Disgusted, Tunbridge Wells
/dɪsˌɡʌstɪd ˌtʌnbrɪdʒ ˈwelz/, /dɪsˌɡʌstɪd ˌtʌmbrɪdʒ ˈwelz/
/dɪsˌɡʌstɪd ˌtʌnbrɪdʒ ˈwelz/
(British English)- a humorous name for an angry middle-class older person who writes strong letters of complaint to newspapers, etc. about modern behaviour. The name comes from the signature that such a person might put at the end of the letter instead of writing his or her name. Tunbridge Wells is a town in Kent.
滕布里奇·威尔斯(Tunbridge Wells)感到恶心:这是一个生气的中产阶级老年人的幽默名字,他向报纸等撰写强烈的关于现代行为的投诉信。该名称来自这样的人可能会在信末加上而不是写下他或她的名字的签名。Tunbridge Wells是肯特镇。