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词汇 dog


    [countable] an animal with four legs and a tail, often kept as a pet or trained for work, for example hunting or guarding buildings. There are many types of dog, some of which are wild.狗;犬
    • I took the dog for a walk.我遛狗去了。
    • I'm just going to walk the dog.我正准备遛狗去。
    • I could hear a dog barking.我听到狗的叫声。
    • Stray dogs roamed the streets at night.流浪狗晚上在街上游荡。
    • dog walkers/owners遛狗者/狗主人
    • dog food/biscuits狗食/狗饼干
    • a dog and its puppies一只狗和它的小狗
    • A labrador is a breed of dog.拉布拉多是一种狗。
    see also bird dog, guard dog, guide dog, gun dog, hearing dog, lapdog, prairie dog, pye-dog, sheepdog, sniffer dog, tracker dog
    • She often stops to chat to other dog walkers.她经常停下来和其他遛狗的人聊天。
    • Owners who allow their dogs to foul the footpath will be fined.主人若放任狗在人行道上排便将受处罚。
    • A dog was gnawing at an old bone.一条狗正在啃一块老骨头。
    • A dog was sniffing around my heels.一条狗在我的脚跟周围嗅来嗅去。
    • Bad dog! What are you doing there?可恶的狗,你在那儿干什么 ?
    • He's trained his dog to sit on the back of his bike.他训练他的狗坐在自行车后座上。
    • She was bitten by a dog.她被狗咬了。
    • Races have been held at this dog track for seventy years.这个场地用来赛狗已经 70 年了。
    • They moved into a flat and couldn't take their pet dog.他们搬进了公寓,不能带他们的宠物狗。
    • He worked for the police as a dog handler.他为警方工作,是一名训狗员。
    • This is a working dog, not a pet.这是一只工作犬,不是宠物。
    • The chihuahua is one of the hardest to train of all dog breeds.吉娃娃是所有犬种中最难训练的一种。
    • Rex was a champion show dog.雷克斯是一条参展的冠军犬。
    • They roam the streets like packs of wild dogs.他们像成群的野狗一样在街上游荡。
    • The dog barked loudly at the stranger.狗对着那个陌生人狂吠。
    • The dog bounded up to me and started licking my hand.狗朝我跳上来,开始舔我的手。
    • When it saw him, the dog began wagging its tail.当狗看到他时,它开始摇尾巴。
    • The dog chewed up one of my shoes.狗把我的一只鞋咬得粉碎。
    • The dog was scratching at the door to be let in.狗在抓门想进来。
    • The dog went for him and bit him twice on the leg.那条狗扑向他,在他腿上咬了两口。
    • The dog's owner was banned from keeping dogs for five years.那位狗主人被禁止养狗 5 年。
    • The little dogs were yapping at my ankles.小狗崽冲着我的脚脖子汪汪叫。
    • The stray dogs are wormed and treated with flea powder.流浪狗滋生了寄生虫,用了灭蚤粉治疗。
    • These dogs were bred to hunt small animals.这些狗养着用来捕猎小动物。
    • We didn't want puppies so we had the dog neutered.我们不想要小狗,就把狗阉了。
    • A dog that savaged a five-year-old child was later destroyed, police have confirmed.警察证实,那条袭击一名5 岁小童的狗已被人道毁灭。
    • We recently had to put our dog to sleep.最近我们不得不对我们的狗实施安乐死。
    Topics Animalsa1
    Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • domestic
    • family
    • pet
    … of dogs
    • pack
    verb + dog
    • have
    • keep
    • own
    dog + verb
    • bark
    • bay
    • howl
    dog + noun
    • basket
    • biscuit
    • food
  2. [countable] a male dog, fox, wolf or otter公狗;公狐;公狼 compare bitchTopics Animalsb2
  3. the dogs
    [plural] (British English, informal) greyhound racing赛狗;灵𤟥赛
  4. [countable] (especially North American English, informal) a thing of low quality; a failure蹩脚货;失败
    • Her last movie was an absolute dog.她最近的一部影片彻底砸锅了。
    Topics Difficulty and failurec2
  5. [countable] (informal) an offensive way of describing a woman who is not considered attractive丑女人
  6. [countable] (informal, disapproving) used, especially after an adjective, to describe a man who has done something bad(尤用于形容词后)家伙,小人,无赖
    • You dirty dog!你这个下流坯!
  7. see also chili dog, corn dog, hot dog, shaggy-dog story, top dog, watchdog
    词源Old English docga, of unknown origin.
be raining cats and dogs
  1. (informal) to be raining heavily下倾盆大雨
a dog and pony show
  1. (North American English, informal, disapproving) an event that is planned only in order to impress people so that they will support or buy something(为公关或促销而举行的)造势活动
    • the dog and pony show of his visits to the war zone他参观战区的狗展
    • a dog and pony show to sell the idea to investors向投资者推销这一想法的“狗和小马秀”
(a case of) dog eat dog
  1. a situation in business, politics, etc. where there is a lot of competition and people are willing to harm each other in order to succeed残酷无情的竞争;损人利己的角逐;相互残杀
