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词汇 dislocate


/ˈdɪsləʊkeɪt/, /dɪsˈləʊkeɪt/
present simple I / you / we / they dislocate
/ˈdɪsləʊkeɪt/, /dɪsˈləʊkeɪt/
he / she / it dislocates
/ˈdɪsləʊkeɪts/, /dɪsˈləʊkeɪts/
past simple dislocated
/ˈdɪsləʊkeɪtɪd/, /dɪsˈləʊkeɪtɪd/
past participle dislocated
/ˈdɪsləʊkeɪtɪd/, /dɪsˈləʊkeɪtɪd/
-ing form dislocating
/ˈdɪsləʊkeɪtɪŋ/, /dɪsˈləʊkeɪtɪŋ/
  1. dislocate something to put a bone out of its normal position in a joint使(骨头)脱位;使脱臼
    • He dislocated his shoulder in the accident.他在事故中肩膀脱臼了。
    • a dislocated finger脱臼的手指
    Collocations InjuriesInjuries身体损伤Being injured受伤
    • have a fall/​an injury跌了一跤;受伤
    • receive/​suffer/​sustain a serious injury/​a hairline fracture/(especially British English) whiplash/​a gunshot wound受重伤/轻微骨裂/鞭伤/枪伤
    • hurt/​injure your ankle/​back/​leg伤到脚踝/背/大腿
    • damage the brain/​an ankle ligament/​your liver/​the optic nerve/​the skin损伤大脑/脚踝韧带/肝脏/视神经/皮肤
    • pull/​strain/​tear a hamstring/​ligament/​muscle/​tendon拉伤腘绳肌腱/韧带/肌肉/肌腱
    • sprain/​twist your ankle/​wrist扭伤脚踝/手腕
    • break a bone/​your collarbone/​your leg/​three ribs骨折;锁骨/大腿/三根肋骨骨折
    • fracture/​crack your skull头盖骨破裂
    • break/​chip/​knock out/​lose a tooth碰断了一颗牙;使牙齿崩缺了一块;磕掉/掉了一颗牙
    • burst/​perforate your eardrum使耳膜破裂;鼓膜穿孔
    • dislocate your finger/​hip/​jaw/​shoulder使手指/臀部/下巴/肩膀脱臼
    • bruise/​cut/​graze your arm/​knee/​shoulder擦伤/割破/擦破手臂/膝盖/肩膀
    • burn/​scald yourself/​your tongue烧伤/烫伤自己/舌头
    • bang/​bump/​hit/ (informal) bash your elbow/​head/​knee (on/​against something)(在某物上)撞到肘部/头/膝盖
    Treating injuries治疗伤病
    • treat somebody for burns/​a head injury/​a stab wound给某人治疗烧伤/头部伤/刺伤
    • examine/​clean/​dress/​bandage/​treat a bullet wound检查/清洗/包扎/用绷带包扎/治疗枪伤
    • repair a damaged/​torn ligament/​tendon/​cartilage修复损伤的/拉伤的韧带/肌腱/软骨
    • amputate/​cut off an arm/​a finger/​a foot/​a leg/​a limb截去一只胳膊/一根手指/一只脚/一条腿;截肢
    • put on/ (formal) apply/​take off (especially North American English) a Band-Aid™/(British English) a plaster/​a bandage贴上/使用/撕掉创可贴;缠上/使用/解掉绷带
    • need/​require/​put in/ (especially British English) have (out)/ (North American English) get (out) stitches需要缝针;缝针;拆线
    • put on/​rub on/ (formal) apply cream/​ointment/​lotion涂抹护肤霜/药膏/护肤液
    • have/​receive/​undergo (British English) physiotherapy/(North American English) physical therapy接受物理疗法
    Topics Illnessc2
  2. dislocate something to stop a system, plan etc. from working or continuing in the normal way扰乱(制度、计划等);使混乱;使运转不正常 synonym disrupt
  3. 词源late 16th cent.: probably a back-formation from dislocation , but perhaps from medieval Latin dislocatus ‘moved from a former position’, from the verb dislocare.




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