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词汇 dirty


(comparative dirtier, superlative dirtiest)

    not clean不洁

    not clean肮脏的;龌龊的;污秽的
    • dirty hands/clothes/dishes脏手/脏衣服/脏盘子
    • My thumb had left a dirty mark on the paper.我的拇指在那张纸上留下了污迹。
    • Try not to get too dirty!别把身上弄得太脏!
    • She didn't want to get her dress dirty. 她不想弄脏自己的衣服。
    • They found him huddled under a dirty old blanket他们发现他蜷缩在一条肮脏的旧毯子下
    • I always get given the dirty jobs (= jobs that make you become dirty).让我干的总是些脏活。
    Synonyms dirtydirty
    • dusty
    • filthy
    • muddy
    • soiled
    • grubby
    • stained
    These words all describe somebody/​something that is not clean.
    • dirty not clean; covered with dust, soil, mud, oil, etc:
      • If your hands are dirty, go and wash them.要是你的手脏了,就去洗一洗。
    • dusty full of dust; covered with dust:
      • There were shelves full of dusty books.有些书架上全是布满灰尘的书。
    • filthy very dirty and unpleasant:
      • It’s absolutely filthy in here.这里面脏得不得了。
    • muddy full of or covered in mud:
      • Don’t you come in here with those muddy boots on!你不要穿着那双沾满泥浆的靴子进来!
    • soiled (rather formal) dirty, especially with waste from the body:指肮脏的、龌龊的,尤指有人体排泄物的:
      • soiled nappies/​diapers脏尿布
    • grubby (rather informal) rather dirty, usually because it has not been washed:通常指因未经洗涤而肮脏的、邋遢的、污秽的:
      • He hoped she wouldn’t notice his grubby shirt cuffs.他希望她不会注意到他肮脏的衬衫袖口。
    • stained (often in compounds) covered with stains; marked with a stain (= a dirty mark that is difficult to remove)(常构成复合词)指污渍斑斑的、沾有污渍的::
      • a pair of paint-stained jeans一条沾满油漆的牛仔裤
    • dirty/​dusty/​filthy/​muddy/​soiled/​grubby/​stained clothes
    • dirty/​dusty/​filthy/​grubby hands
    • a dirty/​dusty/​filthy room
    • to get dirty/​dusty/​filthy/​muddy/​stained
    • Everything in the room was incredibly dirty.房间里所有东西都脏得要命。
    • Go and play football if you like, but don't get dirty!想踢球就去吧,但不要搞得太脏 !
    • He's not frightened of getting his hands dirty.他不怕体力劳动。
    • The soot had made everything dirty.煤烟子把所有东西都给弄脏了。
    • If your hands are dirty, go and wash them.要是你的手脏了,就去洗一洗。
    • The dirty clothes go in the washing machine.脏衣服放在洗衣机里。
    Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • feel
    • look
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
  2. offensive冒犯

  3. [usually before noun] connected with sex in an offensive way下流的;色情的;黄色的;猥亵的
    • a dirty joke/book下流的笑话;黄色的书
    • He's got a dirty mind (= he often thinks about sex).他满脑子下流事儿。
  4. unpleasant/dishonest令人不快;不诚实

  5. [usually before noun] (informal) unpleasant or dishonest令人厌恶的;卑鄙的;不诚实的
    • That's a dirty lie!胡说八道!
    • They discovered her dirty little secret.他们发现了她肮脏的小秘密。
    • She's a dirty player.她是个没有体育道德的运动员。
    • He's a great man for doing the dirty jobs (= jobs which are unpleasant because they involve being dishonest or mean to people).他这个人最会干伤天害理的事。
    • You dirty liar!你这个卑鄙的骗子!
  6. colours颜色

  7. [only before noun] not bright犯忌的字眼;犯忌的话题;忌讳的想法;淫秽字眼
    • a dirty brown carpet暗褐色的地毯
  8. drugs毒品

  9. (North American English, slang) using illegal drugs吸毒的
air/wash your dirty laundry/linen in public
  1. (disapproving) to discuss your personal affairs in public, especially something embarrassing公开谈论个人的事;(尤指)家丑外扬
(do somebody’s) dirty work
  1. (to do) the unpleasant or dishonest jobs that somebody else does not want to do(干)没人愿干的事,卑鄙的勾当
    • Next time you can get somebody else to do your dirty work for you!下次你可以让别人帮你干脏活!
    • He always gets someone else to do the dirty work for him.他总是让别人替他做卑鄙的勾当。
    • The drugs gang used children to do their dirty work for them.贩毒团伙利用儿童为他们做违法的事。
do the dirty on somebody
  1. (British English, informal) to cheat somebody who trusts you; to treat somebody badly or unfairly欺骗,出卖,亏待
    • I'd never do the dirty on my friends.我决不出卖朋友。
down and dirty (North American English, informal)
  1. behaving in an unfair or aggressive way, especially because you want to win卑鄙无耻地;不择手段地
    • The candidate again got down and dirty with his rival.这名候选人再一次用下作的手段对付他的竞争对手。
    • The online campaign was getting down and dirty.在线活动变得越来越糟糕。
  2. rude and making you feel shocked粗鲁无礼地;恶劣地
    • The singer got down and dirty at the club last night and made headlines again.这个歌手昨晚在俱乐部的无耻行为使他又上了报纸的头条。
    • The singers are a down-and-dirty duo from Ohio.这些歌手是来自俄亥俄州的一对不入流的组合。
  3. Alliteration in idioms
get your hands dirty
  1. to do physical work做体力工作;体力劳动
    • He's not frightened of getting his hands dirty.他不怕体力劳动。
give/shoot somebody a dirty look
  1. (informal) to look at somebody in a way that shows you are annoyed with them厌恶地瞪某人一眼;给某人一个白眼


present simple I / you / we / they dirty
he / she / it dirties
past simple dirtied
past participle dirtied
-ing form dirtying
  1. dirty something to make something dirty弄脏;使变脏


dirty great/big
  1. (British English, informal) used to emphasize how large something is非常大的;很大的
    • When I turned round he was pointing a dirty great gun at me.我转过身来,他用一支老大的枪对准我。
play dirty
  1. (informal) to behave or play a game in an unfair way干卑鄙勾当;(比赛)犯规
    • We would have won if the other team hadn’t played dirty.要不是对方球队使诈犯规,我们本来能赢的。
talk dirty
  1. (informal) to talk to somebody about sex in order to make them sexually excited说下流话




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