陪审团作出无罪裁决。
- command to use your position of authority to tell somebody to do something:
- He commanded his men to retreat.他命令手下撤退。
order or command?用 order 还是 command?Order is a more general word than command and can be used about anyone in a position of authority, such as a parent, teacher or government telling somebody to do something. Command is slightly stronger than order and is the normal word to use about an army officer giving orders, or in any context where it is normal to give orders without any discussion about them. It is less likely to be used about a parent or teacher.Patterns- to order/tell/instruct/direct/command somebody to do something
- to order/instruct/direct/command that…
- to do something as ordered/told/instructed/directed/commanded
- The judge directed the jury to return a verdict of not guilty.法官指示陪审团作出无罪裁决。
- The law will come into force next year, as directed by the federal government.根据联邦政府的指示,这项法律将于明年生效。
- You should be prepared to carry out all reasonable duties as directed by the principal.你应该准备好按照校长的指示履行所有合理的职责。
letter/comment信函;意见- [transitive] direct something to… (formal) to send a letter, etc. to a particular place or to a particular person把(信件等)寄至;交予
- Direct any complaints to the Customer Services department.将投诉寄至用户服务部。
- I directed my question to the chairman.我向主席提出了问题。
- Inquiries should be directed to Mark Davis.询问应直接向马克·戴维斯提出。
词源late Middle English: from Latin directus, past participle of dirigere, from di- ‘distinctly’ or de- ‘down’ + regere ‘put straight’. direct adverb /dəˈrekt/, /daɪˈrekt/ /dəˈrekt/, /daɪˈrekt/ journey/route旅程;路线 without stopping or changing direction or vehicle直接;径直- direct to something We flew direct to Hong Kong.我们直飞香港。
- The 10.40 goes direct to Leeds.10:40 这班火车直达利兹。
- You can now fly direct from Birmingham airport.你现在可以从伯明翰机场直飞。
- We have a new service coming from Frankfurt direct into Kerry airport.我们有一项新服务,从法兰克福直达克里机场。
- The shipment was supposed to go direct from Tuzla to Baghdad.这批货物本应直接从图兹拉运往巴格达。
- If you plan to sail direct, these are potential stops if conditions get too rough.如果你计划直接航行,如果情况变得太糟糕,这些是潜在的停靠点。
nobody in between亲自 without involving other people, or without anyone or anything in between亲自;直接- I prefer to deal with him direct.我更愿意直接跟他打交道。
- direct to somebody/something an online retailer selling direct to consumers直接向消费者销售的在线零售商
- direct from somebody/something Customers can buy produce direct from the farmer.顾客可以直接从农民那里购买农产品。
- direct into something The money is paid direct into your bank account.这笔钱直接存入你的银行账户。
- Sign up and have our best articles delivered direct to your inbox.注册并让我们最好的文章直接发送到您的收件箱。
- thousands of movies streamed direct to your TV or device成千上万部电影直接传送到您的电视或设备上
- You can order direct from our website.你可以从我们的网站直接订购。
- Have fresh, locally grown fruit and vegetables delivered direct to your door.让新鲜的、本地种植的水果和蔬菜直接送到你家门口。
- She liked to paint direct from nature in the open air.她喜欢在户外直接从大自然中绘画。
- You can call me direct on this number.你可以用这个号码直接打电话给我。
- Some of these costs are paid direct out of club funds.其中一些费用直接从俱乐部基金中支付。
- You may be able to save money by booking direct with the hotel rather than through a travel agent.你可以直接在酒店预订,而不是通过旅行社预订,这样可以省钱。
- He scored direct from a corner.他从角球直接得分。
词源late Middle English: from Latin directus, past participle of dirigere, from di- ‘distinctly’ or de- ‘down’ + regere ‘put straight’. |