    • I'm afraid in this line of work it's a case of dog eat dog.恐怕在这种行业中竞争是残酷无情的。
    • We're operating in a dog-eat-dog world.我们是在一个残酷竞争的世界里经营。
    Topics Successc2
a dog in the manger
  1. a person who stops other people from enjoying what he or she cannot use or does not want占马槽的狗
a dog’s breakfast/dinner
  1. (British English, informal) a thing that has been done badly乱七八糟;一团糟 synonym mess
    • He's made a real dog's breakfast of these accounts.他把这些账目搞得简直一塌糊涂。
a dog’s life
  1. an unhappy life, full of problems or unfair treatment悲惨的生活;牛马不如的生活
    • He led poor Amy a dog’s life. She was desperately lonely, poor dear.他让可怜的艾米过着悲惨的生活。她极度孤独,可怜的亲爱的。
every dog has his/its day
  1. (saying) everyone has good luck or success at some point in their life人人皆有得意时Topics Successc2
give a dog a bad name
  1. (saying) when a person already has a bad reputation, it is difficult to change it because others will continue to blame or suspect him/her恶名难洗;名声一毁,万难挽回
go to the dogs
(North American English also go to hell in a handbasket)
  1. (informal) to get into a very bad state败落;大不如前
    • This firm's gone to the dogs since the new management took over.这家公司自新的管理人员接手以来日渐衰败。
a/the hair of the dog (that bit you)
  1. (informal) alcohol that you drink in order to make you feel better when you have drunk too much alcohol the night before用于解宿醉的酒
have a dog in the fight
(North American English also have a dog in the race/hunt)
  1. (informal) to be involved in a situation so that you will gain or lose according to the result败落;大不如前
    • I really don't have a dog in this fight, so I can just enjoy the game.这场比赛我真的没有狗,所以我可以享受比赛。
    • The employees have a dog in the hunt, so their views should be listened to.员工们有一只狗在打猎,所以他们的意见应该被听取。
let sleeping dogs lie
  1. (saying) to avoid mentioning a subject or something that happened in the past, in order to avoid any problems or arguments过去的事就不要再提了;不要没事找事
like a dog (informal)
  1. extremely hard狗:很难
    • I've been working like a dog recently.我最近工作很忙。
  2. in a very bad or cruel way败落;大不如前
    • They treated him like a dog.他们像对待狗一样对待他。
like a dog with a bone
  1. (informal) very determined and refusing to give up狗:非常有决心,拒绝放弃
    • When she sensed a good story she was like a dog with a bone.当她感觉到一个好故事时,她就像一只有骨头的狗。
not have a dog’s chance
  1. to have no chance at all毫无机会;绝无可能
    • He hasn't a dog's chance of passing the exam.他根本不可能通过这次考试。
(as) sick as a dog
  1. (informal) feeling very sick; vomiting a lot病得很重;呕吐得厉害
the tail (is) wagging the dog
  1. used to describe a situation in which the most important aspect is being influenced and controlled by somebody/something that is not as important(用以描述次要部分影响和支配主要部分)主次颠倒,喧宾夺主
(you can’t) teach an old dog new tricks
  1. (saying) (you cannot) successfully make people change their ideas, methods of work, etc., when they have had them for a long time老大(不)可教;(无法)改变人们长时间形成的思想(或做事方法等)
throw somebody to the dogs
  1. to allow somebody to suffer or be punished in an unfair way, as if they have no value跟踪;尾随
    • Her boss collects a big retirement cheque while she is thrown to the dogs.她被解雇时,她的老板收了一大笔退休金。
why keep a dog and bark yourself?
  1. (informal, saying) if somebody can do a task for you, there is no point in doing it yourself既然有人代劳,何必自己操劳


present simple I / you / we / they dog
he / she / it dogs
past simple dogged
past participle dogged
-ing form dogging
  1. [often passive] (of a problem or bad luck问题或不幸) to cause you trouble for a long time(长期)困扰,折磨,纠缠
    • be dogged by something He had been dogged by ill health all his life.他一生多病,备受折磨。
    • Her career was dogged by misfortune.她一生屡遭不幸。
    Topics Difficulty and failurec2
  2. dog somebody/something to follow somebody closely跟踪;尾随
    • She had the impression that someone was dogging her steps.她感觉到有人在尾随她。
  3. 词源Old English docga, of unknown origin.
dog it
  1. (North American English, informal) (especially in sport尤用于体育运动) to be lazy or make no effort(长期)困扰,折磨,纠缠
    • He was criticized for dogging it after a poor performance in the game.他因在比赛中表现不佳而受到批评。




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